Update README.md

Dave Conway-Jones 2019-11-03 22:12:35 +00:00
rodzic 0c34fe6d6d
commit a5b91e61e0
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@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ At the top of `main.js` are a couple of flags you can switch to turn off editing
## Configuring the project for building
This project uses the **electron-builder** project to help build native versions
of Node-RED applications, so please read and become familiar with their [documentation](https://www.electron.build/) as some basic
knowledge is assumed.
of Node-RED applications, so please read and become familiar with their
[documentation](https://www.electron.build/) as some basic knowledge is assumed.
As a pre-req, as well as a recent version of node.js, you will need the **yarn** install tool
As a pre-req, as well as a recent version of node.js, you will need the **yarn** install tool.
# Clone this repository
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ yarn
## Building local runtime
You should then be able to run
yarn && yarn dist
@ -45,7 +46,8 @@ Runtimes are created in the `dist` directory under the `electron-node-red` proje
### Building for other platforms
Generally you can just add the required parameter to the command
yarn && yarn dist -w // for windows
yarn && yarn dist -l // for linux
yarn && yarn dist -m // for mac
@ -68,9 +70,11 @@ This is very useful if you need to build for Windows on a Mac as the electron-bu
## Developing and Testing - Running locally
While developing and testing you can just run your app locally by running
npm start
from within the project folder.
The initial flow file is named `electronflow.json` along with it's credentials file