
353 wiersze
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sound.h
// Copyright (C) 2006-2007
// Dave Freese, W1HKJ
// Copyright (C) 2007-2009
// Stelios Bounanos, M0GLD
// This file is part of fldigi.
// Fldigi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Fldigi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with fldigi. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _SOUND_H
#define _SOUND_H
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <climits>
# include <sndfile.h>
#include <samplerate.h>
#define SCBLOCKSIZE 512
class SndException : public std::exception
SndException(int err_ = 0)
: err(err_), msg(std::string("Sound error: ") + err_to_str(err_))
{ }
SndException(const char* msg_)
: err(1), msg(msg_)
{ }
SndException(int err_, const std::string& msg_) : err(err_), msg(msg_) { }
virtual ~SndException() throw() { }
const char* what(void) const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
int error(void) const { return err; }
const char* err_to_str(int e) { return strerror(e); }
int err;
std::string msg;
class SoundBase {
int sample_frequency;
int txppm;
int rxppm;
// for interface to the samplerate resampling library
SRC_STATE *tx_src_state;
SRC_STATE *rx_src_state;
double *wrt_buffer;
SNDFILE* ofCapture;
SNDFILE* ifPlayback;
SNDFILE* ofGenerate;
SRC_STATE *writ_src_state;
SRC_STATE *play_src_state;
SRC_DATA *writ_src_data;
SRC_DATA *play_src_data;
float *src_out_buffer;
float *src_inp_buffer;
float *inp_pointer;
SF_INFO play_info;
float modem_wr_sr;
float modem_play_sr;
bool new_playback;
sf_count_t read_file(SNDFILE* file, float* buf, size_t count);
void write_file(SNDFILE* file, float* buf, size_t count);
void write_file(SNDFILE* file, double* buf, size_t count);
bool format_supported(int format);
void tag_file(SNDFILE *sndfile, const char *title);
bool capture;
bool playback;
bool generate;
virtual ~SoundBase();
virtual int Open(int mode, int freq = 8000) = 0;
virtual void Close(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX) = 0;
virtual void Abort(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX) = 0;
virtual size_t Write(double *, size_t) = 0;
virtual size_t Write_stereo(double *, double *, size_t) = 0;
virtual size_t Read(float *, size_t) = 0;
virtual void flush(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX) = 0;
virtual bool must_close(int dir = 0) = 0;
void get_file_params(const char* def_fname, const char** fname, int* format);
int Capture(bool val);
int Playback(bool val);
int Generate(bool val);
class SoundOSS : public SoundBase {
std::string device;
int device_fd;
int version;
int capability_mask;
int format_mask;
int channels;
int play_format;
int mode;
bool formatok;
unsigned char *cbuff;
SRC_DATA *rx_src_data;
SRC_DATA *tx_src_data;
float *snd_buffer;
float *src_buffer;
void getVersion();
void getCapabilities();
void getFormats();
void setfragsize();
void Channels(int);
void Frequency(int);
void Format(int);
int BufferSize(int);
bool wait_till_finished();
bool reset_device();
SoundOSS(const char *dev = "/dev/dsp");
int Open(int mode, int freq = 8000);
void Close(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX);
void Abort(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX) { Close(dir); }
size_t Write(double *, size_t);
size_t Write_stereo(double *, double *, size_t);
size_t Read(float *, size_t);
bool must_close(int dir = 0) { return true; }
void flush(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX) { wait_till_finished(); }
int Fd() { return device_fd; }
int Frequency() { return sample_frequency;};
int Version() {return version;};
int Capabilities() {return capability_mask;};
int Formats() { return format_mask;};
int Channels() { return channels;};
int Format() { return play_format;};
bool FormatOK() { return formatok;};
#endif // USE_OSS
# include <pthread.h>
# include <semaphore.h>
# include <vector>
# include <portaudio.h>
# include "ringbuffer.h"
class SoundPort : public SoundBase
typedef std::vector<const PaDeviceInfo*>::const_iterator device_iterator;
static void initialize(void);
static void terminate(void);
static const std::vector<const PaDeviceInfo*>& devices(void);
static void devices_info(std::string& in, std::string& out);
static const std::vector<double>& get_supported_rates(const std::string& name, unsigned dir);
SoundPort(const char *in_dev, const char *out_dev);
int Open(int mode, int freq = 8000);
void Close(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX);
void Abort(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX);
size_t Write(double *buf, size_t count);
size_t Write_stereo(double *bufleft, double *bufright, size_t count);
size_t Read(float *buf, size_t count);
bool must_close(int dir = 0);
void flush(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX);
void src_data_reset(unsigned dir);
static long src_read_cb(void* arg, float** data);
size_t resample_write(float* buf, size_t count);
device_iterator name_to_device(std::string& name, unsigned dir);
void init_stream(unsigned dir);
void start_stream(unsigned dir);
void pause_stream(unsigned dir);
bool stream_active(unsigned dir);
bool full_duplex_device(const PaDeviceInfo* dev);
double find_srate(unsigned dir);
static void probe_supported_rates(const device_iterator& idev);
void pa_perror(int err, const char* str = 0);
static void init_hostapi_ext(void);
static PaStreamCallback stream_process;
static PaStreamFinishedCallback stream_stopped;
static bool pa_init;
static std::vector<const PaDeviceInfo*> devs;
double req_sample_rate;
float* fbuf;
float* src_buffer;
SRC_DATA *tx_src_data;
enum {
spa_continue = paContinue, spa_complete = paComplete,
spa_abort = paAbort, spa_drain, spa_pause
struct stream_data {
std::string device;
device_iterator idev;
PaStream* stream;
PaStreamParameters params;
unsigned frames_per_buffer;
double dev_sample_rate;
double src_ratio;
sem_t* rwsem;
pthread_mutex_t* cmutex;
pthread_cond_t* ccond;
int state;
ringbuffer<float>* rb;
size_t blocksize;
size_t advance;
} sd[2];
class SndPortException : public SndException
SndPortException(int err_ = 0)
: SndException(err_, std::string("PortAudio error: ") + err_to_str(err_))
{ }
SndPortException(const char* msg_) : SndException(msg_) { }
const char* err_to_str(int e) { return Pa_GetErrorText(e); }
# include <pulse/simple.h>
# include <pulse/error.h>
extern "C" { const char* pa_get_library_version(void); };
class SoundPulse : public SoundBase
SoundPulse(const char* dev);
virtual ~SoundPulse();
int Open(int mode, int freq = 8000);
void Close(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX);
void Abort(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX);
size_t Write(double* buf, size_t count);
size_t Write_stereo(double* bufleft, double* bufright, size_t count);
size_t Read(float *buf, size_t count);
bool must_close(int dir = 0) { return false; }
void flush(unsigned dir = UINT_MAX);
void src_data_reset(int mode);
static long src_read_cb(void* arg, float** data);
size_t resample_write(float* buf, size_t count);
struct stream_data {
pa_simple* stream;
pa_sample_spec stream_params;
pa_buffer_attr buffer_attrs;
pa_stream_direction_t dir;
double src_ratio;
size_t blocksize;
} sd[2];
SRC_DATA* tx_src_data;
float* fbuf;
float* rbuf;
float* snd_buffer;
float* src_buffer;
class SndPulseException : public SndException
SndPulseException(int err_ = 0)
: SndException(err_, std::string("PulseAudio error: ") + err_to_str(err_))
{ }
SndPulseException(const char* msg_) : SndException(msg_) { }
const char* err_to_str(int e) { return pa_strerror(e); }
class SoundNull : public SoundBase
int Open(int mode, int freq = 8000) { sample_frequency = freq; return 0; }
void Close(unsigned) { }
void Abort(unsigned) { }
size_t Write(double* buf, size_t count);
size_t Write_stereo(double* bufleft, double* bufright, size_t count);
size_t Read(float *buf, size_t count);
bool must_close(int dir = 0) { return false; }
void flush(unsigned) { }
#endif // SOUND_H