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\page thor_page Thor
Thor is a new forward error correcting incremental frequency shift keyed
communications mode. It was developed specifically to meet the needs of ARQ
transfers in the HF spectrum. It is particularly well suited under
conditions of atmospheric static noise. Thor borrows from two current modem
technologies, \ref mfsk_page "MFSK" and \ref domino_ex_page "DominoEX".
Thor emits a distinctive double rising tone sequence at the
beginning of each transmission. It is used to flush the receive
decoder and also provides a visual and audible clue to its being used.
The modem code for Thor uses a wide band multiple frequency
detector that can lock on and detect the incoming signal even when
badly mistuned. Frequency domain oversampling is used to allow
proper tone detection without the need for AFC. The AFC control does
not alter the decoder in any way.
The waterfall and digiscope will appear as:
\image html Thor-1.png "Thor"
\image latex Thor-1.png "Thor" width=6.0in
The text displayed in the status area is the secondary text being sent by the
transmitting station. When the keyboard buffer is empty the Thor modem
transmits text from the secondary text buffer. Your secondary text buffer
can be edited on the Thor configuration tab.
The digiscope display is similar to the DominoEX display and represents the
tone pairs moving through the tone filters. You can also use an alternate
digiscope display (left click on the digiscope display area).
\image html dominoex-1a.png "DominoEx"
\image latex dominoex-1a.png "DominoEx" width=1.0in
In this display mode the red line represents the center of the multiple
tone bins that are in the detector. The dots will be blurry if the AFC is
not locked on and become very distinct when AFC lock has been achieved. The
tone dots will move from bottom to top (opposite the direction of the
This is the same signal mistuned:
\image html dominoex-2.png "DominoEx Mistuned"
\image latex dominoex-2.png "DominoEx Mistuned" width=6.0in
and with the signal badly mistuned:
\image html dominoex-3.png "DominoEx Mistuned 2"
\image latex dominoex-3.png "DominoEx Mistuned 2" width=6.0in
\ref thor_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"