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\page configuration_page Configuration
The first time you execute fldigi you should resize the main window to
suit your screen dimensions. Then adjust the divider line
between the Rx and Tx text widgets..
Fldigi contains many configurable items, to specify operator data, user
interface, and modem characteristics. The application also saves
many state variables between executions. It will start up in the
state that it was last used.<br>
\section ui_configuation User Interface configuration
You should initially configure the following:
<li> \subpage operator_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage sound_card_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage rig_control_page </li>
<li> \subpage new_installation_page </li>
<li> \subpage config_io_page </li>
\section windows_install_config Windows Specific Install / Config
<li> \subpage installing_on_windows_page </li>
<li> \subpage wizard_page</li>
\section other_configuation_options Other Configuration options
When the program receives and transmits digital signals and your rig control
is satisfactory then you can continue configuring other aspects of the
<li> \subpage callsign_db_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage colors_and_fonts_page </li>
<li> \subpage fft_scan_page </li>
<li> \subpage id_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage psk_mail_configuation_page </li>
<li> \subpage touch_page </li>
<li> \subpage ui_configuration_broswer_page </li>
<li> \subpage ui_configuration_contest_page </li>
<li> \subpage ui_configuration_general_page </li>
<li> \subpage ui_configuration_logging_page </li>
<li> \subpage ui_configuration_macros_page </li>
<li> \subpage ui_configuration_waterfall_controls_page </li>
<li> \subpage ui_configuration_waterfall_page </li>
<li> \subpage wefax_page </li>
<li> \subpage working_logs_page </li>
\section command_line_switches Command Line Switches
Additional configurational items are available from the command line.
See \ref command_line_switches_page "Command Line Switches" for details.
\section modem_configuration_options Modem Configuration Options
You can configure each modem type to suit your particular operating needs,
but the defaults should be satisfactory for most users.
<li> \subpage contestia_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage cw_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage domino_ex_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage feld_hell_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage id_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage miscellaneous_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage mt63_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage olivia_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage psk_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage rtty_fsk_configuration_page </li>
<li> \subpage thor_configuration_page </li>
When you have completed the configuration go to the <b>Configure</b> menu
and select <b>Save config</b> or press the "Save Config" button on the
configure dialog box. The program will write the
file ~/.fldigi/fldigi_def.xml.
\ref configuration_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"