#!/usr/bin/env bash POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION=$(cat /tmp/pg_version.txt) POSTGIS_MAJOR=$(cat /tmp/pg_major_version.txt) POSTGIS_MINOR_RELEASE=$(cat /tmp/pg_minor_version.txt) DEFAULT_DATADIR="/var/lib/postgresql/${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}/main" # Commented for documentation. You can specify the location of # pg_wal directory/volume using the following environment variable: # POSTGRES_INITDB_WALDIR (default value is unset) ROOT_CONF="/etc/postgresql/${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}/main" PG_ENV="$ROOT_CONF/environment" CONF="$ROOT_CONF/postgresql.conf" WAL_ARCHIVE="/opt/archivedir" RECOVERY_CONF="$ROOT_CONF/recovery.conf" POSTGRES="/usr/lib/postgresql/${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}/bin/postgres" INITDB="/usr/lib/postgresql/${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}/bin/initdb" SQLDIR="/usr/share/postgresql/${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}/contrib/postgis-${POSTGIS_MAJOR}.${POSTGIS_MINOR_RELEASE}/" SETVARS="POSTGIS_ENABLE_OUTDB_RASTERS=1 POSTGIS_GDAL_ENABLED_DRIVERS=ENABLE_ALL" LOCALONLY="-c listen_addresses=''" PG_BASEBACKUP="/usr/bin/pg_basebackup" NODE_PROMOTION="/usr/lib/postgresql/${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}/bin/pg_ctl" PGSTAT_TMP="/var/run/postgresql/" PG_PID="/var/run/postgresql/${POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION}-main.pid" # Read data from secrets into env variables. # usage: file_env VAR [DEFAULT] # ie: file_env 'XYZ_DB_PASSWORD' 'example' # (will allow for "$XYZ_DB_PASSWORD_FILE" to fill in the value of # "$XYZ_DB_PASSWORD" from a file, especially for Docker's secrets feature) function file_env { local var="$1" local fileVar="${var}_FILE" local def="${2:-}" if [ "${!var:-}" ] && [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then echo >&2 "error: both $var and $fileVar are set (but are exclusive)" exit 1 fi local val="$def" if [ "${!var:-}" ]; then val="${!var}" elif [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then val="$(< "${!fileVar}")" fi export "$var"="$val" unset "$fileVar" } function boolean() { case $1 in [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee] | [Yy][Ee][Ss]) echo 'TRUE' ;; *) echo 'FALSE' ;; esac } file_env 'POSTGRES_PASS' file_env 'POSTGRES_USER' file_env 'POSTGRES_DBNAME' function create_dir() { DATA_PATH=$1 if [[ ! -d ${DATA_PATH} ]]; then echo "Creating" ${DATA_PATH} "directory" mkdir -p ${DATA_PATH} fi } function generate_random_string() { STRING_LENGTH=$1 random_pass_string=$(openssl rand -base64 ${STRING_LENGTH}) if [[ ! -f /scripts/.pass_${STRING_LENGTH}.txt ]]; then echo ${random_pass_string} > /scripts/.pass_${STRING_LENGTH}.txt fi export RAND=$(cat /scripts/.pass_${STRING_LENGTH}.txt) } # Make sure we have a user set up if [ -z "${POSTGRES_USER}" ]; then POSTGRES_USER=docker fi if [ -z "${POSTGRES_PASS}" ]; then generate_random_string 20 POSTGRES_PASS=${RAND} fi if [ -z "${POSTGRES_DBNAME}" ]; then POSTGRES_DBNAME=gis fi # If datadir is not defined, then use this if [ -z "${DATADIR}" ]; then DATADIR=${DEFAULT_DATADIR} fi # RECREATE_DATADIR flag default value # Always assume that we don't want to recreate datadir if not explicitly defined # For issue: https://github.com/kartoza/docker-postgis/issues/226 if [ -z "${RECREATE_DATADIR}" ]; then RECREATE_DATADIR=FALSE else RECREATE_DATADIR=$(boolean ${RECREATE_DATADIR}) fi if [ -z "${SSL_DIR}" ]; then SSL_DIR="/ssl_certificates" fi # SSL mode if [ -z "${PGSSLMODE}" ]; then PGSSLMODE=require fi # Enable hstore and topology by default if [ -z "${HSTORE}" ]; then HSTORE=true fi if [ -z "${TOPOLOGY}" ]; then TOPOLOGY=true fi # Replication settings