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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// flxmlrpc Copyright (c) 2015 by W1HKJ, Dave Freese <iam_w1hkj@w1hkj.com>
// XmlRpc++ Copyright (c) 2002-2008 by Chris Morley
// This file is part of fldigi
// flxmlrpc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(disable:4786) // identifier was truncated in debug info
#include <string>
#include "XmlRpcDispatch.h"
#include "XmlRpcSource.h"
namespace XmlRpc {
// Arguments and results are represented by XmlRpcValues
class XmlRpcValue;
//! A class to send XML RPC requests to a server and return the results.
class XmlRpcClient : public XmlRpcSource {
//! Construct a client to connect to the server at the specified host:port address
//! @param host The name of the remote machine hosting the server, eg "myserver.mycompany.com"
//! @param port The port on the remote machine where the server is listening
//! @param uri An optional string to be sent as the URI in the HTTP GET header
//! Note that the host is not a URL, do not prepend "http://" or other protocol specifiers.
XmlRpcClient(const char* host, int port, const char* uri=0);
//! Construct a client to connect to the server at the specified host:port address including HTTP authentication
//! @param host The name of the remote machine hosting the server
//! @param port The port on the remote machine where the server is listening
//! @param login The username passed to the server
//! @param pass The password passed to the server
//! @param uri An optional string to be sent as the URI in the HTTP GET header
XmlRpcClient(const char* host, int port, const char* login, const char* password, const char* uri=0);
//! Destructor
virtual ~XmlRpcClient();
//! Execute the named procedure on the remote server.
//! @param method The name of the remote procedure to execute
//! @param params An array of the arguments for the method
//! @param result The result value to be returned to the client
//! @param timeoutSeconds Seconds to wait for a response (defaults to forever)
//! @return true if the request was sent and a result received
//! (although the result might be a fault).
//! Currently this is a synchronous (blocking) implementation (execute
//! does not return until it receives a response or an error). Use isFault()
//! to determine whether the result is a fault response.
bool execute(const char* method, XmlRpcValue const& params, XmlRpcValue& result, double timeoutSeconds = -1);
//! Returns true if the result of the last execute() was a fault response.
bool isFault() const { return _isFault; }
//! Return the host name of the server
const char* const host() const { return _host.c_str(); }
//! Return the port
int port() const { return _port; }
//! Return the URI
const char* const uri() const { return _uri.c_str(); }
// XmlRpcSource interface implementation
//! Close the connection
virtual void close();
//! Handle server responses. Called by the event dispatcher during execute.
//! @param eventType The type of event that occurred.
//! @see XmlRpcDispatch::EventType
virtual unsigned handleEvent(unsigned eventType);
// Execution processing helpers
virtual bool doConnect();
virtual bool setupConnection();
virtual bool generateRequest(const char* method, XmlRpcValue const& params);
virtual std::string generateHeader(std::string const& body);
virtual bool writeRequest();
virtual bool readHeader();
virtual bool parseHeader();
virtual bool readResponse();
virtual bool parseResponse(XmlRpcValue& result);
// Possible IO states for the connection
ClientConnectionState _connectionState;
// Server location
std::string _host;
std::string _uri;
int _port;
// Login information for HTTP authentication
std::string _login;
std::string _password;
// The xml-encoded request, http header of response, and response xml
std::string _request;
std::string _header;
std::string _response;
// Number of times the client has attempted to send the request
int _sendAttempts;
// Number of bytes of the request that have been written to the socket so far
int _bytesWritten;
// True if we are currently executing a request. If you want to multithread,
// each thread should have its own client.
bool _executing;
// True if the server closed the connection
bool _eof;
// True if a fault response was returned by the server
bool _isFault;
// Number of bytes expected in the response body (parsed from response header)
int _contentLength;
// Event dispatcher
XmlRpcDispatch _disp;
}; // class XmlRpcClient
} // namespace XmlRpc
#endif // _XMLRPCCLIENT_H_