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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import input
import argparse
import textwrap
import time
import os
import sys
import json
from getpass import getpass
import security
import transport
import prov
except ImportError:
idf_path = os.environ['IDF_PATH']
sys.path.insert(0, idf_path + "/components/protocomm/python")
sys.path.insert(1, idf_path + "/tools/esp_prov")
import security
import transport
import prov
# Set this to true to allow exceptions to be thrown
config_throw_except = False
def on_except(err):
if config_throw_except:
raise RuntimeError(err)
def get_security(secver, pop=None, verbose=False):
if secver == 1:
return security.Security1(pop, verbose)
elif secver == 0:
return security.Security0(verbose)
return None
def get_transport(sel_transport, service_name):
tp = None
if (sel_transport == 'softap'):
if service_name is None:
service_name = ''
tp = transport.Transport_HTTP(service_name)
elif (sel_transport == 'ble'):
if service_name is None:
raise RuntimeError('"--service_name" must be specified for ble transport')
# BLE client is now capable of automatically figuring out
# the primary service from the advertisement data and the
# characteristics corresponding to each endpoint.
# Below, the service_uuid field and 16bit UUIDs in the nu_lookup
# table are provided only to support devices running older firmware,
# in which case, the automated discovery will fail and the client
# will fallback to using the provided UUIDs instead
nu_lookup = {'prov-session': 'ff51', 'prov-config': 'ff52', 'proto-ver': 'ff53'}
tp = transport.Transport_BLE(devname=service_name,
elif (sel_transport == 'console'):
tp = transport.Transport_Console()
return tp
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def version_match(tp, protover, verbose=False):
response = tp.send_data('proto-ver', protover)
if verbose:
print("proto-ver response : ", response)
# First assume this to be a simple version string
if response.lower() == protover.lower():
return True
# Else interpret this as JSON structure containing
# information with versions and capabilities of both
# provisioning service and application
info = json.loads(response)
if info['prov']['ver'].lower() == protover.lower():
return True
except ValueError:
# If decoding as JSON fails, it means that capabilities
# are not supported
return False
except Exception as e:
return None
def has_capability(tp, capability='none', verbose=False):
# Note : default value of `capability` argument cannot be empty string
# because protocomm_httpd expects non zero content lengths
response = tp.send_data('proto-ver', capability)
if verbose:
print("proto-ver response : ", response)
# Interpret this as JSON structure containing
# information with versions and capabilities of both
# provisioning service and application
info = json.loads(response)
supported_capabilities = info['prov']['cap']
if capability.lower() == 'none':
# No specific capability to check, but capabilities
# feature is present so return True
return True
elif capability in supported_capabilities:
return True
return False
except ValueError:
# If decoding as JSON fails, it means that capabilities
# are not supported
return False
except RuntimeError as e:
return False
def get_version(tp):
response = None
response = tp.send_data('proto-ver', '---')
except RuntimeError as e:
response = ''
return response
def establish_session(tp, sec):
response = None
while True:
request = sec.security_session(response)
if request is None:
response = tp.send_data('prov-session', request)
if (response is None):
return False
return True
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def custom_config(tp, sec, custom_info, custom_ver):
message = prov.custom_config_request(sec, custom_info, custom_ver)
response = tp.send_data('custom-config', message)
return (prov.custom_config_response(sec, response) == 0)
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def custom_data(tp, sec, custom_data):
message = prov.custom_data_request(sec, custom_data)
response = tp.send_data('custom-data', message)
return (prov.custom_data_response(sec, response) == 0)
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def scan_wifi_APs(sel_transport, tp, sec):
APs = []
group_channels = 0
readlen = 100
if sel_transport == 'softap':
# In case of softAP we must perform the scan on individual channels, one by one,
# so that the Wi-Fi controller gets ample time to send out beacons (necessary to
# maintain connectivity with authenticated stations. As scanning one channel at a
# time will be slow, we can group more than one channels to be scanned in quick
# succession, hence speeding up the scan process. Though if too many channels are
# present in a group, the controller may again miss out on sending beacons. Hence,
# the application must should use an optimum value. The following value usually
# works out in most cases
group_channels = 5
elif sel_transport == 'ble':
# Read at most 4 entries at a time. This is because if we are using BLE transport
# then the response packet size should not exceed the present limit of 256 bytes of
# characteristic value imposed by protocomm_ble. This limit may be removed in the
# future
readlen = 4
message = prov.scan_start_request(sec, blocking=True, group_channels=group_channels)
start_time = time.time()
response = tp.send_data('prov-scan', message)
stop_time = time.time()
print("++++ Scan process executed in " + str(stop_time - start_time) + " sec")
prov.scan_start_response(sec, response)
message = prov.scan_status_request(sec)
response = tp.send_data('prov-scan', message)
result = prov.scan_status_response(sec, response)
print("++++ Scan results : " + str(result["count"]))
if result["count"] != 0:
index = 0
remaining = result["count"]
while remaining:
count = [remaining, readlen][remaining > readlen]
message = prov.scan_result_request(sec, index, count)
response = tp.send_data('prov-scan', message)
APs += prov.scan_result_response(sec, response)
remaining -= count
index += count
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
return APs
def send_wifi_config(tp, sec, ssid, passphrase):
message = prov.config_set_config_request(sec, ssid, passphrase)
response = tp.send_data('prov-config', message)
return (prov.config_set_config_response(sec, response) == 0)
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def apply_wifi_config(tp, sec):
message = prov.config_apply_config_request(sec)
response = tp.send_data('prov-config', message)
return (prov.config_apply_config_response(sec, response) == 0)
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def get_wifi_config(tp, sec):
message = prov.config_get_status_request(sec)
response = tp.send_data('prov-config', message)
return prov.config_get_status_response(sec, response)
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def wait_wifi_connected(tp, sec):
Wait for provisioning to report Wi-Fi is connected
Returns True if Wi-Fi connection succeeded, False if connection consistently failed
retry = 3
while True:
print("\n==== Wi-Fi connection state ====")
ret = get_wifi_config(tp, sec)
if ret == "connecting":
elif ret == "connected":
print("==== Provisioning was successful ====")
return True
elif retry > 0:
retry -= 1
print("Waiting to poll status again (status %s, %d tries left)..." % (ret, retry))
print("---- Provisioning failed ----")
return False
def desc_format(*args):
desc = ''
for arg in args:
desc += textwrap.fill(replace_whitespace=False, text=arg) + "\n"
return desc
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc_format(
'ESP Provisioning tool for configuring devices '
'running protocomm based provisioning service.',
'See esp-idf/examples/provisioning for sample applications'),
parser.add_argument("--transport", required=True, dest='mode', type=str,
'Mode of transport over which provisioning is to be performed.',
'This should be one of "softap", "ble" or "console"'))
parser.add_argument("--service_name", dest='name', type=str,
'This specifies the name of the provisioning service to connect to, '
'depending upon the mode of transport :',
'\t- transport "ble" : The BLE Device Name',
'\t- transport "softap" : HTTP Server hostname or IP',
'\t (default "")'))
parser.add_argument("--proto_ver", dest='version', type=str, default='',
'This checks the protocol version of the provisioning service running '
'on the device before initiating Wi-Fi configuration'))
parser.add_argument("--sec_ver", dest='secver', type=int, default=None,
'Protocomm security scheme used by the provisioning service for secure '
'session establishment. Accepted values are :',
'\t- 0 : No security',
'\t- 1 : X25519 key exchange + AES-CTR encryption',
'\t + Authentication using Proof of Possession (PoP)',
'In case device side application uses IDF\'s provisioning manager, '
'the compatible security version is automatically determined from '
'capabilities retrieved via the version endpoint'))
parser.add_argument("--pop", dest='pop', type=str, default='',
'This specifies the Proof of possession (PoP) when security scheme 1 '
'is used'))
parser.add_argument("--ssid", dest='ssid', type=str, default='',
'This configures the device to use SSID of the Wi-Fi network to which '
'we would like it to connect to permanently, once provisioning is complete. '
'If Wi-Fi scanning is supported by the provisioning service, this need not '
'be specified'))
parser.add_argument("--passphrase", dest='passphrase', type=str, default='',
'This configures the device to use Passphrase for the Wi-Fi network to which '
'we would like it to connect to permanently, once provisioning is complete. '
'If Wi-Fi scanning is supported by the provisioning service, this need not '
'be specified'))
parser.add_argument("--custom_data", dest='custom_data', type=str, default='',
'This is an optional parameter, only intended for use with '
parser.add_argument("--custom_config", action="store_true",
'This is an optional parameter, only intended for use with '
parser.add_argument("--custom_info", dest='custom_info', type=str, default='<some custom info string>',
'Custom Config Info String. "--custom_config" must be specified for using this'))
parser.add_argument("--custom_ver", dest='custom_ver', type=int, default=2,
'Custom Config Version Number. "--custom_config" must be specified for using this'))
parser.add_argument("-v","--verbose", help="Increase output verbosity", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
obj_transport = get_transport(args.mode.lower(),
if obj_transport is None:
print("---- Failed to establish connection ----")
# If security version not specified check in capabilities
if args.secver is None:
# First check if capabilities are supported or not
if not has_capability(obj_transport):
print('Security capabilities could not be determined. Please specify "--sec_ver" explicitly')
print("---- Invalid Security Version ----")
# When no_sec is present, use security 0, else security 1
args.secver = int(not has_capability(obj_transport, 'no_sec'))
print("Security scheme determined to be :", args.secver)
if (args.secver != 0) and not has_capability(obj_transport, 'no_pop'):
if len(args.pop) == 0:
print("---- Proof of Possession argument not provided ----")
elif len(args.pop) != 0:
print("---- Proof of Possession will be ignored ----")
args.pop = ''
obj_security = get_security(args.secver, args.pop, args.verbose)
if obj_security is None:
print("---- Invalid Security Version ----")
if args.version != '':
print("\n==== Verifying protocol version ====")
if not version_match(obj_transport, args.version, args.verbose):
print("---- Error in protocol version matching ----")
print("==== Verified protocol version successfully ====")
print("\n==== Starting Session ====")
if not establish_session(obj_transport, obj_security):
print("Failed to establish session. Ensure that security scheme and proof of possession are correct")
print("---- Error in establishing session ----")
print("==== Session Established ====")
if args.custom_config:
print("\n==== Sending Custom config to esp32 ====")
if not custom_config(obj_transport, obj_security, args.custom_info, args.custom_ver):
print("---- Error in custom config ----")
print("==== Custom config sent successfully ====")
if args.custom_data != '':
print("\n==== Sending Custom data to esp32 ====")
if not custom_data(obj_transport, obj_security, args.custom_data):
print("---- Error in custom data ----")
print("==== Custom data sent successfully ====")
if args.ssid == '':
if not has_capability(obj_transport, 'wifi_scan'):
print("---- Wi-Fi Scan List is not supported by provisioning service ----")
print("---- Rerun esp_prov with SSID and Passphrase as argument ----")
while True:
print("\n==== Scanning Wi-Fi APs ====")
start_time = time.time()
APs = scan_wifi_APs(args.mode.lower(), obj_transport, obj_security)
end_time = time.time()
print("\n++++ Scan finished in " + str(end_time - start_time) + " sec")
if APs is None:
print("---- Error in scanning Wi-Fi APs ----")
if len(APs) == 0:
print("No APs found!")
print("==== Wi-Fi Scan results ====")
print("{0: >4} {1: <33} {2: <12} {3: >4} {4: <4} {5: <16}".format(
"S.N.", "SSID", "BSSID", "CHN", "RSSI", "AUTH"))
for i in range(len(APs)):
print("[{0: >2}] {1: <33} {2: <12} {3: >4} {4: <4} {5: <16}".format(
i + 1, APs[i]["ssid"], APs[i]["bssid"], APs[i]["channel"], APs[i]["rssi"], APs[i]["auth"]))
while True:
select = int(input("Select AP by number (0 to rescan) : "))
if select < 0 or select > len(APs):
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input! Retry")
if select != 0:
args.ssid = APs[select - 1]["ssid"]
prompt_str = "Enter passphrase for {0} : ".format(args.ssid)
args.passphrase = getpass(prompt_str)
print("\n==== Sending Wi-Fi credential to esp32 ====")
if not send_wifi_config(obj_transport, obj_security, args.ssid, args.passphrase):
print("---- Error in send Wi-Fi config ----")
print("==== Wi-Fi Credentials sent successfully ====")
print("\n==== Applying config to esp32 ====")
if not apply_wifi_config(obj_transport, obj_security):
print("---- Error in apply Wi-Fi config ----")
print("==== Apply config sent successfully ====")
wait_wifi_connected(obj_transport, obj_security)