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\page keyboard_operation_page Keyboard Operation
The transmit buffer for fldigi is type ahead which means that you
can be typing text while the program is sending an earlier part of your
transmitted message.
Newly entered text appears in black and text which has been transmitted
is changed to red. You can backspace into the red area. When you do and
the modem in use supports the BS character it will be sent to the receiving
station. If you monitor PSK and MFSK signals you will often find operators
backspacing over previously sent text. It's probably just as easy to just
send XXX and retype that part of the message, but we have gotten used to
word processors, email, etc. that allow us to send perfect (right) text, so
we expect our digital modems to do the same. Let's see, what was that
prosign often used in CW for oooops.
All of the alpha numeric keys perform as you would expect, entering
text into the transmit buffer. There is one very important
The caret "^" symbol. This is used in the macro expansion routine
and also used by the transmit buffer evaluator. A ^r puts fldigi into
receive mode. So you can enter the ^r (caret followed by the r) at the end
of your transmit buffer and when the sent character cursor (red chars) gets to
that point the program will clear the text and return to the receive
You can load the transmit buffer with any ASCII Text file of your
choice. Merely right click in the buffer window and select from
the pop-up menu. You can also short cut to the ^r from
this popup.
Many ops (including me) do not like to be tied to a mouse. The
fldigi text widget supports some short cuts to make your life easier:
<li>Pause/Break - a transmit / receive - pause button. </li>
<li>if you are in the receive mode and press the Pause/Break key the
program will switch to the transmit mode. It will begin transmitting
characters at the next point in the transmit buffer following the red
(previously sent text). If the buffer only contains unsent text,
then it will begin at the first character in the buffer. If the
buffer is empty, the program will switch to transmit mode and
depending on the mode of operation will send idle characters or
nothing at all until characters are entered into the buffer.</li>
<li>if you are in the transmit mode and press the Pause/Break key
the program will switch to the receive mode. There may be a slight
delay for some modes like MFSK, PSK and others that require you to
send a postamble at the end of a transmission. The transmit text
buffer stays intact, ready for the Pause/Break key to return you to
the transmit mode.</li>
<li>Think of the Pause/Break key as a software break-in capability.</li>
<li>Esc - </li>
<li>Abort transmission. - immediately returns the program to receive,
sending the required postamble for those modes requiring it. The
transmit buffer is cleared of all text.</li>
<li>Triple press on Esc - terminates the current transmission without
sending a postamble - The PANIC button.</li>
<li>Ctrl-R will append the ^r (return to receive) at the end of the
current text buffer.</li>
<li>Ctrl-T will start transmitting if there is text in the transmit
text window.</li>
<li>Alt/Meta-R will perform the same function as the Pause/Break key</li>
<li>Tab moves the cursor to the end of the transmitted text (which
also pauses tx). A tab press at that position moves the cursor to the
character following the last one transmitted. CW operation is slightly
different, see the help for \ref cw_page .</li>
<li>Ctrl + three digits will insert the ASCII character designated by
that entry.</li>
\section function_keys Function Keys
Keys F1 through F12 are used to invoke the macro F1 - F12. You
can also just click on the macro key button associated with that
function key. There are 4 sets of 12 macros. If you press the numbered
button on the macro button bar the next set of macros are referenced by
the F1 - F12. A right click on the numbered button provides a reverse
rotation through the 4 sets of macro keys. The respective macro set can be
made available by pressing the Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 or Alt-4 key
combination. Note that this is not Alt-F1 etc.
\ref keyboard_operation_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"