[Synclounge](https://github.com/samcm/synclounge) is a third party tool that allows you to watch Plex in sync with your friends/family, wherever you are.
We utilise the docker manifest for multi-platform awareness. More information is available from docker [here](https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/spec/manifest-v2-2.md#manifest-list) and our announcement [here](https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/02/21/the-lsio-pipeline-project/).
Simply pulling `lscr.io/linuxserver/synclounge:latest` should retrieve the correct image for your arch, but you can also pull specific arch images via tags.
Docker images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate `<external>:<internal>` respectively. For example, `-p 8080:80` would expose port `80` from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port `8080` outside the container.
| `AUTH_LIST=plexuser1,plexuser2,email1,machineid1` | If set, only the users defined here and the users of the plex servers defined here will be able to access the server. Use e-mails, plex usernames and/or plex server machine ids, comma separated, no spaces. |
| `AUTOJOIN_ENABLED=false` | DEPRECATED - (Still works but will be removed in the future in favor of the built-in var `autojoin__room`) - Set to `true` to let users autojoin the server and a room (specified by the `AUTOJOIN_ROOM` var). |
| `AUTOJOIN_ROOM=roomname` | DEPRECATED - (Still works but will be removed in the future in favor of the built-in var `autojoin__room`) - Set the room name for auto joining (requires `AUTOJOIN_ENABLED` set to `true`). |
For all of our images we provide the ability to override the default umask settings for services started within the containers using the optional `-e UMASK=022` setting.
Keep in mind umask is not chmod it subtracts from permissions based on it's value it does not add. Please read up [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umask) before asking for support.
[![Docker Mods](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/yaml?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=synclounge&query=%24.mods%5B%27synclounge%27%5D.mod_count&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Flinuxserver%2Fdocker-mods%2Fmaster%2Fmod-list.yml)](https://mods.linuxserver.io/?mod=synclounge "view available mods for this container.") [![Docker Universal Mods](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/yaml?color=94398d&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=universal&query=%24.mods%5B%27universal%27%5D.mod_count&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Flinuxserver%2Fdocker-mods%2Fmaster%2Fmod-list.yml)](https://mods.linuxserver.io/?mod=universal "view available universal mods.")
We publish various [Docker Mods](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods) to enable additional functionality within the containers. The list of Mods available for this image (if any) as well as universal mods that can be applied to any one of our images can be accessed via the dynamic badges above.
* **28.10.20:** - Update to v4. Env vars `EXTERNAL_URL`, `EXTERNAL_SERVER_PORT` and `AUTOJOIN_PASSWORD` are deprecated and no longer have any effect. Env vars `AUTOJOIN_ENABLED` and `AUTOJOIN_ROOM` are still working but will be removed in the future in favor of synclounge's built-in var `autojoin__room`. If you are reverse proxying, do not forget to update your proxy settings ([here](https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs/blob/master/synclounge.subdomain.conf.sample) and [here](https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs/blob/master/synclounge.subfolder.conf.sample)) as the server port and addresses are changed.