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Device Firmware Upgrade through USB
.. only:: esp32
.. note::
Device Firmware Upgrade through USB is not supported with ESP32 chips.
Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) is a mechanism for upgrading the firmware of devices through Universal Serial Bus (USB).
DFU is supported by ESP32-S2 chips. The necessary connections for the USB peripheral are shown in the following table.
| GPIO | USB |
| 19 | D- (green) |
| 20 | D+ (white) |
| GND | GND (black) |
| | +5V (red) |
The software requirements of DFU are included in :ref:`get-started-get-prerequisites` of the Getting Started Guide.
Section :ref:`api_guide_dfu_build` describes how to build firmware for DFU with ESP-IDF and
Section :ref:`api_guide_dfu_flash` deals with flashing the firmware.
.. _api_guide_dfu_build:
Building the DFU Image
The DFU image can be created by running:: dfu
which creates ``dfu.bin`` in the build directory.
.. note::
Don't forget to set the target chip by `` set-target`` before running `` dfu``. Otherwise, you might
create an image for a different chip or receive an error message something like ``unknown target 'dfu'``.
.. _api_guide_dfu_flash:
Flashing the Chip with the DFU Image
The DFU image is downloaded into the chip by running:: dfu-flash
which relies on `dfu-util <>`_. Please see :ref:`get-started-get-prerequisites` for
installing ``dfu-util``. ``dfu-util`` needs additional setup for :ref:`api_guide_dfu_flash_win` or setting up an
:ref:`api_guide_dfu_flash_udev`. Mac OS users should be able to use ``dfu-util`` without further setup.
See :ref:`api_guide_dfu_flash_errors` and their solutions.
.. _api_guide_dfu_flash_udev:
udev rule (Linux only)
udev is a device manager for the Linux kernel. It allows us to run ``dfu-util`` (and `` dfu-flash``) without
``sudo`` for gaining access to the chip.
Create file ``/etc/udev/rules.d/40-dfuse.rules`` with the following content::
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="303a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00??", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"
.. note::
Please check the output of command ``groups``. The user has to be a member of the `GROUP` specified above. You may
use some other existing group for this purpose (e.g. `uucp` on some systems instead of `plugdev`) or create a new
group for this purpose.
Restart your computer so the previous setting could take into affect or run ``sudo udevadm trigger`` to force
manually udev to trigger your new rule.
.. _api_guide_dfu_flash_win:
USB drivers (Windows only)
``dfu-util`` uses `libusb` to access the device. You have to register on Windows the device with the `WinUSB` driver.
Please see the `libusb wiki <>`_ for more
.. _api_guide_dfu_flash_errors:
Common errors
- ``dfu-util: command not found`` might indicate that the tool hasn't been installed or is not available from the terminal.
An easy way of checking the tool is running ``dfu-util --version``. Please see :ref:`get-started-get-prerequisites` for
installing ``dfu-util``.
- The reason for ``No DFU capable USB device available`` could be that the USB driver wasn't properly installed on
Windows (see :ref:`api_guide_dfu_flash_win`) or udev rule was not setup on Linux
(see :ref:`api_guide_dfu_flash_udev`).