DIS_ICACHE, EFUSE_BLK0, 39, 1, [] Represents whether icache is disabled or enabled.\\ 1: disabled\\ 0: enabled\\
DIS_USB_JTAG, EFUSE_BLK0, 40, 1, [] Represents whether the function of usb switch to jtag is disabled or enabled.\\ 1: disabled\\ 0: enabled\\
DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD, EFUSE_BLK0, 42, 1, [] Represents whether the function that forces chip into download mode is disabled or enabled.\\ 1: disabled\\ 0: enabled\\
SPI_DOWNLOAD_MSPI_DIS, EFUSE_BLK0, 43, 1, [] Represents whether SPI0 controller during boot_mode_download is disabled or enabled.\\ 1: disabled\\ 0: enabled\\
JTAG_SEL_ENABLE, EFUSE_BLK0, 44, 1, [] Represents whether the selection between usb_to_jtag and pad_to_jtag through strapping gpio15 when both EFUSE_DIS_PAD_JTAG and EFUSE_DIS_USB_JTAG are equal to 0 is enabled or disabled.\\ 1: enabled\\ 0: disabled\\
DIS_PAD_JTAG, EFUSE_BLK0, 45, 1, [] Represents whether JTAG is disabled in the hard way(permanently).\\ 1: disabled\\ 0: enabled\\
DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT, EFUSE_BLK0, 46, 1, [] Represents whether flash encrypt function is disabled or enabled(except in SPI boot mode).\\ 1: disabled\\ 0: enabled\\
USB_EXCHG_PINS, EFUSE_BLK0, 51, 1, [] Represents whether the D+ and D- pins is exchanged.\\ 1: exchanged\\ 0: not exchanged\\
VDD_SPI_AS_GPIO, EFUSE_BLK0, 52, 1, [] Represents whether vdd spi pin is functioned as gpio.\\ 1: functioned\\ 0: not functioned\\
WDT_DELAY_SEL, EFUSE_BLK0, 53, 2, [] Represents the threshold level of the RTC watchdog STG0 timeout.\\ 0: Original threshold configuration value of STG0 *2 \\1: Original threshold configuration value of STG0 *4 \\2: Original threshold configuration value of STG0 *8 \\3: Original threshold configuration value of STG0 *16 \\
SEC_DPA_LEVEL, EFUSE_BLK0, 88, 2, [] Represents the spa secure level by configuring the clock random divide mode
SECURE_BOOT_EN, EFUSE_BLK0, 90, 1, [] Represents whether secure boot is enabled or disabled.\\ 1: enabled\\ 0: disabled\\
SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE, EFUSE_BLK0, 91, 1, [] Represents whether revoking aggressive secure boot is enabled or disabled.\\ 1: enabled.\\ 0: disabled\\
FLASH_TPUW, EFUSE_BLK0, 92, 4, [] Represents the flash waiting time after power-up; in unit of ms. When the value less than 15; the waiting time is programmed value. Otherwise; the waiting time is 2 times the programmed value
DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE, EFUSE_BLK0, 96, 1, [] Represents whether Download mode is disable or enable.\\ 1. Disable\\ 0: Enable\\
DIS_DIRECT_BOOT, EFUSE_BLK0, 97, 1, [] Represents whether direct boot mode is disabled or enabled.\\ 1. Disable\\ 0: Enable\\
DIS_USB_SERIAL_JTAG_ROM_PRINT, EFUSE_BLK0, 98, 1, [] Represents whether print from USB-Serial-JTAG is disabled or enabled.\\ 1. Disable\\ 0: Enable\\
DIS_USB_SERIAL_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_MODE, EFUSE_BLK0, 99, 1, [] Represents whether the USB-Serial-JTAG download function is disabled or enabled.\\ 1: Disable\\ 0: Enable\\
ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD, EFUSE_BLK0, 100, 1, [] Represents whether security download is enabled or disabled.\\ 1: Enable\\ 0: Disable\\
UART_PRINT_CONTROL, EFUSE_BLK0, 101, 2, [] Represents the types of UART printing
FORCE_SEND_RESUME, EFUSE_BLK0, 103, 1, [] Represents whether ROM code is forced to send a resume commmand during SPI boot