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2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef _ESP32_COMPAT_H_
#define _ESP32_COMPAT_H_
// Not to include
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#include <bsd/string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
2018-06-11 06:32:40 +00:00
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define ERR_OK 0
#define ESP_OK 0
#define ESP_FAIL -1
#define ESP_ERR_NO_MEM 0x101
#define ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG 0x102
#define ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE 0x104
#define ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND 0x105
#define ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT 0x107
#define ESP_ERR_INVALID_CRC 0x109
#define pdTRUE true
#define pdFALSE false
#define pdPASS ( pdTRUE )
#define pdFAIL ( pdFALSE )
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define portMAX_DELAY 0xFFFFFFFF
#define portTICK_PERIOD_MS 1
#define ESP_LOGD(a,b)
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define xSemaphoreTake(s,d)
#define xTaskDelete(a)
#define vTaskDelete(a) free(a)
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define xSemaphoreGive(s)
#define _mdns_pcb_init(a,b) true
#define _mdns_pcb_deinit(a,b) true
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define xSemaphoreCreateMutex() malloc(1)
#define xSemaphoreCreateBinary() malloc(1)
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define vSemaphoreDelete(s) free(s)
#define xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) *(f) = malloc(1)
#define vTaskDelay(m) usleep((m)*0)
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define pbuf_free(p) free(p)
#define esp_random() (rand()%UINT32_MAX)
#define tcpip_adapter_get_ip_info(i,d) true
#define tcpip_adapter_dhcpc_get_status(a, b) TCPIP_ADAPTER_DHCP_STARTED
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#define tcpip_adapter_get_ip6_linklocal(i,d) (ESP_OK)
#define tcpip_adapter_get_hostname(i, n) *(n) = "esp32-0123456789AB"
#define IP4_ADDR(ipaddr, a,b,c,d) \
(ipaddr)->addr = ((uint32_t)((d) & 0xff) << 24) | \
((uint32_t)((c) & 0xff) << 16) | \
((uint32_t)((b) & 0xff) << 8) | \
(uint32_t)((a) & 0xff)
#define ip_2_ip6(ipaddr) (&((ipaddr)->u_addr.ip6))
#define ip_2_ip4(ipaddr) (&((ipaddr)->u_addr.ip4))
#define IPADDR_TYPE_V4 0U
#define IPADDR_TYPE_V6 6U
#define IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(ipaddr, iptype) do { (ipaddr).type = (iptype); }while(0)
#define IP_ADDR4(ipaddr,a,b,c,d) do { IP4_ADDR(ip_2_ip4(ipaddr),a,b,c,d); \
IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(*(ipaddr), IPADDR_TYPE_V4); } while(0)
#define IP_ADDR6(ipaddr,i0,i1,i2,i3) do { IP6_ADDR(ip_2_ip6(ipaddr),i0,i1,i2,i3); \
IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(*(ipaddr), IPADDR_TYPE_V6); } while(0)
#define IPADDR6_INIT(a, b, c, d) { { { { a, b, c, d } } }, IPADDR_TYPE_V6 }
typedef int32_t esp_err_t;
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
typedef void * xSemaphoreHandle;
typedef void * SemaphoreHandle_t;
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
typedef void * xQueueHandle;
typedef void * QueueHandle_t;
typedef void * TaskHandle_t;
typedef void * esp_timer_handle_t;
typedef uint32_t TickType_t;
typedef uint32_t portTickType;
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
typedef enum {
WIFI_MODE_NULL = 0, /**< null mode */
WIFI_MODE_STA, /**< WiFi station mode */
WIFI_MODE_AP, /**< WiFi soft-AP mode */
WIFI_MODE_APSTA, /**< WiFi station + soft-AP mode */
} wifi_mode_t;
extern const char * WIFI_EVENT;
extern const char * IP_EVENT;
extern const char * ETH_EVENT;
typedef enum {
WIFI_EVENT_WIFI_READY = 0, /**< ESP32 WiFi ready */
WIFI_EVENT_SCAN_DONE, /**< ESP32 finish scanning AP */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_START, /**< ESP32 station start */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_STOP, /**< ESP32 station stop */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED, /**< ESP32 station connected to AP */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED, /**< ESP32 station disconnected from AP */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_AUTHMODE_CHANGE, /**< the auth mode of AP connected by ESP32 station changed */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_SUCCESS, /**< ESP32 station wps succeeds in enrollee mode */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_FAILED, /**< ESP32 station wps fails in enrollee mode */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_TIMEOUT, /**< ESP32 station wps timeout in enrollee mode */
WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_PIN, /**< ESP32 station wps pin code in enrollee mode */
WIFI_EVENT_AP_START, /**< ESP32 soft-AP start */
WIFI_EVENT_AP_STOP, /**< ESP32 soft-AP stop */
WIFI_EVENT_AP_STACONNECTED, /**< a station connected to ESP32 soft-AP */
WIFI_EVENT_AP_STADISCONNECTED, /**< a station disconnected from ESP32 soft-AP */
WIFI_EVENT_AP_PROBEREQRECVED, /**< Receive probe request packet in soft-AP interface */
} wifi_event_t;
typedef enum {
ETHERNET_EVENT_START, /**< ESP32 ethernet start */
ETHERNET_EVENT_STOP, /**< ESP32 ethernet stop */
ETHERNET_EVENT_CONNECTED, /**< ESP32 ethernet phy link up */
ETHERNET_EVENT_DISCONNECTED, /**< ESP32 ethernet phy link down */
} eth_event_t;
typedef enum {
IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP, /*!< ESP32 station got IP from connected AP */
IP_EVENT_STA_LOST_IP, /*!< ESP32 station lost IP and the IP is reset to 0 */
IP_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED, /*!< ESP32 soft-AP assign an IP to a connected station */
IP_EVENT_GOT_IP6, /*!< ESP32 station or ap or ethernet interface v6IP addr is preferred */
IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP, /*!< ESP32 ethernet got IP from connected AP */
} ip_event_t;
/* status of DHCP client or DHCP server */
typedef enum {
TCPIP_ADAPTER_DHCP_INIT = 0, /**< DHCP client/server in initial state */
TCPIP_ADAPTER_DHCP_STARTED, /**< DHCP client/server already been started */
TCPIP_ADAPTER_DHCP_STOPPED, /**< DHCP client/server already been stopped */
} tcpip_adapter_dhcp_status_t;
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
struct udp_pcb {
uint8_t dummy;
struct ip4_addr {
uint32_t addr;
typedef struct ip4_addr ip4_addr_t;
struct ip6_addr {
uint32_t addr[4];
typedef struct ip6_addr ip6_addr_t;
typedef struct _ip_addr {
union {
ip6_addr_t ip6;
ip4_addr_t ip4;
} u_addr;
uint8_t type;
} ip_addr_t;
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
typedef struct {
ip4_addr_t ip;
ip4_addr_t netmask;
ip4_addr_t gw;
} tcpip_adapter_ip_info_t;
typedef enum {
TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA = 0, /**< ESP32 station interface */
TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_AP, /**< ESP32 soft-AP interface */
TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_ETH, /**< ESP32 ethernet interface */
} tcpip_adapter_if_t;
typedef struct {
ip6_addr_t ip;
} tcpip_adapter_ip6_info_t;
typedef struct {
tcpip_adapter_if_t if_index; /*!< Interface for which the event is received */
tcpip_adapter_ip6_info_t ip6_info; /*!< IPv6 address of the interface */
} ip_event_got_ip6_t;
typedef void* system_event_t;
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
inline esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_mode(wifi_mode_t * mode)
return ESP_OK;
struct pbuf {
struct pbuf *next;
void *payload;
uint16_t tot_len;
uint16_t len;
uint8_t /*pbuf_type*/ type;
uint8_t flags;
uint16_t ref;
#define IP_GET_TYPE(ipaddr) ((ipaddr)->type)
#define IP_IS_V6_VAL(ipaddr) (IP_GET_TYPE(&ipaddr) == IPADDR_TYPE_V6)
#define ip4_addr_copy(dest, src) ((dest).addr = (src).addr)
#define ip6_addr_copy(dest, src) do{(dest).addr[0] = (src).addr[0]; \
(dest).addr[1] = (src).addr[1]; \
(dest).addr[2] = (src).addr[2]; \
(dest).addr[3] = (src).addr[3];}while(0)
#define ip_addr_copy(dest, src) do{ IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(dest, IP_GET_TYPE(&src)); if(IP_IS_V6_VAL(src)){ \
ip6_addr_copy(*ip_2_ip6(&(dest)), *ip_2_ip6(&(src))); }else{ \
ip4_addr_copy(*ip_2_ip4(&(dest)), *ip_2_ip4(&(src))); }}while(0)
#include "esp32_mock.h"
uint32_t xTaskGetTickCount(void);
2017-04-03 13:50:12 +00:00
#endif //_ESP32_COMPAT_H_