docs: update translation guide file to copy (#2017)

Phojie Rengel 2023-04-25 23:41:51 +08:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 3f1cdbbfa9
commit 1ceb3e2857
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@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ If you are updating a translation in your local environment, you can run the fol
### Adding a new language
1. Add a new file in [locales](./locales) folder with the language code as the filename.
2. Copy [en-US](./locales/en-US.json) and translate the strings.
2. Copy [en](./locales/en.json) and translate the strings.
3. Add the language to the `locales` array in [config/i18n.ts](./config/i18n.ts#L61), below `en` and `ar`:
- If your language has multiple country variants, add the generic one for language only (only if there are a lot of common entries, you can always add it as a new one)
- Add all country variants in [country variants object](./config/i18n.ts#L12)