[![](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/version/linuxserver/nzbget.svg)](https://microbadger.com/images/linuxserver/nzbget "Get your own version badge on microbadger.com")
[![](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/image/linuxserver/nzbget.svg)](https://microbadger.com/images/linuxserver/nzbget "Get your own version badge on microbadger.com")
[Nzbget](http://nzbget.net/) is a usenet downloader, written in C++ and designed with performance in mind to achieve maximum download speed by using very little system resources.
Our images support multiple architectures such as `x86-64`, `arm64` and `armhf`. We utilise the docker manifest for multi-platform awareness. More information is available from docker [here](https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/spec/manifest-v2-2.md#manifest-list).
Simply pulling `linuxserver/nzbget` should retrieve the correct image for your arch, but you can also pull specific arch images via tags.
The architectures supported by this image are:
| Architecture | Tag |
| :----: | --- |
| x86-64 | amd64-latest |
| arm64 | arm64v8-latest |
| armhf | arm32v6-latest |
## Version Tags
This image provides various versions that are available via tags. `latest` tag usually provides the latest stable version. Others are considered under development and caution must be exercised when using them.
Docker images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate `<external>:<internal>` respectively. For example, `-p 8080:80` would expose port `80` from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port `8080` outside the container.
When using volumes (`-v` flags), permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container, we avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user `PUID` and group `PGID`.
Ensure any volume directories on the host are owned by the same user you specify and any permissions issues will vanish like magic.
In this instance `PUID=1001` and `PGID=1001`, to find yours use `id user` as below: