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\page ui_configuration_logging_page User Interface Configuration - Logging
\image html config-ui-tabs.png "UI Tabs"
\image latex config-ui-tabs.png "UI Tabs" width=5.0in
\image html config-ui-qso-logging.png "QSO Logging"
\image latex config-ui-qso-logging.png "QSO Logging" width=5.0in
\section captureing_log_data Capturing Log data
Fldigi has a built in logbook. You can request to be prompted whenever
there is an unsaved entry in the qso log area. You can also elect to
whether to clear all of the qso fields when the log is saved or to leave them
Auto-fill Country and Azimuth uses the data found in the file
"cty.dat" that you should download and place in the fldigi default
folder. You can force the callsign field to be upper case
independent of capture or keyboard entry. You enter your default
Transmit Power which is used for the logbook record.
Fldigi has various ways to transfer data in the Rx panel to the qso logging
fields. The default is to use a Shift-Left-Click paradigm. You can also
elect to use a single left click method if you prefer. The word pointed to by
the cursor is parsed to determine it's intended field use; call, RSQ, operator
name, and QTH. The call will be overwritten, but the other log fields need to
be blank for the data transfer to be accomplished. Each data item is considered
to be a single word normally delimited by the space, tab or end-of-line character.
You can add word delimiter characters in the designated text box. The default is
to add *-,.; to the normal delimiters. This is a useful tool for extracting
contest exchange data. The exchange might be RST, STATE and NAME. The station
being worked might send this as 599-NJ-Bozo. Clicking on the 599 NJ and Bozo
would treat each as a separate word. You may also right click on a word (or a
phrase that has been highlighted by dragging the cursor over the text). That
will open a pop-up menu with selections to transfer the data into a number of
different log fields.
You can elect to have the RST in/out preset to 599 after you clear the QSO
entry fields.
If you check the "callsign tooltips in received text" then the Rx
text area will popup an information box whenever the mouse is held over
a callsign for more than 2 seconds. The popup will look like one
of the following:
\section pop_ups Pop ups
\image html show-popup.png "Pop ups"
\image latex show-popup.png "Pop ups" width=2.75in
\image html show-popup2.png "Pop ups 2"
\image latex show-popup2.png "Pop ups 2" width=2.75in
\section country_files Country Files
The data is derived by parsing the callsign and referral to both the
logbook and the "cty.dat" file. If the station was previously
worked the operator's name and azimuth/distance will be computed from
the logbook gridsquare entry (Loc). Otherwise the
azimuth/distance is computed from the data in the cty.dat file.
This file is maintained by, and can be downloaded from the following web site:
<a href="http://www.country-files.com/">http://www.country-files.com/</a><br>
The default location for this file is in the fldigi default files
folder. You have the option of changing that file location by
either entering the new folder pathname in the edit control, or by
using the "Browse" or "Default" button. If you change the
contents of cty.dat while fldigi is running you should force fldigi to
reload the data from the file. This data is normally only read
when the program starts.
\section internal_logbook Internal Logbook
Fldigi has an internal logbook. That log should be used for single
operator operations. There may be times that you need to share a
log, either between programs on a single computer, or with other
operators running fldigi on other computers on a LAN (or even WAN).
In lieu of the internal logbook you can elect to use a common logbook
server. This logbook is maintained by a separate logbook program,
<a href="http://www.w1hkj.com/fllog-help/index.html">fllog</a>. fllog
provides access to read, query and update records via an xmlrpc socket
interface. fllog provides the server function and connecting applications
are clients.
You need to specify both the socket address and socket port. The
defaults are as shown and are for the instance when both fllog and
fldigi are on a single computer. Unless configured otherwise,
fllog will always use the port address 8421.
\section logbook_network_address Logbook Network Address
\image html config-ui-lan.png "Network Address"
\image latex config-ui-lan.png "Network Address" width=2.25in
My home network has IP address assignments as shown. If fllog were
running on the mini-mac (fl-mac) and fldigi running on the linux-dev
machine. I would enter the server address into the fldigi
configuration for the Client/Server Logbook.
\image html connect-to-logserver.png "Connect to Server"
\image latex connect-to-logserver.png "Connect to Server" width=1.36in
The "Logbook/Connect to server" menu item allows you to connect to the
remote logbook. If successful then the toggle remains checked and
the menu items for accessing the internal logbook are disabled.
\ref ui_configuration_logging_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"