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2020-07-22 08:37:03 +00:00
ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 Kit v1.2
New version available: :doc:`user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit`
The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 kit v1.2 is a development kit by Espressif that is mainly created to:
- Demonstrate the ESP32-S2's human-computer interaction functionalities
- Provide the users with the tools for development of human-computer interaction applications based on the ESP32-S2
There are many ways of how the ESP32-S2's abundant functionalities can be used. For starters, the possible use cases may include:
- **Smart home**: From simplest smart lighting, smart door locks, smart sockets, to video streaming devices, security cameras, OTT devices, and home appliances
- **Battery-powered equipment**: Wi-Fi mesh sensor networks, Wi-Fi-networked toys, wearable devices, health management equipment
- **Industrial automation equipment**: Wireless control and robot technology, intelligent lighting, HVAC control equipment, etc.
- **Retail and catering industry**: POS machines and service robots
.. figure::
:align: center
:width: 3452px
:height: 1590px
:scale: 20%
:alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1-Kit-Assembly
:figclass: align-center
ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1-Kit Overview (click to enlarge)
The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 kit consists of the following boards:
- Main board: *ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1*
- Extension boards:
- :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrat-8311a_v1.2` - audio player
- :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrap-toucha-v1.1` - touch panel
- :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrap-lcd32-v1.1` - 3.2" LCD screen
- :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrap-cam-v1.0` - camera board
Due to the presence of multiplexed pins on ESP32-S2, certain extension board combinations have limited compatibility. For more details, please see :ref:`user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit-v1.2-ext-board-compatibility`.
This document is **mostly dedicated to the main board** and its interaction with the extension boards. For more detailed information on each extension board, click their respective links.
This guide covers:
- `Getting Started`_: Provides an overview of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 and hardware/software setup instructions to get started.
- `Hardware reference`_: Provides more detailed information about the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1's hardware.
- `Hardware Revision Details`_: Covers revision history, known issues, and links to user guides for previous versions of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1.
- `Related Documents`_: Gives links to related documentation.
Getting Started
This section describes how to get started with the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1. It begins with a few introductory sections about the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1, then Section `Start Application Development`_ provides instructions on how to do the initial hardware setup and then how to flash firmware onto the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1.
The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 main board is the heart of the kit. It integrates the ESP32-S2-WROVER module and all the connectors for extension boards. This board is the key tool in prototyping human-computer interaction interfaces.
The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 board has connectors for boards with:
- Extension header (ESP-LyraT-8311A, ESP-LyraP-LCD32)
- Camera header (ESP-LyraP-CAM)
2020-12-15 05:48:34 +00:00
- Touch FPC connector (ESP-LyraP-TouchA)
2020-07-22 08:37:03 +00:00
- LCD FPC connector (no official extension boards yet)
- I2C FPC connector (no official extension boards yet)
.. figure::
:align: center
:width: 2631px
:height: 1966px
:scale: 25%
:alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1
:figclass: align-center
ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 (click to enlarge)
All the four extension boards are specially desgined to support the following features:
* Touch panel control
* Six touch buttons
* Supports acrylic panels up to 5 mm
* Wet hand operation
* Water rejection, ESP32-S2 can be configured to disable all touchpads automatically if multiple pads are simultaneously covered with water and to re-enable touchpads if the water is removed
* Audio playback
* Connect speakers to play audio
* Use together with the Touch panel to control audio playback and adjust volume
* LCD display
* LCD interface (8-bit parallel RGB, 8080, and 6800 interface)
* Camera image acquisition
* Supports OV2640 and OV3660 camera modules
* 8-bit DVP image sensor interface (ESP32-S2 also supports 16-bit DVP image sensors, you can design it yourself)
* Clock frequency up to 40 MHz
* Optimized DMA transmission bandwidth for easier transmission of high-resolution images
Description of Components
.. figure::
:align: center
:width: 934px
:height: 645px
:scale: 70%
:alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 - front
:figclass: align-center
2022-04-28 06:34:20 +00:00
2020-07-22 08:37:03 +00:00
ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 - front (click to enlarge)
The description of components starts from the ESP32-S2 module on the left side and then goes clockwise.
**Reserved** means that the functionality is available, but the current version of the kit does not use it.
.. list-table::
:widths: 30 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Key Component
- Description
* - ESP32-S2-WROVER Module
- Module integrating the ESP32-S2 chip that provides Wi-Fi connectivity, data processing power, and flexible data storage.
* - 4.3" LCD FPC Connector
- (Reserved) Connect to a 4.3" LCD extension board using the FPC cable.
* - ESP Prog Connector
- (Reserved) Connection for Espressif's download device (ESP-Prog) to flash ESP32-S2 system.
* - JTAG Switch
- Switch to ON to enable connection between ESP32-S2 and FT2232; JTAG debugging will then be possible using USB-UART/JTAG Port. See also :doc:`../../api-guides/jtag-debugging/index`.
* - Breakout Header 2
- Some GPIO pins of the ESP32-S2-WROVER module are broken out to this header, see labels on the board.
* - USB-to-UART/JTAG Bridge
- FT2232 adapter board allowing for communication over USB port using UART/JTAG protocols.
* - Camera Header
- Mount a camera extension board here (e.g., ESP-LyraP-CAM).
* - Extension Header
- Mount the extension boards having such connectors here.
* - Reset Button
- Press this button to restart the system.
* - Boot Button
- Holding down **Boot** and then pressing **Reset** initiates Firmware Download mode for downloading firmware through the serial port.
- Communication interface (UART or JTAG) between a PC and the ESP32-S2 module.
* - USB Power Port
- Power supply for the board.
* - Battery Port
- Connect an external battery to the 2-pin battery connector.
* - Power On LED
- Turns on when the USB or an external power supply is connected to the board.
* - Power Switch
- Switch to ON to power the system.
* - RGB Jumper
- To have access to the RGB LED, place a jumper onto the pins.
- Programmable RGB LED and controlled by GPIO45. Before using it, you need to put RGB Jumper ON.
* - Power Regulator
- Regulator converts 5 V to 3.3 V.
* - I2C FPC Connector
- (Reserved) Connect to other I2C extension boards using the FPC cable.
* - Breakout Header 1
- Some GPIO pins of the ESP32-S2-WROVER module are broken out to this header, see labels on the board.
* - Touch FPC Connector
- Connect the ESP-LyraP-TouchA extension board using the FPC cable.
* - Touch Switch
- In OFF position, GPIO1 to GPIO14 are used for connection to touch sensors; switch to ON if you want to use them for other purposes.
* - 3.2" LCD FPC connector
- Connect a 3.2" LCD extension board (e.g., ESP-LyraP-LCD32) using the FPC cable.
Start Application Development
Before powering up your ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1, please make sure that it is in good condition with no obvious signs of damage.
Required Hardware
- ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1
- Two USB 2.0 cables (Standard-A to Micro-B)
- For power supply
- For UART/JTAG communication
- Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS
- Any extension boards of your choice
Hardware Setup
1. Connect the extension board(s) of your choice (go to their respective user guides if necessary)
2. Plug in both USB cables
3. Turn the **Power Switch** to ON - the Power On LED will light up
.. _user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit-v1.2-software-setup:
Software Setup
Please proceed to :doc:`../../get-started/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment.
The programming guide and application examples for your ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 kit can be found in `esp-dev-kits <>`_ repository on GitHub.
Contents and Packaging
Retail orders
If you order one or several samples of the kit, each ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 development kit comes in an individual package containing:
- Main Board
- ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1
- Extension Boards:
- ESP-LyraT-8311A
- ESP-LyraP-TouchA
- ESP-LyraP-LCD32
- Connectors
- 20-pin FPC cable (to connect ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 to ESP-LyraP-TouchA)
- Fasteners
- Mounting bolts (x8)
- Screws (x4)
- Nuts (x4)
2022-04-28 06:34:20 +00:00
For retail orders, please go to
2020-07-22 08:37:03 +00:00
Wholesale Orders
If you order in bulk, the boards come in large cardboard boxes.
For wholesale orders, please go to
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Hardware Reference
Block Diagram
A block diagram below shows the components of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 and their interconnections.
.. figure::
:align: center
:alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 block diagram
:figclass: align-center
ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 block diagram
Power Supply Options
There are four ways to provide power to the board:
- Micro USB port, default power supply
- External battery via the 2-pin battery connector
- 5V and GND header pins
- 3V3 and GND header pins
.. _user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit-v1.2-ext-board-compatibility:
Compatibility of Extension Boards
If you want to use more than one extension board at the same time, please check the table given below.
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 10 30 40
:header-rows: 1
* - Boards Used
- HW Conflict
- Limitations
- Solution
* - 8311A v1.2 + CAM v1.0
- I2S Controller, IO46
- ESP32-S2 has only one I2S interface. But both extension boards require connection via the ESP32-S2's I2S interface (ESP-LyraT-8311A in Standard mode, ESP-LyraP-CAM in Camera mode). If IO46 is used by both extension boards at the same time, ESP-LyraP-CAM experiences interferences when used.
- No ready solution for now.
* - TouchA v1.1 + LCD32 v1.1
- IO11, IO6
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- Touch actions cannot be triggered because of the multiplexed pin IO11. ESP-LyraP-LCD32 is also affected because its BK (BLCT) pin is connected to pin IO6.
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- Do not initialize IO11 (NETWORK) and IO6 (PHOTO) for your ESP-LyraP-TouchA.
* - 8311A v1.2 + LCD32 v1.1
- IO6
- The two extension boards can be used at the same time. However, since the BK (BLCT) pin of ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 is connected to IO6, ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC cannot be used and the board's six buttons will not be available.
- There is a solution that will allow you to use ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC, but will stop you from controlling the display background brightness with software: on your ESP-LyraP-LCD32 board, remove R39, change R41 to 100 Ohm, switch BLCT_L to on.
* - TouchA v1.1 + 8311A v1.2
- Pin BT_ADC on ESP-LyraT-8311A
- The two extension boards can be used at the same time. However, ESP-LyraP-TouchA cannot be triggered if ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC is used to initialize the board's six buttons.
- If you plan to use ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC, do not initialize pin IO6 (PHOTO) for your ESP-LyraP-TouchA.
* - TouchA v1.1 + CAM v1.0
- IO1, IO2, IO3
- Cannot be used simultaneously because of the mentioned multiplexed pins.
- For ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO1 (VOL_UP), IO2 (PLAY), and IO3 (VOL_DOWN).
* - TouchA v1.1 + LCD32 v1.1 + CAM v1.0
- IO1, IO2, IO3, IO6, IO11
- Conflicts on the mentioned multiplexed pins.
- **Solution 1**: For ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO1 (VOL_UP), IO2 (PLAY), IO3 (VOL_DOWN), IO6 (PHOTO) and IO11 (NETWORK). **Solution 2**: It will allow you to initialize IO6 (PHOTO) properly, but will stop you from controlling the background brightness with software. On your ESP-LyraP-LCD32, remove R39, change R41 to 100 Ohm, switch BLCT_L to on.
* - TouchA v1.1 + LCD32 v1.1 + 8311A v1.2
- IO6, IO11
2020-12-15 05:48:34 +00:00
- IO11 is multiplexed; IO6 is also multiplexed stopping you from using ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC that is needed to initialize the board's six buttons.
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- **Solution 1**: For ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO6 (PHOTO) and IO11 (NETWORK). Please note that the six buttons on ESP-LyraT-8311A still cannot be used. **Solution 2**: On your ESP-LyraP-LCD32, remove R39, change R41 to 100 Ohm, switch BLCT_L to on. For your ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO11 (NETWORK). If you want to use the six buttons on your ESP-LyraT-8311A, also do not initialize IO6 (PHOTO).
2021-10-11 09:31:43 +00:00
Also, all extension boards and the :ref:`JTAG interface <jtag-debugging-tip-jtag-pins-reconfigured>` share the same pins IO39, IO40, IO41 and IO42. For this reason, the following may disturb the JTAG operation:
* Plugging in any extension board
* Debugging an application that is using an extension board
2020-07-22 08:37:03 +00:00
Known issues
.. list-table::
:widths: 22 24 32 22
:header-rows: 1
* - Hardware Issue
- Description
- Reason for Failure
- Solution
* - ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.0, pin IO45, IO46
- Flashing firmware might be impossible with the extension board connected to the main board.
- Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pins IO45 and IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully.
- While flashing the main board, keep the extension board disconnected.
* - ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.0, pin IO45, IO46
- Rebooting the board by pressing Reset might not lead to desired results.
- Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pins IO45 and IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully.
- No ready solution for v1.2. This bug is fixed in ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 V1.3.
* - ESP-LyraT-8311A v1.2, pin IO46
- Flashing firmware might be impossible with the extension board connected to the main board.
- Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pin IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully.
- While flashing the main board, keep the extension board disconnected.
* - ESP-LyraT-8311A v1.2, pin IO46
- Rebooting the board by pressing Reset might not lead to desired results.
- Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pin IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully.
- No ready solution for v1.2. This bug is fixed in ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 V1.3.
Hardware Revision Details
No previous versions available.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
- `ESP32-S2-WROVER Datasheet <>`_ (PDF)
- `ESP Product Selector <>`_
2020-07-22 08:37:03 +00:00
- :doc:`../../api-guides/jtag-debugging/index`
- `ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 Schematic <>`_ (PDF)
- `ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 PCB Layout <>`_ (PDF)
- `ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 Pin Mapping <>`_ (Excel)
For other design documentation for the board, please contact us at