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\page operating_multiple_copies_page Operating Multiple Copies
\image html Dual-fldigi.png "Multiple Copies of FLDIGI"
\image latex Dual-fldigi.png "Multiple Copies of FLDIGI" width=6.0in
There are times that you may need to simultaneously operate two or more
instances of fldigi. Or you might simply want to maintain two
different configurations based on hardware usage.
The screen shot shows how this is done on Vista, but the process is
nearly the same on XP, Win7 and Linux. When you install fldigi it
creates a desktop icon launcher. Most of the Linux window
managers allow you to create a desktop launch icon. Make as many
copies of the launcher as needed for your applications and rename them
accordingly. Then change the executable target entry to include
the \ref command_line_switches_page "command line switch" '--config-dir'
followed by the full pathname of the folder that will hold that
particular configuration. You do not need to create that folder
as fldigi will do so the first time it is launched from that desktop
If the various configurations all use independent hardware, i.e. sound
cards and rig control ports, then you can have them operating
simultaneously. Each instance will have it's own configuration
files, status file, macros, and logbook. It is possible to have
each instance use the same logbook, but then simultaneous operation is
not possible as the logbook file is not currently designed to allow
that type of sharing.
If each instance will be paired with a separate flarq (similarly set up
for multiple operation) then you will also need to add the command line
switch for \ref command_line_switches_page "arq-server address and port".
The same is true for use with applications that talk to fldigi via it's
xml-rpc socket port. You change the address/port pairs on both
the fldigi launcher and the paired application such as flarq or flrig.
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