
78 wiersze
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
source /
# This script will setup the necessary folder for database
# test if DATADIR is existent
if [[ ! -d ${DATADIR} ]]; then
echo "Creating Postgres data at ${DATADIR}"
mkdir -p ${DATADIR}
# Set proper permissions
# needs to be done as root:
chown -R postgres:postgres ${DATADIR}
# test if DATADIR has content
if [[ ! "$(ls -A ${DATADIR})" ]]; then
# No content yet - first time pg is being run!
# No Replicate From settings. Assume that this is a master database.
# Initialise db
echo "Initializing Postgres Database at ${DATADIR}"
#chown -R postgres $DATADIR
su - postgres -c "$INITDB ${DATADIR}"
# test database existing
trap "echo \"Sending SIGTERM to postgres\"; killall -s SIGTERM postgres" SIGTERM
su - postgres -c "${POSTGRES} -D ${DATADIR} -c config_file=${CONF} ${LOCALONLY} &"
# wait for postgres to come up
until su - postgres -c "psql -l"; do
sleep 1
echo "postgres ready"
# Setup user
source /
# Create a default db called 'gis' or $POSTGRES_DBNAME that you can use to get up and running quickly
# It will be owned by the docker db user
# Since we now pass a comma separated list in database creation we need to search for all databases as a test
for db in $(echo ${POSTGRES_DBNAME} | tr ',' ' '); do
RESULT=`su - postgres -c "psql -l | grep -w ${db} | wc -l"`
if [[ ! ${RESULT} == '1' ]]; then
echo "Create db ${db}"
su - postgres -c "createdb -O ${POSTGRES_USER} ${db}"
for ext in $(echo ${POSTGRES_MULTIPLE_EXTENSIONS} | tr ',' ' '); do
echo "Enabling ${ext} in the database ${db}"
su - postgres -c "psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS ${ext} cascade;' $db"
echo "Loading legacy sql"
su - postgres -c "psql ${db} -f ${SQLDIR}/legacy_minimal.sql" || true
su - postgres -c "psql ${db} -f ${SQLDIR}/legacy_gist.sql" || true
echo "${db} db already exists"
# This should show up in docker logs afterwards
su - postgres -c "psql -l"
# Kill postgres
PID=`cat ${PG_PID}`
kill -TERM ${PID}
# Wait for background postgres main process to exit
while [[ "$(ls -A ${PG_PID} 2>/dev/null)" ]]; do
sleep 1