if [ -z "${REPLICATION}" ]; then REPLICATION=false fi if [ -z "${REPLICATE_PORT}" ]; then REPLICATE_PORT=5432 fi if [ -z "${DESTROY_DATABASE_ON_RESTART}" ]; then DESTROY_DATABASE_ON_RESTART=true fi if [ -z "${PG_MAX_WAL_SENDERS}" ]; then PG_MAX_WAL_SENDERS=10 fi if [ -z "${PG_WAL_KEEP_SIZE}" ]; then PG_WAL_KEEP_SIZE=20 fi #Logical replication settings if [ -z "${MAX_LOGICAL_REPLICATION_WORKERS}" ]; then MAX_LOGICAL_REPLICATION_WORKERS=4 fi if [ -z "${MAX_SYNC_WORKERS_PER_SUBSCRIPTION}" ]; then MAX_SYNC_WORKERS_PER_SUBSCRIPTION=2 fi if [ -z "${IP_LIST}" ]; then IP_LIST='*' fi if [ -z "${MAINTAINANCE_WORKERS}" ]; then MAINTAINANCE_WORKERS=2 fi if [ -z "${ARCHIVE_MODE}" ]; then # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/runtime-config-wal.html ARCHIVE_MODE=off fi if [ -z "${ARCHIVE_COMMAND}" ]; then # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/continuous-archiving.html#BACKUP-ARCHIVING-WAL ARCHIVE_COMMAND="test ! -f ${WAL_ARCHIVE}/%f && cp %p ${WAL_ARCHIVE}/%f" fi if [ -z "${RESTORE_COMMAND}" ]; then # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/runtime-config-wal.html RESTORE_COMMAND="cp ${WAL_ARCHIVE}/%f \"%p\"" fi if [ -z "${ARCHIVE_CLEANUP_COMMAND}" ]; then # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/runtime-config-wal.html ARCHIVE_CLEANUP_COMMAND="pg_archivecleanup ${WAL_ARCHIVE} %r" fi if [ -z "${WAL_LEVEL}" ]; then # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/runtime-config-wal.html WAL_LEVEL=replica fi if [ -z "${WAL_SIZE}" ]; then WAL_SIZE=4GB fi if [ -z "${MIN_WAL_SIZE}" ]; then MIN_WAL_SIZE=1024MB fi if [ -z "${WAL_SEGSIZE}" ]; then WAL_SEGSIZE=32 fi if [ -z "${SHARED_BUFFERS}" ]; then SHARED_BUFFERS=256MB fi if [ -z "${WORK_MEM}" ]; then WORK_MEM=16MB fi if [ -z "${WAL_BUFFERS}" ]; then WAL_BUFFERS=1MB fi if [ -z "${CHECK_POINT_TIMEOUT}" ]; then CHECK_POINT_TIMEOUT=30min fi if [ -z "${MAX_WORKERS}" ]; then MAX_WORKERS=4 fi if [ -z "${MAINTAINANCE_WORK_MEM}" ]; then MAINTAINANCE_WORK_MEM=128MB fi if [ -z "${SSL_CERT_FILE}" ]; then SSL_CERT_FILE='/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem' fi if [ -z "${SSL_KEY_FILE}" ]; then SSL_KEY_FILE='/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key' fi if [ -z "${POSTGRES_MULTIPLE_EXTENSIONS}" ]; then if [[ $(dpkg -l | grep "timescaledb") > /dev/null ]];then POSTGRES_MULTIPLE_EXTENSIONS='postgis,hstore,postgis_topology,postgis_raster,pgrouting,timescaledb' else POSTGRES_MULTIPLE_EXTENSIONS='postgis,hstore,postgis_topology,postgis_raster,pgrouting' fi fi if [ -z "${ALLOW_IP_RANGE}" ]; then ALLOW_IP_RANGE='' fi if [ -z "${DEFAULT_ENCODING}" ]; then DEFAULT_ENCODING="UTF8" fi if [ -z "${PGCLIENTENCODING}" ]; then PGCLIENTENCODING="UTF8" fi if [ -z "${DEFAULT_COLLATION}" ]; then DEFAULT_COLLATION="en_US.UTF-8" fi if [ -z "${DEFAULT_CTYPE}" ]; then DEFAULT_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" fi if [ -z "${TARGET_TIMELINE}" ]; then TARGET_TIMELINE='latest' fi if [ -z "${TARGET_ACTION}" ]; then TARGET_ACTION='promote' fi if [ -z "${REPLICATION_USER}" ]; then REPLICATION_USER=replicator fi if [ -z "${REPLICATION_PASS}" ]; then generate_random_string 22 REPLICATION_PASS=${RAND} fi if [ -z "$IGNORE_INIT_HOOK_LOCKFILE" ]; then IGNORE_INIT_HOOK_LOCKFILE=false fi if [ -z "$EXTRA_CONF" ]; then EXTRA_CONF="" fi if [ -z "${SHARED_PRELOAD_LIBRARIES}" ]; then if [[ $(dpkg -l | grep "timescaledb") > /dev/null ]];then SHARED_PRELOAD_LIBRARIES='pg_cron,timescaledb' else SHARED_PRELOAD_LIBRARIES='pg_cron' fi fi if [ -z "$PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION" ]; then PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION="scram-sha-256" fi if [ -z "${ALL_DATABASES}" ]; then ALL_DATABASES=FALSE fi if [ -z "${FORCE_SSL}" ]; then FORCE_SSL=FALSE fi if [ -z "${ACCEPT_TIMESCALE_TUNING}" ]; then ACCEPT_TIMESCALE_TUNING=FALSE fi if [ -z "${TIMESCALE_TUNING_PARAMS}" ]; then TIMESCALE_TUNING_PARAMS= fi # Compatibility with official postgres variable # Official postgres variable gets priority if [ -n "${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}" ]; then POSTGRES_PASS=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} fi if [ -n "${PGDATA}" ]; then DATADIR=${PGDATA} fi if [ -n "${POSTGRES_DB}" ]; then POSTGRES_DBNAME=${POSTGRES_DB} fi if [ -n "${POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS}" ]; then INITDB_EXTRA_ARGS=${POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS} fi list=(`echo ${POSTGRES_DBNAME} | tr ',' ' '`) arr=(${list}) SINGLE_DB=${arr[0]} if [ -z "${TIMEZONE}" ]; then TIMEZONE='Etc/UTC' fi # usable function definitions function kill_postgres { PID=`cat ${PG_PID}` kill -TERM ${PID} # Wait for background postgres main process to exit # wait until PID file gets deleted while ls -A ${PG_PID} 2> /dev/null; do sleep 1 done return 0 } function restart_postgres { kill_postgres # Brought postgres back up again source /scripts/env-data.sh su - postgres -c "$SETVARS $POSTGRES -D $DATADIR -c config_file=$CONF &" # wait for postgres to come up until su - postgres -c "pg_isready"; do sleep 1 done echo "postgres ready" return 0 } # Running extended script or sql if provided. # Useful for people who extends the image. function entry_point_script { SETUP_LOCKFILE="/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/.entry_point.lock" # If lockfile doesn't exists, proceed. if [[ ! -f "${SETUP_LOCKFILE}" ]] || [ "${IGNORE_INIT_HOOK_LOCKFILE}" == true ]; then if find "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d" -mindepth 1 -print -quit 2>/dev/null | grep -q .; then for f in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*; do export PGPASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASS} case "$f" in *.sql) echo "$0: running $f"; if [[ "${ALL_DATABASES}" =~ [Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee] ]]; then psql ${SINGLE_DB} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -p 5432 -h localhost -f ${f} || true else for db in $(echo ${POSTGRES_DBNAME} | tr ',' ' '); do psql ${db} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -p 5432 -h localhost -f ${f} || true done fi;; *.sql.gz) echo "$0: running $f"; if [[ "${ALL_DATABASES}" =~ [Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee] ]]; then gunzip < "$f" | psql ${SINGLE_DB} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -p 5432 -h localhost || true else for db in $(echo ${POSTGRES_DBNAME} | tr ',' ' '); do gunzip < "$f" | psql ${db} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -p 5432 -h localhost || true done fi;; *.sh) echo "$0: running $f"; . $f || true;; *) echo "$0: ignoring $f" ;; esac echo done # Put lock file to make sure entry point scripts were run touch ${SETUP_LOCKFILE} fi fi return 0 } function configure_replication_permissions { echo "Setup data permissions" echo "----------------------" chown -R postgres:postgres $(getent passwd postgres | cut -d: -f6) su - postgres -c "echo \"${REPLICATE_FROM}:${REPLICATE_PORT}:*:${REPLICATION_USER}:${REPLICATION_PASS}\" > ~/.pgpass" su - postgres -c "chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass" } function streaming_replication { until su - postgres -c "${PG_BASEBACKUP} -X stream -h ${REPLICATE_FROM} -p ${REPLICATE_PORT} -D ${DATADIR} -U ${REPLICATION_USER} -R -vP -w --label=gis_pg_custer" do echo "Waiting for master to connect..." sleep 1s if [[ "$(ls -A ${DATADIR})" ]]; then echo "Need empty folder. Cleaning directory..." rm -rf ${DATADIR}/* fi done }