#!/usr/bin/env bash source /scripts/env-data.sh # This script will setup slave instance to use standby replication # Adapted from https://github.com/DanielDent/docker-postgres-replication # To set up replication create_dir ${WAL_ARCHIVE} chown -R postgres:postgres ${DATADIR} ${WAL_ARCHIVE} chmod -R 750 ${DATADIR} ${WAL_ARCHIVE} if [[ "$WAL_LEVEL" == 'replica' && "${REPLICATION}" =~ [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee] ]]; then # No content yet - but this is a slave database if [ -z "${REPLICATE_FROM}" ]; then echo "You have not set REPLICATE_FROM variable." echo "Specify the master address/hostname in REPLICATE_FROM and REPLICATE_PORT variable." fi until su - postgres -c "pg_isready -h ${REPLICATE_FROM} -p ${REPLICATE_PORT}" do echo "Waiting for master to ping..." sleep 1s done if [[ "$DESTROY_DATABASE_ON_RESTART" =~ [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee] ]]; then echo "Get initial database from master" configure_replication_permissions if [ -f "${DATADIR}/backup_label.old" ]; then echo "PG Basebackup already exists so proceed to start the DB" else streaming_replication fi fi # Promote to master if desired if [[ ! -z "${PROMOTE_MASTER}" ]]; then su - postgres -c "${NODE_PROMOTION} promote -D ${DATADIR}" fi fi