[![MicroBadger Layers](https://img.shields.io/microbadger/layers/linuxserver/sickgear.svg?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge)](https://microbadger.com/images/linuxserver/sickgear "Get your own version badge on microbadger.com")
[SickGear](https://github.com/sickgear/sickgear) provides management of TV shows and/or Anime, it detects new episodes, links downloader apps, and more..
Our images support multiple architectures such as `x86-64`, `arm64` and `armhf`. We utilise the docker manifest for multi-platform awareness. More information is available from docker [here](https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/spec/manifest-v2-2.md#manifest-list) and our announcement [here](https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/02/21/the-lsio-pipeline-project/).
Docker images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate `<external>:<internal>` respectively. For example, `-p 8080:80` would expose port `80` from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port `8080` outside the container.
For all of our images we provide the ability to override the default umask settings for services started within the containers using the optional `-e UMASK=022` setting.
Keep in mind umask is not chmod it subtracts from permissions based on it's value it does not add. Please read up [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umask) before asking for support.
When using volumes (`-v` flags), permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container, we avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user `PUID` and group `PGID`.
Access the webui at `<your-ip>:8081`, for more information check out [SickGear](https://github.com/sickgear/sickgear).
## Migration
Non linuxserver.io containers are known to have the following configuration differences and may need SickGear or docker changes to migrate an existing setup
* The post processing directory which is volume mounted as `downloads` within this container may be `incoming` in other versions.
* The permissions environmental variables which are defined as `PGID` and `PUID` within this container may have been `APP_UID` and `APP_UID` in other versions.
* The configuration file directory which is volume mounted as `config` within this container may be set as the environmetal variable `APP_DATA` in other versions.
Whilst the container is stopped alter this directive to `cache_dir = cache` which will allow SickGear to look for the folder relative to the volume mounted `/config` directory.
* compare and align SickGear version numbers bewteen old and new. Ideally they should match but at a minumum the old vesion should be a lower version number to allow SickGear itself to try and migrate
[![Docker Mods](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/yaml?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=sickgear&query=%24.mods%5B%27sickgear%27%5D.mod_count&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Flinuxserver%2Fdocker-mods%2Fmaster%2Fmod-list.yml)](https://mods.linuxserver.io/?mod=sickgear "view available mods for this container.") [![Docker Universal Mods](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/yaml?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=universal&query=%24.mods%5B%27universal%27%5D.mod_count&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Flinuxserver%2Fdocker-mods%2Fmaster%2Fmod-list.yml)](https://mods.linuxserver.io/?mod=universal "view available universal mods.")
We publish various [Docker Mods](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods) to enable additional functionality within the containers. The list of Mods available for this image (if any) as well as universal mods that can be applied to any one of our images can be accessed via the dynamic badges above.