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\page new_installation_page New Installation
fldigi's opening screen looks like the following when starting fldigi for the
first time or when setting up a second or subsequent instance using the
--config-dir command line switch. The Wizard has been completed and the
callsign, W1HKJ, entered.
\image html main-dialog-newinstall.png "Main Dialog New Install"
\image latex main-dialog-newinstall.png "Main Dialog New Install" width=6.0in
Fldigi will create a working files folder, multiple sub folders and also
populate them with a set of default files. The working files folder is
different on the different OS.
| Operating System | Folder/Directory |
| :---------------: | :----------------------------------------------------- |
| Windows | C:\\Documents and Settings\\\<username\>\\fldigi.files |
| Vista | C:\\Users\\\<username\>\\fldigi.files |
| Linux | /home/\<username\>/.fldigi |
| Macintosh | /Users/User_Login_Name/.fldigi |
After closing the application the working folder will contain the following
folders and files:
\image html folder-working.png "Working Folder"
\image latex folder-working.png "Working Folder" width=6.0in
The help, images, logs, scripts and temp folders will be empty. They
will contain program created files as you use the program or you may
post files in those folders for use by fldigi. Images to be sent
with the MFSK pic mode should be placed in images. Your logbook
database will appear in logs. If you are running on Linux then
you can use various scripts to enhance the macro language that fldigi
supports. The temp directory holds files that are transitory and
you can safely delete those files between sessions. The 5 files
that appear initially are:
variables that describe the status of fldigi when last used. This
is an ASCII text file that you can safely read. You should not
edit or change this file.</td>
<td>this is an historical log of all the received and transmitted text
during the day for which the log refers</td>
variables that relate to all of fldigi's configurable items. This
is an ASCII text file that conforms with the XML specification.
You can safely read this file but should not edit or change it.</td>
<td>an ASCII text file that contains the default (and / or modified)
entries for fldigi's rig control process</td>
\ref working_logs_page "status_log.txt"
log of events for the most current fldigi execution. This file
will contain information relative to any errors that my occur and is
important for debugging purposes.</td>
The macros folder contains a single file: macros.mdf. This is
an ASCII text file that contains the default macro definitions.
After running fldigi for a while and creating your own sets of
macro definitions there will be additional *.mdf files located here.
The palettes folder contains the following files:
\image html folder-palettes.png "Folder Palettes"
\image latex folder-palettes.png "Folder Palettes" width=5.0in
of these is a palette definition file that is used to modify the
appearance of the waterfall. Fldigi has a palette editor that
enables you to modify these default files or to create your own.
The file format of these files is identical to the palette files
used by DigiPan. The final color rendition might be a little
different as a result of using different painting functions. The
file digipan.pal contains:<br>
<td> 0; 0; 0<br> 0; 0; 62<br> 0; 0;126<br> 0; 0;214<br>145;142; 96<br>181;184; 48<br>223;226;105<br>254;254; 4<br>
Don't bother trying to modify these using an editor. The palette editor
is much easier to use and will keep you from wrecking havoc with the
The easiest way to find the working files folder is to start fldigi and then
select the menu item File/Show config.
\ref new_installation_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"