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\page wefax_page WEFAX
This modem is able to receive and transmit HF-Fax images, traditionally used
for weather reports.
More technical information is available on the wikipedia
article <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiofax">Radiofax</a>.
Two modes are implemented IOC=576 or 288. The focus is made on
black-and-white images, color mode is still experimental.
Many frequencies are available
at <a href="http://www.hffax.com">http://www.hffax.com/</a> for example.
When entering any Wefax mode, the reception window opens, and optionally the
transmit window. it is always possible to bypass this with the menu
\image html FindReception.png "WEFAX"
\image latex FindReception.png "WEFAX" width=6.0in
\section wefax_config Configuration.
As for any modem, weather fax has its own tab in the configuration window.
\image html Wefax-Configuration.png "WEFAX Configuration"
\image latex Wefax-Configuration.png "WEFAX Configuration" width=6.0in
\subsection embeded_wefax Embedded vs floating display mode
There are two display modes for this modem:
<li>Embedded mode: This is the default mode, the normal receipt and
transmit windows gets graphic (Like Hellschreiber mode).</li>
<li>Floating mode: There are two separate windows for transmission and
reception. This was the only available mode until fldigi 3.21.49.</li>
\image html Wefax-Detached-Windows.png "Detached WEFAX Window"
\image latex Wefax-Detached-Windows.png "Detached WEFAX Window" width=6.0in
\subsection hide_tx_window Hide transmission window.
This option, allows to closed by default, the transmission window, when
entering Wefax mode. In embedded mode, this means that the entire
window is used for reception (Most common mode). In floating mode, this
implies that the transmission window is not opened by default.However,
it is always possible to manually open or close the transmission window
at any time.
\subsection logging_adif Logging messages to ADIF file
Each time an image is saved, it is possible to log this event, with the
frequency and reception time, to the Adif file. This option is disabled by
\subsection fsk_adjust Frequency shift adjustment
The default frequency is 800 Hz. However, it is possible to adjust for
example to 850 Hz for Deutsche Wetter Dienst.
\subsection max_rows Maximum rows number
It non-continuous (Non non-stop) reception mode, an image is
automatically saved when it has more than this number of lines
(Default 2500 lines). Once this number of rows is reached, the image
is saved and a new image is read with the same parameters. This feature
has two applications:
<li>In automatic mode (APT control), if an image end is not detected, we
can guarantee that the result will take no more than, for example, the
size of two faxes. Typical faxes have about 1300 lines, so the max lines
parameters can be tuned to, for example, 200 lines.</li>
<li>In manual mode, where images are read continuously, this cuts the
received images into chunks of equal size.</li>
\subsection dest_dir Destination directory for saved images
Received images are saved in the default folder
<tt>$HOME/.fldigi/images (Linux) or \<defaultpath\>/fldigi.files/images</tt>
Additionally, they can be saved manually, at any time, using the
button 'Save'. The PNG images received some extra text comments which can be
displayed, for example, with GIMP.
\subsection mono_images Monochrome images
Fax images are monochromes and are saved as such by default. However, it is
possible to bypass this parameter and save them as color RGB images.
\section tx_image Transmitting an Image
To open the transmit window, you must of course select one of the two
Wefax modems, and then right-click on the transmit (blue) window:
Then, the transmit window just opens. This is the same logic as sending MFSK
Then, you must open an image file using the button "Load". The image is then
displayed, for example like that:
\image html Transmit_A.png "Transmitting"
\image latex Transmit_A.png "Transmitting" width=6.0in
Now, to start the transmission, you just need to click "Tx B/W" for
black-and-white images, etc... During transmission, image reception is
paused. The window will display each image line as it is sent. Please
be patient, this may take a while. You might note that FlDigi status
line displays the estimation transmit time, and the current stage
(Start, phasing etc...); Color transmission ('<i>Tx Color</i>') is
intentionally disabled at the moment.
\image html Wefax-Sending.png "Sending"
\image latex Wefax-Sending.png "Sending" width=6.0in
\section rx_image Receiving an image
\image html wefax-Receive-Embeded.png "Reception"
\image latex wefax-Receive-Embeded.png "Reception" width=6.0in
To enter reception mode, one can click the "View" menu tab, and select
"Weather Fax Image".
At this time, the reception window opens. A big blank picture is visible,
this is where the received image will be displayed. Several controls
are available:
<li>Save: This allows to save the current image as a PNG file at any
<li>Non-stop: At startup, the modem goes into automatic mode, and the
text "Abort" is displayed. When clicking "Abort", this blanks the image
and resets the APT detection. When "Manual mode'" is clicked, no APT
detection is done. The Automatic/Manual mode is displayed in the
reception window label.</li>
<li>Pause/Resume: At any moment, the image reception can be paused
and resumed (State is displayed in the reception window label).</li>
<li>Zoom: This allows to zoom in/out the image.</li>
This allows to select an input FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter.
Practically, the narrow filter (Default value) gives the best results.
The selected value is saved in the configuration file.</li>
APT/Skip phasing: When in automatic mode, this allows to skip detection
steps. This is often necessary when the signal is not very good.</li>
When receiving an image, either in manual or automatic mode (APT control),
other controls are displayed:
<li>Line: The number of the line currently received.</li>
<li>Width: The image width in pixels. This is usually 1809, if LPM
is 120.</li>
Lines per minute: Typically 120, can be 60, 90, 120 or 240. This is
detected in automatic mode, but can be manually adjusted.</li>
This is used to adjust the slant of the image due to a clock
inaccuracy. This value is saved in the configuration file, so it is
not needed to reenter it each time.</li>
<li>Center: This is used to manually adjust the horizontal center of
the image, if it could not be detected in the phasing step.</li>
When this button is set, the image will be automatically centered. This
process starts after some hundredth of lines are received, by shifting
left and right the image. It takes some time to converge.</li>
\image html wefax-rx-window-detached.png "Received WEFAX File"
\image latex wefax-rx-window-detached.png "Received WEFAX File" width=6.0in
\subsection apt_control_mode APT control reception mode
This mode uses the APT start and STOP frequencies to detect the beginning
and end of an image. Additionally, it tries to detect the phasing
signal - a wide black band - to detect the center of the image. This
method is helped by the estimation of the signal power of these
\subsection manual_reception Manual reception mode (Non-Stop)
In this mode, the image is continuously read and displayed. When the
maximum number of lines is reached, the image is saved and blanked, and
the line counter returns to one.
\subsection input_fir Input FIR filters
There are three input Finite Impulse Response filters available. Here
are their frequency characteristics:
Narrow filter, the default one, give the better results.
\image html narrow.png "Narrow filter response"
\image latex narrow.png "Narrow filter response" width=3.0in
\image html middle.png "Middle filter response"
\image latex middle.png "Middle filter response" width=3.0in
\image html wide.png "Wide filter response"
\image latex wide.png "Wide filter response" width=3.0in
\subsection center_image Centering an image
If the phasing was not automatically detected, the modem could not deduce
the beginning of an image. The result is an image which is horizontally
shifted. To correct this, one can use the "Center" slider.
\subsection picture_slant Picture with a slant
If either the send, receive or both ends of the transmission are using an
uncalibrated sound card whose sampling rate is not an exact multiple of the
sample rate the resulting picture at the receive end will appear
slanted. The degree of slant is directly related to the accumulation of
the frequency error at both ends of the transfer. Stations wishing to
receive Weather fax pictures should calibrate their sound card.
The \ref digiscope_display_wwv_mode "WWV calibration mode" is used
to measure and set the parts per million (ppm) correction factor for the
sound card.
Your sound system may be fully corrected, but the sending station may have
an uncorrected sound card. You can usually correct for small
errors during reception by using the slant slider. Its value (Typically
between - 0.005 and 0.005) will be stored in fldigi configuration
\subsection auto_center Automatic centering.
If the phasing signal could not be used for centering the image, the
program waits for a string image signal anyway to go into reception
mode, but it sets an internal flag allowing to automatically center the
image. This feature can be freely enabled and disabled at any moment.
it works by detecting a wide vertical band of about hundred pixels,
where the sum of the contrast as the lowest among the complete image
That is: It computes for each row and each pixel, the
absolute value of the horizontal derivate. It then sums these
derivatives pixel-wise, row by row. Then, it computes an average of
about hundred pixels along this single row. The column which has the
lowest averaged contrast is considered to be the image margin, which is
then shifted on the left of the window.
This method takes some time to stabilize, because at the beginning, there
are many areas of the image, without details. It gets stable at the end,
when only the margin stays with few contrasted details.
\subsection image_detection Image detection based on signal power
The APT control - inherited from the Hamfax signal, does not work very
well when the image is noised. On the other hand, fldigi provides ways
to evaluate the signal power on a given bandwith. This is used because
APT control relies on the emission on specific frequencies.
Therefore, in the APT start and phasing loops, when check for the presence of
strong signals associated to APT control. This information is used to
take a decision when the traditionally method does not detect anything.
These two methods are interchangeable but used together for better detection.
\subsection afc_control AFC: Automatic Frequency Control
This option controls the frequency on the complete spectrum width. After
several hunderads of lines have been correctly loaded (That is, with a
high line-to-line correlation), the AFC locks until the frequency or
mode is manually changed.
\subsection noise_elimination Noise elimination
This option eliminates short-lived noise, individual pixels with a different
value from their horizontal neighbors. They are modified using median
values. This is based on the fact that no line should be narrower than
two pixels, otherwise such an image would not be broadcast, because not
correctly readable. It is therefore impossible to have one single
pixel, simultaneously very different from its left and right neighbors.
\subsection binary_images Binary images
Faxes can be stored as binary or grey level images. The cutoff level between
black and white (Default 128) can be adjusted. No information is lost
until the image is saved, therefore this level can be freely modified
until image end. The purpose of this option is to save disk space.
\subsection display_files Displaying received files
Each time the end of an image is detected, an image file is created and its
name appears on the file list of the reception window. By clicking on a
file name, it is displayed in the transmit window.
\image html wefax-tx-rx-embeded.png "Received Image"
\image latex wefax-tx-rx-embeded.png "Received Image" width=6.0in
\ref wefax_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"