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\page miscellaneous_configuration_page Miscellaneous Configuration
\section subsec_sweet_spot Sweet spot
\image html config-misc-sweet.png "Misc Sweet Spot Config"
\image latex config-misc-sweet.png "Misc Sweet Spot Config" width=5.0in
The sweet spot is the audio frequency at which your transceiver
provides the best filtering for a particular signal type. You can
specify the value of the sweet spot for CW, RTTY and all others.
You can also elect to have the audio cursor placed at the sweet
spot when changing modes. The sweet spot is used for the
\ref operating_controls_page "QSY function".
The K3 A1A lower sideband can be selected for any transceiver that only
provides LSB in the CW mode.
\section subsec_callsig_spotting Callsign spotting
\image html config-misc-spotting.png "Callsign spotting"
\image latex config-misc-spotting.png "Callsign spotting" width=5.0in
Fldigi allows you to automatically participate in a spotting network
maintained by Philip Gladstone. You can see what the web based reporter
looks like by visiting this web site: http://pskreporter.info/pskmap?W1HKJ
or by simply selecting the menu item "Help / Reception reports...".
Fldigi will continuously scan for spotted callsigns in the decoded text and
send reports in the background if you check the "Automat..." option.
Reports will also (or only) be sent when you log the QSO into the logbook.
If you have rig control enabled the reported rig frequency will also be
sent to the spotting network. Do not change the Host and Port
numbers unless these are changed by Philip.
You need to press the Initialize to begin reporting spot information.
You will receive a warning message if you did not enter your antenna
information on the Operator tab.
If your CPU performance is marginal you can disable spotting when no
signal browser is visible.
\section subsec_cpu_performance CPU performance
\image html config-misc-cpu.png "Misc CPU"
\image latex config-misc-cpu.png "Misc CPU" width=5.0in
When fldigi is executed for the first time it does some tests to determine
the performance factor for your central processor unit. If it
determines that the cpu is below a critical speed it tries to
compensate by modifying some of its timing and algorithms. If you
are using a "slow" cpu the "Slow cpu" check box will be enabled.
You can also manually check this box if you find that fldigi is
not performing well on some of the more esoteric modes such as PSK250,
MFSK32, etc.
\section subsec_text_io Text i/o
\image html config-misc-textio.png "Misc Text I/O"
\image latex config-misc-textio.png "Misc Text I/O" width=5.0in
Fldigi can perform automatic capture of the Rx text stream. The simplest
is to simply capture all incoming text to a file. Select this
from the lower of the two frames. The Rx file is named
"textout.txt" and is written to the directory as shown above. The
file can be used to review an execution session, or it can be accessed
by an external program. For example it could be parsed to provide
a text to speech conversion.
\section subsec_nbems_flxxx_interface NBEMS (flmsg / flwrap) interface
\image html config-misc-nbems.png "Config Misc NBEMS"
\image latex config-misc-nbems.png "Config Misc NBEMS" width=5.0in
The NBEMS suite of programs, fldigi, flarq, flwrap and flmsg provide the
emergency operator with a set of tools to assist in the transfer of data files
over HF and VHF radio.Additional information on flarq is available here:
<li><a href="http://www.w1hkj.com/FlarqHelpFiles/flarq.html">flarq help system</a>.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.w1hkj.com/Flwrap/index.html">wrap help system</a>.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.w1hkj.com/flmsg-help/index.html">flmsg help system</a></li>
The reception of a flwrap and flmsg files can be automated by selecting
the "Enable detection &amp; extraction" option. The wrap program
can then be used to test for validity and data extraction at some later
time. fldigi can recognize flmsg data files and automatically
open the flmsg program with the newly received data stream. It
can also transfer the data stream to flmsg and instruct flmsg to save
the data file, unwrap and decode it, display the data in a fully
formatted html page and then exit. Pressing "Locate flmsg"
performs differently on the different OS that are supported.
<li>Linux - a file finder is opened to the /usr/local/bin/
folder. Select the flmsg executable and the entry box is
correctly populated</li>
<li>Windows - a file finder is opened to the "C:\Program Files\"
folder. Drill down to the most current flmsg folder and then
select the flmsg.exe file. The entry box will be correctly
<li>OS X - a file browser is opened to the "Applications"
folder. Locate the flmsg icon, and right click on it.
Select "Show Package Contents". Double click "Contents".
Double click on "MacOS". You will be viewing an icon labeled
"flmsg". Drag and drop the icon on to the "flmsg:" entry box and
the the value will be correctly entered.</li>
\section subsec_dtmf_decoding DTMF decoding
\image html config-misc-dtmf.png "Misc DTMF Decoding"
\image latex config-misc-dtmf.png "Misc DTMF Decoding" width=5.0in
Fldigi can encode and decode DTMF tone sequences. Enable this check box
to display the decoded tone sequence in the Rx panel. DTMF encoding is
accomplished by a \ref macros_sub_page "MACRO" tag.<br>
\section subsec_wx_rss_xml WX rss-xml queries
\image html config-WX.png "Misc WX"
\image latex config-WX.png "Misc WX" width=5.0in
Fldigi provides an automated query of a specified RSS-XML feed to obtain and
format weather data. The report is added to the transmit text stream
using the appropriate \ref macros_sub_page "MACRO" tag. The report
for the above configuration is:
Huntsville, Madison County Executive Airport, AL, United States (KMDQ) 34-51-41N 086-33-26W
Cond: overcast
Wind: 210 at 12 mph 19 kph
Temp: 62 F 17 C
Baro: 30.04 in Hg 1017 mbar
The full report option creates this report:
Huntsville, Madison County Executive Airport, AL, United States (KMDQ) 34-51-41N 086-33-26W
Feb 29, 2012 - 07:15 AM EST / 2012.02.29 1215 UTC
Wind: from the SSW (210 degrees) at 12 MPH (10 KT) gusting to 17 MPH (15 KT):0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast
Temperature: 62 F (17 C)
Dew Point: 60 F (16 C)
Relative Humidity: 93%
Pressure (altimeter): 30.04 in. Hg (1017 hPa)
The "Search on web" button will open your browser toGreg Thompson's
<a href="http://weather.rap.ucar.edu/surface/stations.txt">global listing</a>
of METAR station.
RSS feeds for world wide airports can be searched here
<a href="http://www.airrouting.com/content/AirportLocatorForm.aspx">
\ref miscellaneous_configuration_page "Return to Top of Page"
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