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#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "nvs.h"
namespace nvs {
* The possible blob types. This is a helper definition for template functions.
enum class ItemType : uint8_t {
U16 = NVS_TYPE_U16,
I16 = NVS_TYPE_I16,
U32 = NVS_TYPE_U32,
I32 = NVS_TYPE_I32,
U64 = NVS_TYPE_U64,
I64 = NVS_TYPE_I64,
BLOB = 0x41,
BLOB_IDX = 0x48,
* @brief A handle allowing nvs-entry related operations on the NVS.
* @note The scope of this handle may vary depending on the implementation, but normally would be the namespace of
* a particular partition. Outside that scope, nvs entries can't be accessed/altered.
class NVSHandle {
virtual ~NVSHandle() { }
* @brief set value for given key
* Sets value for key. Note that physical storage will not be updated until nvs_commit function is called.
* @param[in] key Key name. Maximal length is (NVS_KEY_NAME_MAX_SIZE-1) characters. Shouldn't be empty.
* @param[in] value The value to set. Allowed types are the ones declared in ItemType as well as enums.
* For strings, the maximum length (including null character) is
* 4000 bytes.
* Note that enums loose their type information when stored in NVS. Ensure that the correct
* enum type is used during retrieval with \ref get_item!
* @return
* - ESP_OK if value was set successfully
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY if storage handle was opened as read only
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME if key name doesn't satisfy constraints
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE if there is not enough space in the
* underlying storage to save the value
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED if the value wasn't updated because flash
* write operation has failed. The value was written however, and
* update will be finished after re-initialization of nvs, provided that
* flash operation doesn't fail again.
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_VALUE_TOO_LONG if the string value is too long
template<typename T>
esp_err_t set_item(const char *key, T value);
esp_err_t set_string(const char *key, const char* value) = 0;
* @brief get value for given key
* These functions retrieve value for the key, given its name. If key does not
* exist, or the requested variable type doesn't match the type which was used
* when setting a value, an error is returned.
* In case of any error, out_value is not modified.
* @param[in] key Key name. Maximal length is (NVS_KEY_NAME_MAX_SIZE-1) characters. Shouldn't be empty.
* @param value The output value. All integral types which are declared in ItemType as well as enums
* are allowed. Note however that enums lost their type information when stored in NVS.
* Ensure that the correct enum type is used during retrieval with \ref get_item!
* @return
* - ESP_OK if the value was retrieved successfully
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND if the requested key doesn't exist
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME if key name doesn't satisfy constraints
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_LENGTH if length is not sufficient to store data
template<typename T>
esp_err_t get_item(const char *key, T &value);
* @brief set variable length binary value for given key
* This family of functions set value for the key, given its name. Note that
* actual storage will not be updated until nvs_commit function is called.
* @param[in] key Key name. Maximal length is (NVS_KEY_NAME_MAX_SIZE-1) characters. Shouldn't be empty.
* @param[in] blob The blob value to set.
* @param[in] len length of binary value to set, in bytes; Maximum length is
* 508000 bytes or (97.6% of the partition size - 4000) bytes
* whichever is lower.
* @return
* - ESP_OK if value was set successfully
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY if storage handle was opened as read only
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME if key name doesn't satisfy constraints
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE if there is not enough space in the
* underlying storage to save the value
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED if the value wasn't updated because flash
* write operation has failed. The value was written however, and
* update will be finished after re-initialization of nvs, provided that
* flash operation doesn't fail again.
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_VALUE_TOO_LONG if the value is too long
* @note compare to \ref nvs_set_blob in nvs.h
virtual esp_err_t set_blob(const char *key, const void* blob, size_t len) = 0;
* @brief get value for given key
* These functions retrieve the data of an entry, given its key. If key does not
* exist, or the requested variable type doesn't match the type which was used
* when setting a value, an error is returned.
* In case of any error, out_value is not modified.
* Both functions expect out_value to be a pointer to an already allocated variable
* of the given type.
* It is suggested that nvs_get/set_str is used for zero-terminated C strings, and
* nvs_get/set_blob used for arbitrary data structures.
* @param[in] key Key name. Maximal length is (NVS_KEY_NAME_MAX_SIZE-1) characters. Shouldn't be empty.
