David Freese 678f66b460 modem timing test
* read timing factors for string transmission by external
    program using new xmlrpc query
    - main.get_tx_timing
      respone - #samples: samplerate: transmit_time (secs)
  * read char rate table using external xmlrpc query
    - main.get_char_rates
      table structure
      char, ascii-rep', #samples, samplerate, transmit_time (secs)
  * added hidden macro <CPS_TEST> which simulates transmission
    of test string and measures the character per second rate
    for the modem in use.
    - <CPS_TEST> uses internal "Jabberwocky" string
    - <CPS_FILE:[full pathname to file]> uses external text file
    - <CPS_STRING:ascii text string...>
    - produces report similar to:
      CPS test
      text:         /home/dave/dev.git/all.git/pskr-tests/paris.txt
      mode:         PSK-500R
      # chars:      2400
      xmt time:     56.580000
      data time:    52.480000
      data samples: 419840
      sample rate:  8000
      chars/sec:    45.731707
      ~WPM:         457.317073
  * Allow writing wav file during timing test
  * High Speed WAV
    - Add macros to enable writing WAV file in at maximum
      character throughput.
    - disables codec output
    - use this for creating wav test files
  * Suppress waterfall display for CPS and WAV tests
  * Remove PSK printf debug statements
  * Fix MFSK xmt 0x05 --> 0x04 during CPS testing
2014-01-31 12:55:33 -06:00
mfsk.cxx modem timing test 2014-01-31 12:55:33 -06:00