[![MicroBadger Layers](https://img.shields.io/microbadger/layers/linuxserver/calibre.svg?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge)](https://microbadger.com/images/linuxserver/calibre "Get your own version badge on microbadger.com")
[Calibre](https://calibre-ebook.com/) is a powerful and easy to use e-book manager. Users say it’s outstanding and a must-have. It’ll allow you to do nearly everything and it takes things a step beyond normal e-book software. It’s also completely free and open source and great for both casual users and computer experts.
Our images support multiple architectures such as `x86-64`, `arm64` and `armhf`. We utilise the docker manifest for multi-platform awareness. More information is available from docker [here](https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/spec/manifest-v2-2.md#manifest-list) and our announcement [here](https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/02/21/the-lsio-pipeline-project/).
Docker images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate `<external>:<internal>` respectively. For example, `-p 8080:80` would expose port `80` from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port `8080` outside the container.
For all of our images we provide the ability to override the default umask settings for services started within the containers using the optional `-e UMASK=022` setting.
Keep in mind umask is not chmod it subtracts from permissions based on it's value it does not add. Please read up [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umask) before asking for support.
When using volumes (`-v` flags), permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container, we avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user `PUID` and group `PGID`.
This image sets up the calibre desktop app and makes its interface available via Guacamole server in the browser. The interface is available at `http://your-ip:8080`.
By default, there is no username or password set. Custom usernames and passwords can be set via optional docker environment variables. Keep in mind that the `GUACPASS` variable accepts the `md5 hash` of the desired password (the sample above is the hash for `abc`). The md5 hash can be generated by either of the following commands:
Port 8081 is reserved for Calibre's built-in webserver, which can be enabled within the desktop app settings, and the internal port must be set to `8081` although it will then be available at the host mapped port for external access.
You can access advanced features of the Guacamole remote desktop using `ctrl`+`alt`+`shift` enabling you to use remote copy/paste and different languages.
[![Docker Mods](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/yaml?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=calibre&query=%24.mods%5B%27calibre%27%5D.mod_count&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Flinuxserver%2Fdocker-mods%2Fmaster%2Fmod-list.yml)](https://mods.linuxserver.io/?mod=calibre "view available mods for this container.") [![Docker Universal Mods](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/yaml?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=universal&query=%24.mods%5B%27universal%27%5D.mod_count&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Flinuxserver%2Fdocker-mods%2Fmaster%2Fmod-list.yml)](https://mods.linuxserver.io/?mod=universal "view available universal mods.")
We publish various [Docker Mods](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods) to enable additional functionality within the containers. The list of Mods available for this image (if any) as well as universal mods that can be applied to any one of our images can be accessed via the dynamic badges above.