* @param out_str/ Pointer to the output value.
* out_blob
* @param[inout] length A non-zero pointer to the variable holding the length of out_value.
* It will be set to the actual length of the value
* written. For nvs_get_str this includes the zero terminator.
* @return
* - ESP_OK if the value was retrieved successfully
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND if the requested key doesn't exist
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME if key name doesn't satisfy constraints
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_LENGTH if length is not sufficient to store data
virtual esp_err_t get_string(const char *key, char* out_str, size_t len) = 0;
virtual esp_err_t get_blob(const char *key, void* out_blob, size_t len) = 0;
* @brief Looks up the size of an entry's data.
* For strings, this size includes the zero terminator.
virtual esp_err_t get_item_size(ItemType datatype, const char *key, size_t &size) = 0;
* @brief Erases an entry.
virtual esp_err_t erase_item(const char* key) = 0;
* Erases all entries in the scope of this handle. The scope may vary, depending on the implementation.
* @not If you want to erase the whole nvs flash (partition), refer to \ref
virtual esp_err_t erase_all() = 0;
* Commits all changes done through this handle so far.
virtual esp_err_t commit() = 0;
* @brief Calculate all entries in the scope of the handle.
* @param[out] used_entries Returns amount of used entries from a namespace on success.
* @return
* - ESP_OK if the changes have been written successfully.
* Return param used_entries will be filled valid value.
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the storage driver is not initialized.
* Return param used_entries will be filled 0.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if nvs_stats equal to NULL.
* - Other error codes from the underlying storage driver.
* Return param used_entries will be filled 0.
virtual esp_err_t get_used_entry_count(size_t& usedEntries) = 0;
virtual esp_err_t set_typed_item(ItemType datatype, const char *key, const void* data, size_t dataSize) = 0;
virtual esp_err_t get_typed_item(ItemType datatype, const char *key, void* data, size_t dataSize) = 0;
* @brief Opens non-volatile storage and returns a handle object.
* The handle is automatically closed on desctruction. The scope of the handle is the namespace ns_name
* in a particular partition partition_name.
* The parameters partition_name, ns_name and open_mode have the same meaning and restrictions as the parameters
* part_name, name and open_mode in \ref nvs_open_from_partition, respectively.
* @param err an optional pointer to an esp_err_t result of the open operation, having the same meaning as the return
* value in \ref nvs_open_from_partition:
* - ESP_OK if storage handle was opened successfully
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the storage driver is not initialized
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_PART_NOT_FOUND if the partition with label "nvs" is not found
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND id namespace doesn't exist yet and
* mode is NVS_READONLY
* - ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME if namespace name doesn't satisfy constraints
* - other error codes from the underlying storage driver
* @return shared pointer of an nvs handle on success, an empty shared pointer otherwise
std::unique_ptr<NVSHandle> open_nvs_handle_from_partition(const char *partition_name,
const char *ns_name,
nvs_open_mode_t open_mode,
esp_err_t *err = nullptr);
* @brief This function does the same as \ref open_nvs_handle_from_partition but uses the default nvs partition
* instead of a partition_name parameter.
std::unique_ptr<NVSHandle> open_nvs_handle(const char *ns_name,
nvs_open_mode_t open_mode,
esp_err_t *err = nullptr);
// Helper functions for template usage
* Help to translate all integral types into ItemType.
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, void*>::type = nullptr>
constexpr ItemType itemTypeOf()
return static_cast<ItemType>(((std::is_signed<T>::value)?0x10:0x00) | sizeof(T));
* Help to translate all enum types into integral ItemType.
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
constexpr ItemType itemTypeOf()
return static_cast<ItemType>(((std::is_signed<T>::value)?0x10:0x00) | sizeof(T));
template<typename T>
constexpr ItemType itemTypeOf(const T&)
return itemTypeOf<T>();
// Template Implementations
template<typename T>
esp_err_t NVSHandle::set_item(const char *key, T value) {
return set_typed_item(itemTypeOf(value), key, &value, sizeof(value));
template<typename T>
esp_err_t NVSHandle::get_item(const char *key, T &value) {
return get_typed_item(itemTypeOf(value), key, &value, sizeof(value));
} // nvs
#endif // NVS_HANDLE_HPP_