FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine # php configuration COPY php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/ # install the xhprof extension to profile requests RUN curl "" -fsL -o ./php-xhprof-extension.tar.gz && \ tar xf ./php-xhprof-extension.tar.gz && \ cd php-xhprof-extension-5.0.2 && \ apk add --update --no-cache build-base autoconf && \ phpize && \ ./configure && \ make && \ make install RUN rm -rf ./php-xhprof-extension.tar.gz ./php-xhprof-extension-5.0.2 RUN docker-php-ext-enable tideways_xhprof # install mongodb extension. The xhgui-collector will send xprof data to mongo RUN apk add --no-cache autoconf alpine-sdk RUN pecl install mongodb && docker-php-ext-enable mongodb # install composer RUN curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer # install the package that will collect data WORKDIR /var/xhgui RUN composer require perftools/php-profiler perftools/xhgui-collector alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter # copy the configuration file COPY xhgui_config.php /var/xhgui/config/config.php