kopia lustrzana https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf
309 wiersze
11 KiB
309 wiersze
11 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ESP32 partition table generation tool
# Converts partition tables to/from CSV and binary formats.
# See the sdkng README.md file for details about how to use this tool.
import struct
import argparse
import sys
__version__ = '1.0'
quiet = False
def status(msg):
""" Print status message to stderr """
if not quiet:
def critical(msg):
""" Print critical message to stderr """
if not quiet:
class PartitionTable(list):
def __init__(self):
super(PartitionTable, self).__init__(self)
def from_csv(cls, csv_contents):
res = PartitionTable()
lines = csv_contents.split("\n")
for line_no in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[line_no].strip()
if line.startswith("#") or len(line) == 0:
except InputError as e:
raise InputError("Error at line %d: %s" % (line_no+1, e))
except Exception:
critical("Unexpected error parsing line %d: %s" % (line_no+1, line))
# fix up missing offsets & negative sizes
last_end = 0x5000 # first offset after partition table
for e in res:
if e.offset is None:
pad_to = 0x10000 if e.type == PartitionDefinition.APP_TYPE else 4
if last_end % pad_to != 0:
last_end += pad_to - (last_end % pad_to)
e.offset = last_end
if e.size < 0:
e.size = -e.size - e.offset
last_end = e.offset + e.size
return res
def __getitem__(self, item):
""" Allow partition table access via name as well as by
numeric index. """
if isinstance(item, str):
for x in self:
if x.name == item:
return x
raise ValueError("No partition entry named '%s'" % item)
return super(PartitionTable, self).__getitem__(item)
def verify(self):
# verify each partition individually
for p in self:
# check for overlaps
last = None
for p in sorted(self):
if p.offset < 0x5000:
raise InputError("Partition offset 0x%x is below 0x5000" % p.offset)
if last is not None and p.offset < last.offset + last.size:
raise InputError("Partition at 0x%x overlaps 0x%x-0x%x" % (p.offset, last.offset, last.offset+last.size-1))
last = p
def from_binary(cls, b):
if len(b) % 32 != 0:
raise InputError("Partition table length must be a multiple of 32 bytes. Got %d bytes." % len(b))
result = cls()
for o in range(0,len(b),32):
return result
def to_binary(self):
return "".join(e.to_binary() for e in self)
def to_csv(self, simple_formatting=False):
rows = [ "# Espressif ESP32 Partition Table",
"# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size" ]
rows += [ x.to_csv(simple_formatting) for x in self ]
return "\n".join(rows) + "\n"
class PartitionDefinition(object):
APP_TYPE = 0x00
DATA_TYPE = 0x01
"app" : APP_TYPE,
"data" : DATA_TYPE,
"factory" : 0x00,
"test" : 0x20,
"ota" : 0x00,
"rf" : 0x01,
"wifi" : 0x02,
MAGIC_BYTES = "\xAA\x50"
APP_TYPE : 0x1000,
DATA_TYPE : 0x04,
# add subtypes for the 16 OTA slot values ("ota_XXX, etc.")
for ota_slot in range(16):
SUBTYPES[TYPES["app"]]["ota_%d" % ota_slot] = 0x10 + ota_slot
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.type = None
self.subtype = None
self.offset = None
self.size = None
def from_csv(cls, line):
""" Parse a line from the CSV """
line_w_defaults = line + ",,," # lazy way to support default fields
fields = [ f.strip() for f in line_w_defaults.split(",") ]
res = PartitionDefinition()
res.name = fields[0]
res.type = res.parse_type(fields[1])
res.subtype = res.parse_subtype(fields[2])
res.offset = res.parse_address(fields[3])
res.size = res.parse_address(fields[4])
if res.size is None:
raise InputError("Size field can't be empty")
return res
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name and self.type == other.type \
and self.subtype == other.subtype and self.offset == other.offset \
and self.size == other.size
def __repr__(self):
def maybe_hex(x):
return "0x%x" % x if x is not None else "None"
return "PartitionDefinition('%s', 0x%x, 0x%x, %s, %s)" % (self.name, self.type, self.subtype or 0,
maybe_hex(self.offset), maybe_hex(self.size))
def __str__(self):
return "Part '%s' %d/%d @ 0x%x size 0x%x" % (self.name, self.type, self.subtype, self.offset or -1, self.size or -1)
def __cmp__(self, other):
return self.offset - other.offset
def parse_type(self, strval):
if strval == "":
raise InputError("Field 'type' can't be left empty.")
return parse_int(strval, self.TYPES)
def parse_subtype(self, strval):
if strval == "":
return 0 # default
return parse_int(strval, self.SUBTYPES.get(self.type, {}))
def parse_address(self, strval):
if strval == "":
return None # PartitionTable will fill in default
return parse_int(strval)
def verify(self):
if self.type is None:
raise ValidationError("Type field is not set")
if self.subtype is None:
raise ValidationError("Subtype field is not set")
if self.offset is None:
raise ValidationError("Offset field is not set")
align = self.ALIGNMENT.get(self.type, 4)
if self.offset % align:
raise ValidationError("%s offset 0x%x is not aligned to 0x%x" % (self.name, self.offset, align))
if self.size is None:
raise ValidationError("Size field is not set")
def from_binary(cls, b):
if len(b) != 32:
raise InputError("Partition definition length must be exactly 32 bytes. Got %d bytes." % len(b))
res = cls()
(magic, res.type, res.subtype, res.offset,
res.size, res.name, reserved) = struct.unpack(cls.STRUCT_FORMAT, b)
if "\x00" in res.name: # strip null byte padding from name string
res.name = res.name[:res.name.index("\x00")]
if magic != cls.MAGIC_BYTES:
raise InputError("Invalid magic bytes (%r) for partition definition" % magic)
if reserved != 0:
critical("WARNING: Partition definition had unexpected reserved value 0x%08x. Newer binary format?" % reserved)
return res
def to_binary(self):
return struct.pack(self.STRUCT_FORMAT,
self.type, self.subtype,
self.offset, self.size,
0) # reserved
def to_csv(self, simple_formatting=False):
def addr_format(a, include_sizes):
if not simple_formatting and include_sizes:
for (val, suffix) in [ (0x100000, "M"), (0x400, "K") ]:
if a % val == 0:
return "%d%s" % (a / val, suffix)
return "0x%x" % a
def lookup_keyword(t, keywords):
for k,v in keywords.items():
if simple_formatting == False and t == v:
return k
return "%d" % t
return ",".join([ self.name,
lookup_keyword(self.type, self.TYPES),
lookup_keyword(self.subtype, self.SUBTYPES.get(self.type, {})),
addr_format(self.offset, False),
addr_format(self.size, True) ])
class InputError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, e):
super(InputError, self).__init__(e)
def parse_int(v, keywords={}):
"""Generic parser for integer fields - int(x,0) with provision for
k/m/K/M suffixes and 'keyword' value lookup.
for letter, multiplier in [ ("k",1024), ("m",1024*1024) ]:
if v.lower().endswith(letter):
return parse_int(v[:-1], keywords) * multiplier
return int(v, 0)
except ValueError:
if len(keywords) == 0:
raise InputError("Invalid field value %s" % v)
return keywords[v.lower()]
except KeyError:
raise InputError("Value '%s' is not valid. Known keywords: %s" % (v, ", ".join(keywords)))
def main():
global quiet
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ESP32 partition table utility')
parser.add_argument('--verify', '-v', help='Verify partition table fields', default=True, action='store_false')
parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', help="Don't print status messages to stderr", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('input', help='Path to CSV or binary file to parse. Will use stdin if omitted.', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin)
parser.add_argument('output', help='Path to output converted binary or CSV file. Will use stdout if omitted, unless the --display argument is also passed (in which case only the summary is printed.)',
args = parser.parse_args()
quiet = args.quiet
input = args.input.read()
input_is_binary = input[0:2] == PartitionDefinition.MAGIC_BYTES
if input_is_binary:
status("Parsing binary partition input...")
table = PartitionTable.from_binary(input)
status("Parsing CSV input...")
table = PartitionTable.from_csv(input)
if args.verify:
status("Verifying table...")
if input_is_binary:
output = table.to_csv()
output = table.to_binary()
with sys.stdout if args.output == '-' else open(args.output, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
except InputError as e: