SET XML OPTION DOCUMENT; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 13.4 (Debian 13.4-1.pgdg110+1) -- Dumped by pg_dump version 13.4 (Debian 13.4-1.pgdg110+1) SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_table_access_method = heap; -- -- Name: layer_styles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: docker -- CREATE TABLE public.layer_styles ( id integer NOT NULL, f_table_catalog character varying, f_table_schema character varying, f_table_name character varying, f_geometry_column character varying, stylename character varying(30), styleqml xml, stylesld xml, useasdefault boolean, description text, owner character varying(30), ui xml, update_time timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), type character varying ); ALTER TABLE public.layer_styles OWNER TO docker; -- -- Name: layer_styles_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: docker -- CREATE SEQUENCE public.layer_styles_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.layer_styles_id_seq OWNER TO docker; -- -- Name: layer_styles_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: docker -- ALTER SEQUENCE public.layer_styles_id_seq OWNED BY; -- -- Name: layer_styles id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: docker -- ALTER TABLE ONLY public.layer_styles ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.layer_styles_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Data for Name: layer_styles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: docker -- INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (4, 'gis', 'elevation', 'contours', 'geom', 'Contours', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "fid" 1 ', ' Contours Contours Single symbol 0 30000 #d47f60 0.5 bevel square Placeholder Ubuntu 6 true 357 true #d47f60 true 25 357 false ', true, 'Default style for Contours', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:02.969441', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (5, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_admin_2m_500k', 'geometry', 'Admin Boundary (2m-500k)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Admin Boundary (2m-500k) Admin Boundary (2m-500k) Single symbol 500000 2000000 #cf9bcb 1 bevel square 1 2 500000 2000000 name Ubuntu 10 bold 0 0.5 #464646 0.778 1 ', true, 'Default style for Admin Boundary (2m-500k)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:06.172137', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (6, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_admin_500k_0', 'geometry', 'Admin Boundary (500k-0)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Admin Boundary (500k-0) Admin Boundary (500k-0) Single symbol 0 500000 #cf9bcb 1 bevel square 4 2 1 2 0 500000 name Ubuntu 8 bold 0 0.5 #7d7d7d 1 ', true, 'Default style for Admin Boundary (500k-0)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:09.404115', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (7, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_admin_500m_8m', 'geometry', 'Admin Boundary (500m-8m)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Admin Boundary (500m-8m) Admin Boundary (500m-8m) Single symbol 8000000 500000000 #cf9bcb 1 bevel square 8000000 500000000 name Ubuntu 19 bold 0 0.5 #464646 1000 1 ', true, 'Default style for Admin Boundary (500m-8m)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:13.003125', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (2, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_roads_1m', 'geometry', 'Secondary Road (background)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Secondary Road (background) Secondary Road (background) Single symbol 0 1000000 ', false, 'Default style for Secondary Road (background)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:24:53.264821', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (3, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_roads_500k', 'geometry', 'Tertiary Road (background)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Tertiary Road (background) Tertiary Road (background) Single symbol 0 500001 ', false, 'Default style for Tertiary Road (background)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:24:56.550242', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (8, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_admin_8m_2m', 'geometry', 'Admin Boundary (8m-2m)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Admin Boundary (8m-2m) Admin Boundary (8m-2m) Single symbol 2000000 8000000 #cf9bcb 1 bevel square 1 2 2000000 8000000 name Ubuntu 10 bold 0 0.5 #464646 0.81 1000 1 ', true, 'Default style for Admin Boundary (8m-2m)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:16.600241', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (9, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_places_150k', 'geometry', 'Town', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Town Town Single symbol 0 150000 circle #6c6250 6 0 150000 name Ubuntu 8 bold 0.5 0 #73675b ', true, 'Default style for Town', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:19.868747', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (10, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_places_2m_150k', 'geometry', 'City', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' City City Single symbol 150000 2000000 circle #948b7b 6 150000 2000000 name Ubuntu 9 0.5 0 #73675b ', true, 'Default style for City', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:22.995123', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (11, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_places_2m_500k', 'geometry', 'County', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' County County Single symbol 500000 2000000 circle #c6c6b0 7 500000 2000000 name Ubuntu 10 bold 0.5 0 #73675b 0.7 ', true, 'Default style for County', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:26.685408', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (12, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_places_35k', 'geometry', 'Locality', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Locality Locality 0 35000 name Ubuntu 8 0.5 0 #73675b ', true, 'Default style for Locality', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:30.320563', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (13, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_places_70k', 'geometry', 'Suburb/Village/Hamlet', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Suburb/Village/Hamlet Suburb/Village/Hamlet Suburb Suburb place suburb 0 70000 circle #d5d5ac 5 Village Village place village 0 70000 circle #e5d9a3 4 Hamlet Hamlet place hamlet 0 70000 circle #dfdfdf 4 0 70000 name Ubuntu 8 0.5 0 #73675b ', true, 'Default style for Suburb/Village/Hamlet', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:33.600064', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (27, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_healthcare_facilities_polygons', 'geometry', 'Healthcare Facilities Building', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Healthcare Facilities Building Healthcare Facilities Building Healthcare Facility Healthcare Facility 0 500001 #e8fff9 Shadow 1 Shadow 1 0 25001 #c2bdb5 2 2 0 10001 name FreeSans 7 0.5 0.5 0.5 #ffffff 0.7 #626262 0 ', true, 'Default style for Healthcare Facilities Building', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:23.376177', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (14, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_places_8m_2m', 'geometry', 'State/Region', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' State/Region State/Region 2000000 8000001 name Ubuntu 10 bold 0.5 0 #73675b 0.539 ', true, 'Default style for State/Region', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:36.990192', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (1, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_roads_15k', 'geometry', 'Other Roads (background)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Other Roads (background) Other Roads (background) Roads Roads type road type living_street type residential type unclassified type pedestrian 0 15001 Service Roads Service Roads service 0 15001 Track Track track 0 15001 Path Path type path type footway 0 15001 name Ubuntu 11.5 true 2 #ffffff 0.75 #444444 400 true 20 yes ', false, 'Default style for Other Roads (background)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:24:50.174313', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (15, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_roads_15k', 'geometry', 'Other Roads (foreground)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Other Roads (foreground) Other Roads (foreground) Roads Roads type road type living_street type residential type unclassified type pedestrian 0 15001 Service Roads Service Roads service 0 15001 Cycleway Cycleway type cycleway 0 15001 Track Track track 0 15001 Path Path type path type footway 0 15001 name Ubuntu 11.5 true 2 #ffffff 0.75 #444444 400 true 20 yes ', true, 'Default style for Other Roads (foreground)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:40.294283', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (16, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_roads_1m', 'geometry', 'Secondary Road (foreground)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Secondary Road (foreground) Secondary Road (foreground) Single symbol 0 1000000 ', true, 'Default style for Secondary Road (foreground)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:47.174264', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (17, 'gis', 'materialized_views', 'osm_roads_500k', 'geometry', 'Tertiary Road (foreground)', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Tertiary Road (foreground) Tertiary Road (foreground) Single symbol 0 500001 ', true, 'Default style for Tertiary Road (foreground)', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:50.306586', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (18, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_buildings', 'geometry', 'Buildings', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 C:/Users/Seabilwe Tilodi/Documents/Projects/GIS In The Classroom/ParksProject 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Buildings Buildings Building Building 12001 #d9d5d0 Shadow 1 Shadow 1 6000 #c2bdb5 2 2 0 5001 name Ubuntu 6 bold 0.5 0.5 0.5 #ffffff 0.7 #73675b 0 ', true, 'Default style for Buildings', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:53.431207', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (29, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_landuse', 'geometry', 'Land Use', ' 1 1 1 0 fclass IN (''military'', ''nature_reserve'') "fclass" != ''military'' OR "fclass" != ''nature_reserve'' 6 0 0.5 D:/Eigene Dateien/Karten/Projekte/OSM_Geofabrik_Basemap 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Land Use Land Use Farming and Food production Farming and Food production landuse_type animal_keeping landuse_type aquaculture landuse_type dairy landuse_type farmland landuse_type farmyard landuse_type grazing_area landuse_type greenhouse_horticulture landuse_type greenhouse landuse_type livestock_dip landuse_type orchard landuse_type plantation landuse_type allotments landuse_type Drying yard 0 100001 #eef0d5 Place of worshop and religious areas Place of worshop and religious