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\page rig_control_page Rig Control
\image html init-rig-setup.png "Initial Rig Setup"
\image latex init-rig-setup.png "Initial Rig Setup" width=2.0in
CAT not enabled
\image html docked-rig-control.png "Docked Rig Control"
\image latex docked-rig-control.png "Docked Rig Control" width=5.0in
CAT not enabled, Manual Entry of transceiver frequency
<b>Note: </b>The same control is also used for both manual entry of the
transceiver frequency or with full CAT control. When no CAT is available
the control is simply a convenient way of keeping track of the transceiver
USB/LSB suppressed carrier frequency, the mode and the audio tracking
point. If fldigi is being used with an FM transceiver you probably should
enter the simplex frequency or the input frequency of a repeater being
used. This frequency value is used with the waterfall audio frequency to
compute the logged frequency. The logged frequency value will only be
correct for LSB and USB operation.
The frequency/mode pick list is displayed when the book button is
pressed. Pressing the book button a second time will restore the
original logging panel.
The pick list buttons control selecting, adding and deleting entries in
the frequency/mode list.
<li>add the current frequency / mode / audio track point to the list</li>
<li>select the current list entry</li>
<li>delete the highlighted entry from the list</li>
<li>delete all entries from the list (a warning prompt will appear)</li>
<li>show active frequencies based on either the entry field to the
right or the stations locator,
see \ref psk_reporter_page "pskreporter/spotter".</li>
<li>entry field for active frequencies search, for example "EM."</li>
The browser list contains frequency, sideband, modem type and audio
frequency. The list is saved when fldigi is shut down.
The combo box on the left will allow the selection and control of the
operating mode of the transceiver.
The combo box on the right will allow the selection and control of the
transceiver bandwidth.
The frequency display is in fact a set of special buttons. Each
digit may be increment by clicking/pressing on the upper half of the digit and
decrement by clicking/pressing the lower half of the digit. The leading
digits will follow suit if a decade rollover occurs. You can also place the
mouse cursor on a digit and then use the mouse wheel to roll the frequency
up and down.
Manual entry of frequency can be accomplished by clicking on any digit and
then entering the numeric value in KHz. Don't forget the decimal
point if you are entering a fractional KHz value.
The Smeter / Power-meter display is only active if fldigi is configured for xmlrpc
control with flrig. The transceiver must support the smeter and power out CAT query.
fldigi does not try to estimate the smeter reading based on the audio stream.
You can toggle viewing the Smeter / Power-meter display using the View menu item
"View/Hide Smeter." Be sure to save the configuration for this to persist the next
time fldigi is executed.
The mode combobox, the bandwidth combobox and the frequency display
also annunciate the current transceiver status. If you change
operating mode on the transceiver, that will be annunciated in the
respective combobox and fldigi will adjust any internal parameters
accordingly. Fldigi queries the transceiver 10 times per second
to maintain a lock step with the transceiver.
\section rig_config Rig Configuration
<b>Hardware PTT control</b>
\image html config-rig-hardware.png "Hardware PTT control"
\image latex config-rig-hardware.png "Hardware PTT control" width=5.0in
<b>Right Channel VOX Signal</b>
Fldigi can generate a 1000 Hz tone for the duration of the PTT keydown period.
A simple tone detector/filter and transistor switch can be used to generate
a PTT signal from this sound card output. Jim, W5ZIT, has provided
details on building an \ref w5zit_rt_channel_page "interface" for this
type of PTT control.
<b>Serial Port using DTR or RTS</b>
The simplest rig control is just being able to control the push to talk via
an external transistor switch. You set this type of control on the first
configuration tab for rig control.
You select this operation by checking the "Use serial port PTT".
Select the serial port from the list (fldigi will have searched
for available ports). Then specify whether the h/w uses RTS or
DTR and whether a + or - voltage is required to toggle PTT on.
You can use a serial port for control with the RTS and DTR pins
configured for you particular interface.
The program allows you to use RTS, DTR or BOTH for the PTT
signal. Press the Initialize button to start the serial port.
<b>Parallel Port (Linux and Free BSD only)</b>
Fldigi sets and clears the parallel port pin, PARPORT_CONTROL_INIT, pin 16 on
the 25 pin parallel port connector. Keydown sets Pin 16 to +5
volts and keyup sets the voltage to zero.
