
32 wiersze
944 B

#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# check for lock file to only run git operations once
if [ ! -e /lock.file ]; then
# give abc a sudo shell for development
chsh abc -s /bin/bash
sed -e 's/%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/g' \
-i /etc/sudoers
sed -e 's/^wheel:\(.*\)/wheel:\1,abc/g' -i /etc/group
# create directory for project
mkdir -p /code
# make sure URL is set and folder is empty to clone code
if [ ${GITURL+x} ] && [ ! "$(/bin/ls -A /code 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then \
# clone the url the user passed to this directory
git clone "${GITURL}" /code
# lock exists not importing project this is a restart
echo "Lock exists just starting cloud9"
# create lock file after first run
touch /lock.file
# permissions
mkdir -p /c9sdk/build/standalone
echo "[cont-init.d] Setting permissions this may take some time"
chown -R abc:abc \
/c9sdk/build/standalone \
/code \