areas landuse_type cemetery landuse_type churchyard landuse_type religious 0 100001 #fafbfc cross #ffffff #cfbcbc 0.5 4 11,11 Comercial and Shopping Comercial and Shopping landuse_type commercial landuse_type market landuse_type plant_nursery landuse_type retail 0 100001 #fdeceb Conservation Conservation landuse_type conservation 0 100001 #b2df8a Industial and Construction Industial and Construction landuse_type construction landuse_type garages landuse_type industrial landuse_type landfill landuse_type mining landuse_type port landuse_type quarry landuse_type harbour landuse_type brownfield 0 100001 #e0e0e0 Water Storage Facilities Water Storage Facilities landuse_type dam landuse_type reservoir landuse_type water_storage 0 100001 #539ac8 Education Education landuse_type education landuse_type school landuse_type education;church 0 100001 #e97c16 Urban Green Areas Urban Green Areas landuse_type greenfield landuse_type village_green landuse_type openground landuse_type greenfield 0 100001 #edf2f6 Human Usage Human Usage landuse_type human usage landuse_type Demonstration plot landuse_type logistics 0 100001 #d580c7 Island Island landuse_type islet 0 100001 #8bad6b Military Military landuse_type military 0 100001 #b68b8b 0.71 1 round round 4 2 horline #e3d3d3 1 4 135 Recreation Recreation landuse_type pitch landuse_type playground landuse_type recreation_ground landuse_type stadium landuse_type theme_park landuse_type zoo 0 100001 #695a33 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #000000 #ffffff 0.5 4 Transport Transport landuse_type railway landuse_type track 0 100001 #ebdbe8 Residential Residential landuse_type residential landuse_type neighbourhood landuse_type suburb landuse_type shelter landuse_type quarter 0 100001 #e0dfdf Other Other 0 100001 #a1986d landuse park 1 12501 name MS Shell Dlg 2 13 italic 0.5 0.5 2 #ffffff #bccfb0 landuse nature_reserve 1 25001 name MS Shell Dlg 2 15 italic 0.5 0.5 1.5 #ffffff #007c00 ', true, 'Default style for Land Use', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:31.416216', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (19, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_aeroway_linestring', 'geometry', 'Airport Runway', ' 1 1 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "ref" 1 ', ' Airport Runway Airport Runway Single symbol 0 60000 #8d8d8d 2 bevel butt #ffffff 1.71429000000000009 bevel butt ', true, 'Default style for Airport Runway', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:56.707839', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (20, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_aeroway_points', 'geometry', 'Airport Points', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "ref" 0 ', ' Airport Points Airport Points Airport Airport aeroway aerodrome 0 30000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Airport Gates Airport Gates aeroway gate 0 30000 half_arc #36d8ed #866f88 1 7 1.33333 ', true, 'Default style for Airport Points', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:25:59.896728', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (21, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_aeroway_polygons', 'geometry', 'Airport Building', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "ref" 2 ', ' Airport Building Airport Building Single symbol 0 70000 #d0c9dc ', true, 'Default style for Airport Building', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:03.031453', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (22, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_bay', 'the_geom', 'Bay', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "power" 1 ', ' Bay Bay Single symbol 0 2000 #cfc950 1 bevel square ', true, 'Default style for Bay', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:06.243531', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (23, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_busbar', 'the_geom', 'Busbar', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "power" 1 ', ' Busbar Busbar Single symbol 0 2000 #464646 0.5 round round line #464646 #464646 1 4 0 2 21 ', true, 'Default style for Busbar', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:09.586558', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (24, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_compensator_points', 'the_geom', 'Compensator Points', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "power" 0 ', ' Compensator Points Compensator Points Single symbol 0 1000 triangle #d6ccb5 5 ', true, 'Default style for Compensator Points', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:12.80828', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (25, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_converter_points', 'the_geom', 'Converter Points', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Converter Points Converter Points Single symbol 0 1000 square #d6ccb5 5 ', true, 'Default style for Converter Points', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:16.329267', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (26, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_healthcare_facilities_points', 'geometry', 'Healthcare Facilities Points', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Healthcare Facilities Points Healthcare Facilities Points Clinic Clinic health_care_facility_type clinic 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #ffafaf 0.5 7 Hospital Hospital health_care_facility_type hospital 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #ffafaf 0.5 7 Doctors Doctors health_care_facility_type doctors 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #ffafaf 0.5 7 Care Homes Care Homes