<b>&mu;H Router (MacOS X)</b>
Simular functionality can be achieved on the Macintosh operating system using
'&mu;H Router' by Kok Chen, W7AY. See
<a href="http://www.w7ay.net/site/Applications/Router/index.html">&mu;H Router Website</a>
for specific details and requirements. A selectable (check box) option will be
available on the Rig->Hardware PTT Configuration panel.
<b>PTT delays</b>
You can accommodate delays in transceiver switching between
receive and transmit by adjusting the PTT delays. The control
values are in milliseconds. These controls have no effect on
external PTT circuits such as those implemented in the SignaLink
interfaces. They rely on detecting the audio data stream.
You can use a combination of macro tags in a macro key definition to
achieve a resolution. For example try a macro definition similar
to this to insure that the RSID is sent via a slow FM xcvr (or via a
VHF repeater)
Change the idle time value (in fractional seconds) to suit your needs.
\section rig_cat_control RigCAT control
\image html config-rig-rigcat.png "RigCAT control"
\image latex config-rig-rigcat.png "RigCAT control" width=5.0in
RigCAT is a rig control system similar to hamlib that was developed
specifically for fldigi. It uses command / response definitions that
are found in various \ref rig_xml_page "rig.xml"
files. You can use a rig.xml file specific for your transceiver or
write and test one yourself. The easiest way is to adapt an existing
rig xml file for a rig that is similar to your own. ICOM almost
identical command/response strings for all of its transceiver line.
Yaesu rigs have nearly all used unique command/response structures
until just recently. The TS-450, TS-950 and others share a similar set
of commands and responses.
RigCAT commands and responses are defined in a rig specific xml file which
contains all of the required queries and responses in extended markup
language format. Please read the specification
document \ref rig_xml_page "rigxml" to learn more about this new way of
building generic rig interface definitions and how they are used with
fldigi. fldigi will look for a file in the $HOME/.fldigi/rigs directory for
all files with extension ".xml". These contain definitions for the
transceiver indicated by the file name, ie: FT-450.xml, IC-756PRO.xml,
etc. You can download the appropriate xml files from the resource directory
tree <a href="http://www.w1hkj.com/xmls">http://www.w1hkj.com/xmls</a>
or from the
archives <a href="http://www.w1hkj.com/xmlarchives.html">web page</a>. Place
the file in your rigs directory and fldigi will find it.
You will need to specify how your PTT will be triggered. This can be
using a CAT command, the RTS or DTR pins or none. None would be
appropriate if you are using the rig's VOX or an outboard sound card
interface such as the SignalLink SL-1+ which produces its own VOX type of
PTT. In that case simply leave all of the PTT options unselected.
If you are using a transceiver or a rig interface such as CI-V that echos
all serial data you check off the "Commands are echoed" box. That
will suppress fldigi trying to respond to a command it just sent to the
You may need to try various values of retries, retry interval, and command
interval to achieve consistent rigcat control.
Press the Initialize button after setting all of the parameters. If the
settings are all correct fldigi should start receiving frequency
information from the rig and annunciating them on the rig control
frequency display.
\section hamlib_cat_control Hamlib CAT control
Hamlib is a set of standard libraries for interfacing to a large number of
transceivers. The hamlib library system consists of a front end
which acts on behalf of all rigs and backends which are specific to
each rig.
\image html config-rig-hamlib.png "Hamlib CAT Control"
\image latex config-rig-hamlib.png "Hamlib CAT Control" width=5.0in
Select your transceiver from the list of supported units. Then select
the serial port and baud rate. If you are familiar with the
hamlib library you can send various startup sequences to the rig using
the advanced configuration. PTT control can be achieved using CAT
commands or via DTR / RTS on the same port as the control comms.
You might also need to specifiy whether RTS/CTS flow control is
uses (Kenwood rigs use this quite often) or if Xon/Xoff flow control is
You may need to try various values of retries, retry interval, and command
interval to achieve consistent hamlib control.
Press the Initialize button after setting all of the parameters. If the
settings are all correct fldigi should start receiving frequency
information from the rig and annunciating them on the rig control
frequency display.
\section xml_rpc_cat Xml-Rpc CAT
\image html config-rig-xmlrpc.png "Xml-Rpc CAT Control"
\image latex config-rig-xmlrpc.png "Xml-Rpc CAT Control" width=5.0in
Xml-Rpc allows third party software to control various aspects of fldigi
operation including but not limited to rig control. This is the data
interface that is also used by the program <b>flrig</b>, a fldigi
companion transceiver control program.
If you are using a third party interface such as DxKeeper Bridge you might
be instructed to select this method of CAT.
\ref rig_control_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"