# electron-node-red This is an Electron template to embed Node-RED with a Dashboard generated by node-red-dashboard. You can base off this model and update the package.json file to include your own required dependencies. ## To Use To clone and run this repository you'll need [Git](https://git-scm.com) and [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) (which comes with [npm](http://npmjs.com)) installed on your computer. From your command line: ```bash # Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/natcl/electron-node-red.git # Go into the repository cd electron-node-red # Install dependencies and run the app npm install && npm start ``` ## Packaging your application If you want to distribute executables of this project, the easiest way is to use electron-packager: ``` sudo npm install -g electron-packager # build for OS X 64 bits electron-packager electron-node-red Node-RED --icon=nodered.icns --platform=darwin --arch=x64 # build for Windows 64 bits electron-packager electron-node-red Node-RED --icon=nodered.icns --platform=win32 --arch=x64 # build for Linux 64 bits electron-packager electron-node-red Node-RED --icon=nodered.icns --platform=linux --arch=x64 ``` Learn more about Electron and its API in the [documentation](http://electron.atom.io/docs/latest). ### To package as a dmg look at `https://github.com/LinusU/node-appdmg` appdmg appdmg.json ~/Desktop/NodeRED.dmg #### License [CC0 (Public Domain)](LICENSE.md) ## See also - **Stand-alone Starter Project** - https://github.com/dceejay/node-red-project-starter - **Bluemix Starter Project** - https://github.com/dceejay/node-red-bluemix-starter