health_care_facility_type assisted_living health_care_facility_type hospice health_care_facility_type nursing_home health_care_facility_type rehabilitation 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #232323 0.5 7 Pharmacy Pharmacy health_care_facility_type pharmacy health_care_facility_type chemist 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #ffafaf 0.5 9 Dentist Dentist health_care_facility_type dentist 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #ffafaf 0.5 7 Optician Optician health_care_facility_type optician 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #ffafaf 0.5 7 Veterinary Veterinary health_care_facility_type veterinary 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #ffafaf 0.5 7 Laboratory Laboratory health_care_facility_type laboratory 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8b8b #232323 0.5 6 Other Healthcare Other Healthcare health_care_facility_type alternative health_care_facility_type centre health_care_facility_type health_post 0 10000 circle #8b8b8b 7 ', true, 'Default style for Healthcare Facilities Points', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:19.973532', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (28, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_landcover', 'geometry', 'Landcover', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "subclass" 2 ', ' Landcover Landcover Basin Basin subclass basin 0 250001 #7090be Beach Beach subclass beach 0 250001 #fff1ba circle #109dee 1 11,11 Forest Forest subclass forest 0 250001 #acd29c image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #61a05d 0.2 #347b2f 1 14 18,18 Glacier Glacier subclass glacier 0 250001 #ddecec #beecec 1 bevel 4 2 Grass Grass subclass grass 0 250001 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #bccfb0 #232323 0.5 25 18,18 Grassland Grassland subclass grassland 0 250001 #e7f5dd arrowhead #ff0000 #86a670 0.5 7 90 21,21 line #ff0000 #86a670 0.5 4 0 -4 21,21 Heath Heath subclass heath 0 250001 #d6d99f Meadow Meadow subclass meadow 0 250001 #d2e8c5 third_arc #ff0000 #8aac71 0.5 7 90 29,21 Mud Mud subclass mud 0 250001 #e6dcd2 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #71b3f0 #71b3f0 1 16 #232323 1 bevel square Reef Reef subclass reef 0 250001 #539ac8 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #4084ae #257aaf 1 18 #232323 1 bevel square Sand Sand subclass sand 0 250001 #f5e9c6 circle #dfd1aa 2 11,11 Scree Scree subclass scree 0 250001 #ede4dc image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #2a1300 #a5a5a5 1 18 #232323 1 bevel square Scrub Scrub subclass scrub 0 250001 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #b1bf94 #232323 0.5 16 11,15 Water Body Water Body subclass water 0 250001 #b4d0d1 Wetland Wetland subclass wetland 0 250001 #dedfd3 0.45 line #ff0000 #428598 1 11 90 21,11 Woodlands Woodlands subclass wood 0 250001 #b9d6ac image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #acd29c 0.3 #688d58 0.5 11 18,18 ', true, 'Default style for Landcover', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:27.760901', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (30, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_parks', 'geometry', 'Parks and Reserves', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Parks and Reserves Parks and Reserves Single symbol 250001 3000000 #e5e8dd 0 500000 Placeholder Ubuntu 10 0 0.5 1 #8da380 #ffffff 1 ', true, 'Default style for Parks and Reserves', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:34.970942', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (31, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_peak_points', 'geometry', 'Mountain Peaks', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "osm_id" 0 ', ' Mountain Peaks Mountain Peaks Single symbol 0 50001 equilateral_triangle #9b4a3f 0 #cda59f 0.5 7 circle #232323 #232323 0.5 1 1 30000 name Ubuntu 10 italic 0.5 1 0 1 #464646 ', true, 'Default style for Mountain Peaks', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:38.089547', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (32, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_poi_points', 'geometry', 'Points of Interest/Service', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Points of Interest/Service Points of Interest/Service Food and Drink Food and Drink subclass alcohol subclass bakery subclass bar subclass beverages subclass biergarten subclass cafe subclass coffee subclass confectionery subclass drinking_water subclass fast_food subclass food_court subclass ice_cream subclass pub subclass restaurant subclass wine subclass bbq 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 9 Accommodation Accommodation subclass alpine_hut subclass camp_site subclass caravan_site subclass chalet subclass guest_house subclass hostel subclass hotel subclass motel subclass shelter subclass bed 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Attractions and Monuments Attractions and Monuments subclass attraction subclass art subclass arts_centre subclass artwork subclass castle subclass gallery subclass monument subclass museum subclass ruins subclass viewpoint 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Sports and Recreation Sports and Recreation subclass american_football subclass basketball subclass outdoor subclass shooting subclass skateboard subclass soccer subclass sports subclass sports_centre subclass tennis subclass water_park subclass miniature_golf subclass gymnastics 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #33a02c #232323 0.5 9 Bank Bank subclass bank 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #2c31a0 #ffffff 0.5 7 Health and Beauty Health and Beauty