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\page frequency_analyzer_page Frequency Analyzer
Fldigi can be used to accurately measure the frequency of a remote signal
that is transmitting a steady carrier.
\image html FreqAnal.png "Frequency Analyzer"
\image latex FreqAnal.png "Frequency Analyzer" width=6.5in
I have set the sound card up using the WWV modem and have it adjusted
for the proper PPM offset on receive. I followed the frequency calibration
procedure that ICOM recommends for the IC-746PRO, adjusting WWV at
10 MHz for a zero beat.
Then fldigi was used in the "Freq Analysis" mode to track the WWV carrier
at 10 MHz. In this mode the decoder is merely a very narrow band
AFC tracking filter. The filter bandwidth is set to 2 Hz and the
tracking time constants to about 5 seconds. Future releases will
probably make both of these user adjustable. When the signal is
being tracked the digiscope (right hand display) will be a horizontal
line. If the signal is very noisy and tracking difficult the
digiscope will jump and become wavy. You can see from the above
image that I am tracking about 0.22 Hz high on WWV. I have
repeated this measurement at various times during the day and on
various days with nearly the same result. So I am comfortable
with knowing that my local oscillator is just a little low (that is why
the Frequency reads high).
ARRL frequently announces a frequency measurement test (FMT) which takes
place on 160, 80 and 40 meters. This is a chance to test your
skills in frequency measurement. You should be able to make a
submission to the FMT using this technique. Make corrections to the FMT
transmission based upon your WWV measurement. You may have to adjust
for other local oscillator effects as well. If you have some good
ways to measure and correct for these I would be glad to share them
with the other fldigi users.
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