import type { mastodon } from 'masto' import type { DraftItem } from '~/types' const maxThreadLength = 99 export function useThreadComposer(draftKey: string, initial?: () => DraftItem) { const { draftItems } = useDraft(draftKey, initial) /** * Whether the thread is active (has more than one item) */ const threadIsActive = computed(() => draftItems.value.length > 1) /** * Add an item to the thread */ function addThreadItem() { if (draftItems.value.length >= maxThreadLength) { // TODO handle with error message that tells the user what's wrong // For now just fail silently without breaking anything return } const lastItem = draftItems.value[draftItems.value.length - 1] draftItems.value.push(getDefaultDraftItem({ language: lastItem.params.language, sensitive: lastItem.params.sensitive, spoilerText: lastItem.params.spoilerText, visibility: lastItem.params.visibility, })) } /** * * @param index index of the draft to remove from the thread */ function removeThreadItem(index: number) { draftItems.value.splice(index, 1) } /** * Publish all items in the thread in order */ async function publishThread() { const allFailedMessages: Array = [] const isAReplyThread = Boolean(draftItems.value[0].params.inReplyToId) let lastPublishedStatus: mastodon.v1.Status | null = null let amountPublished = 0 for (const draftItem of draftItems.value) { if (lastPublishedStatus) draftItem.params.inReplyToId = const { publishDraft, failedMessages } = usePublish({ draftItem: ref(draftItem), expanded: computed(() => true), isUploading: ref(false), initialDraft: () => draftItem, isPartOfThread: true, }) const status = await publishDraft() if (status) { lastPublishedStatus = status amountPublished++ } else { allFailedMessages.push(...failedMessages.value) // Stop publishing if one fails break } } // Remove all published items from the thread draftItems.value.splice(0, amountPublished) // If we have errors, return them if (allFailedMessages.length > 0) return allFailedMessages // If the thread was a reply and all items were published, jump to it if (isAReplyThread && lastPublishedStatus && draftItems.value.length === 0) navigateToStatus({ status: lastPublishedStatus }) return lastPublishedStatus } return { threadItems: draftItems, threadIsActive, addThreadItem, removeThreadItem, publishThread, } }