subclass beauty subclass cosmetics subclass hairdresser subclass jewelry subclass massage subclass perfumery 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #6c34a4 #232323 0.5 9 Bicycle Amenities Bicycle Amenities subclass bicycle subclass bicycle_rental subclass cycle_barrier 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Parking Parking subclass bicycle_parking subclass motorcycle_parking subclass parking 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Bollard Bollard subclass bollard 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #e3e96f #232323 0.5 9 Border Control Border Control subclass border_control 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #52e054 #232323 0.5 9 Shopping and Sercives Shopping and Sercives subclass boutique subclass clothes subclass convenience subclass copyshop subclass department_store subclass doityourself subclass dry_cleaning subclass electronics subclass florist subclass furniture subclass garden_centre subclass gift subclass greengrocer subclass general subclass hardware subclass hifi subclass interior_decoration subclass kiosk subclass laundry subclass mall subclass marketplace subclass mobile_phone subclass second_hand subclass shoes subclass stationery subclass supermarket subclass toys subclass travel_agency subclass wholesale subclass tailor subclass butcher subclass books subclass pet subclass photo 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #5cd538 #232323 0.5 9 Bus Station Bus Station subclass bus_station subclass bus_stop 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 7 Car Amenities Car Amenities subclass car subclass car_parts subclass car_repair 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 9 Entertainment Entertainment subclass cinema subclass music subclass musical_instrument subclass nightclub subclass theatre subclass ticket subclass video 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Community Centre Community Centre subclass community_centre 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #d6ab80 #232323 0.5 9 Computer Computer subclass computer 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Courthouse Courthouse subclass courthouse 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Boat Water Access Boat Water Access subclass dock subclass marina 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #34deb1 #232323 0.5 9 Dog Park Dog Park subclass dog_park 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #33a02c #232323 0.5 9 Ferry Amenities Ferry Amenities subclass ferry_terminal 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #664bde #232323 0.5 9 Fire Station Fire Station subclass fire_station 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #c43c39 #232323 0.5 9 Fuel Fuel subclass fuel 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 9 Garden Garden subclass garden 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #33a02c #232323 0.5 9 Gate Gate subclass gate subclass lift_gate 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #a4a4a4 #232323 0.5 9 Golf Amenities Golf Amenities subclass golf subclass golf_course 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 9 Grave Yard Grave Yard subclass grave_yard 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #3b3b3b #232323 0.5 9 Halt Halt subclass halt 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #41eeac #232323 0.5 9 Information Information subclass information 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #0039b6 #232323 0.5 9 Library Library subclass library 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 9 Motobike Amenities Motobike Amenities subclass motocross subclass motorcycle 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Nursing Home Nursing Home subclass nursing_home 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #bf3336 #232323 0.5 8 Picnic Site Picnic Site subclass picnic_site 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #33a02c #232323 0.5 9 Place of Worship Place of Worship subclass place_of_worship 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #171717 #232323 0.5 9 Postal services Postal services subclass post_box subclass post_office 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #c43c39 #232323 0.5 9 Prison Prison subclass prison 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #5b5151 #232323 0.5 9 Recycling Recycling subclass recycling 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #33a02c #232323 0.5 9 Rail Amineties Rail Amineties subclass station subclass subway_entrance subclass tram_stop 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #7216e2 #232323 0.5 9 Stile Stile subclass stile 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #171717 #232323 0.5 9 Swimming Swimming subclass swimming subclass swimming_pool 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #539ac8 #232323 0.5 9 Taxi Taxi subclass taxi 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #171717 #232323 0.5 9 Telecommunication Telecommunication subclass telephone subclass mobile_phone 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Toilets Toilets subclass toilets 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Toll Booth Toll Booth subclass toll_booth 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 9 Townhall Townhall subclass townhall 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #535252 #232323 0.5 9 Bin Bin subclass waste_basket 0 10000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #8b8a8a #232323 0.5 9 Other Other multi 0 10000 circle #535252 7 ', true, 'Default style for Points of Interest/Service', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:42.781061', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (33, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_power_polygons', 'the_geom', 'Power Stations', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Power Stations Power Stations Single symbol 0 25000 #efb6b5 ', true, 'Default style for Power Stations', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:49.674277', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (34, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_power_transmission_lines', 'the_geom', 'Transmission Lines', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "type" 1 ', ' Transmission Lines Transmission Lines Single symbol 0 2000 #e5737b 0.5 round round circle #e5737b #e5737b 0.5 3 21 ', true, 'Default style for Transmission Lines', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:53.027969', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (35, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_railways', 'geometry', 'Railway', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 0.9 D:/Eigene Dateien/Karten/Projekte/OSM_Geofabrik_Basemap 0 D:/Eigene Dateien/Karten/Projekte/OSM_Geofabrik_Basemap 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Railway Railway 1 - 1000 1 - 1000 rail 1 1000 #595959 1.19999999999999996 round butt #595959 0.69999999999999996 round butt #ffffff 0.69999999999999996 round butt 3 1.5 1000 - 5000 1000 - 5000 rail 1000 5000 #595959 1.19999999999999996 round butt #595959 0.69999999999999996 round butt #ffffff 0.69999999999999996 round butt 3 1.5 5000 - 10000 5000 - 10000 rail 5000 10000 #595959 1.19999999999999996 round butt #595959 0.69999999999999996 round butt #ffffff 0.69999999999999996 round butt 3 1.5 10000 - 50000 10000 - 50000 rail 10000 50000 #464646 0.5 bevel square 50000 - 100000 50000 - 100000 rail 50000 100000 #464646 0.5 bevel square 100000 - 500000 100000 - 500000 rail 100000 500000 #464646 0.5 bevel square 500000 - 1500000 500000 - 1500000 rail 100000 1500000 #464646 0.5 bevel square ', true, 'Default style for Railway', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:56.588568', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (36, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_substation_points', 'the_geom', 'Substation Points', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Substation Points Substation Points Single symbol 0 1000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #d6ccb5 #232323 0.5 9 ', true, 'Default style for Substation Points', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:26:59.709531', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (37, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_substation_polygons', 'the_geom', 'Substation Buildings', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Substation Buildings Substation Buildings Single symbol 0 25000 #e6c9dc ', true, 'Default style for Substation Buildings', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:27:02.985404', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (38, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_switch', 'the_geom', 'Switch Points', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "power" 0 ', ' Switch Points Switch Points Single symbol 0 1000 square #e77148 0 #d6ccb5 0.5 6 cross2 #ff0000 #d6ccb5 0.5 6 ', true, 'Default style for Switch Points', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:27:06.083578', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (39, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_switchgear', 'the_geom', 'Switchgear Building', ' 1 1 1 0 fclass IN (''military'', ''nature_reserve'') "fclass" != ''military'' OR "fclass" != ''nature_reserve'' 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 2 ', ' Switchgear Building Switchgear Building Single symbol 0 10000 #d6ccb5 1 round round 4 2 horline #d6ccb5 1 4 45 ', true, 'Default style for Switchgear Building', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:27:09.312363', 'Polygon'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (40, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_transformer', 'the_geom', 'Transformer Points', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "power" 0 ', ' Transformer Points Transformer Points Single symbol 0 1000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #e15989 #232323 0.5 11 ', true, 'Default style for Transformer Points', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:27:12.56058', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (41, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_waterways_manmade', 'geometry', 'Manmade Water Bodies', ' 1 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 1 ', ' Manmade Water Bodies Manmade Water Bodies Canal Canal waterway canal 0 350000 #aad3df 1 bevel square Ditch Ditch waterway ditch 0 350000 #bdbcb7 0.5 bevel square Drain Drain waterway drain 0 350000 #ccd6d3 0.5 bevel square ', true, 'Default style for Manmade Water Bodies', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:27:15.843163', 'Line'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (42, 'gis', 'osm', 'osm_waterways_points', 'geometry', 'Waterfall/Rapids', ' 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 generatedlayout "name" 0 ', ' Waterfall/Rapids Waterfall/Rapids Single symbol 0 100000 image/svg+xml image/svg+xml square #79aab8 #232323 0.5 9 5000 100000 name Ubuntu 8 italic 0.5 1 0 3 #082e90 0.944 ', true, 'Default style for Waterfall/Rapids', 'docker', NULL, '2022-06-06 17:27:19.520342', 'Point'); INSERT INTO public.layer_styles VALUES (43, 'gis', 'osm', 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SELECT ON TABLE public.layer_styles TO replicator; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --