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// data structures, includes dynamically allocated vectors and arrays
// (c) 1999-2003, Pawel Jalocha
#ifndef __STRUC_H__
#define __STRUC_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// ========================================================================
// array re(sizing), copy, move, preset, etc.
template <class type>
inline int ReallocArray(type **Array, size_t Size)
// CINT doesn't accept NULL pointers to realloc
#ifdef __CINT__
// if(*Array) free(*Array);
// (*Array)=(type *)malloc(Size*sizeof(type));
if(*Array) (*Array)=(type *)realloc(*Array,Size*sizeof(type));
else (*Array)=(type *)malloc(Size*sizeof(type));
(*Array)=(type *)realloc(*Array,Size*sizeof(type));
return (*Array)==0 ? -1:0; }
template <class type>
int ReallocArraySafe(type **Array, size_t OldSize, size_t NewSize)
{ type *New; size_t Size;
New=(type *)malloc(NewSize*sizeof(type)); if(New==0) return -1;
Size=OldSize; if(NewSize<OldSize) Size=NewSize;
if(Size) memcpy(New,*Array,Size*sizeof(type));
free(*Array); (*Array)=New; return 0; }
template <class type>
inline int AllocArray(type **Array, size_t Size)
{ (*Array)=(type *)malloc(Size*sizeof(type));
return (*Array)==0; }
template <class type>
inline void ClearArray(type *Array, size_t Size)
{ memset(Array,0,Size*sizeof(type)); }
template <class type>
void PresetArray(type *Array, size_t Size, const type &Val)
{ size_t i; for(i=0; i<Size; i++) Array[i]=Val; }
template <class type>
inline void CopyArray(type *Dst, type *Src, size_t Size)
{ memcpy(Dst,Src,Size*sizeof(type)); }
template <class type>
inline void MoveArray(type *Dst, type *Src, size_t Size)
{ memmove(Dst,Src,Size*sizeof(type)); }
template <class type>
void PrintArray(type *Array, size_t Size,
char *ValueFormat, char *IndexFormat=(char *)"%3d", size_t Columns=10)
{ size_t Idx,Col;
for(Col=0,Idx=0; Idx<Size; Idx++)
{ if(Col==0)
{ printf(IndexFormat,Idx); printf(":"); }
printf(" ");
Col++; if(Col>=Columns) { printf("\n"); Col=0; }
if(Col>0) printf("\n");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2-dimensional array (re)sizing
template <class type> int AllocArray2D(type ***Array, size_t Rows, size_t Cols)
{ size_t i;
(*Array)=(type **)malloc(Rows*(sizeof(type *)));
if((*Array)==0) return -1;
for(i=0; i<Rows; i++) (*Array)[i]=0;
for(i=0; i<Rows; i++)
{ (*Array)[i]=(type *)malloc(Cols*sizeof(type));
if((*Array)[i]==0) goto Error; }
return 0;
for(i=0; i<Rows; i++) free((*Array)[i]); free(*Array); (*Array)=0; return -1;
template <class type> int AddRowsToArray2D(type ***Array, size_t Rows, size_t Cols,
size_t NewRows=1)
{ size_t i;
type **NewArray;
NewArray=(type **)malloc((Rows+NewRows)*(sizeof(type *)));
if(NewArray==0) return -1;
memcpy(NewArray,*Array,Rows*sizeof(type *));
return 0;
template <class type> void FreeArray2D(type **Array, size_t Rows)
{ size_t i; for(i=0; i<Rows; i++) free(Array[i]); free(Array); }
template <class type> void ClearArray2D(type **Array, size_t Rows, size_t Cols)
{ size_t i; for(i=0; i<Rows; i++) ClearArray(Array[i],Cols); }
template <class type> void PresetArray2D(type **Array, size_t Rows, size_t Cols, type &Val)
{ size_t i; for(i=0; i<Rows; i++) PresetArray(Array[i],Cols,Val); }
// ========================================================================
// a sequence of any (fixed size) items
template <class type> class Seq
{ public:
Seq(); ~Seq(); // default constructor/destructor
Seq(Seq<type> &SrcSeq); // copy constructor
void Init(); // user callable "constructor"
int EnsureSpace(size_t ReqSpace); // make sure that there is enough space
int EnsureSpace(void) { return EnsureSpace(Len); }
int SetLen(size_t NewLen) { Len=NewLen; return EnsureSpace(Len); }
int ReallocLen(size_t NewLen);
int EnsureSpaceSafe(size_t ReqSpace);
void Free(void); // free all allocated space, remove all data
void Clear(void) { Len=0; } // clear the sequence (set length to zero)
size_t Index(type *Item) { return (size_t)(Item-Elem); }
type &operator[] (int idx) { return (Elem[idx]); } // [index] operator
Seq<type> const &operator=(Seq<type> const &SrcSeq); // assignment operator
type *First(void) { return Elem; }
type *Last(void) { return Elem+(Len-1); }
type *Append(size_t Num=1); // add one or more elements at the seq. end, returns the pointer to the new element(s)
type *Insert(size_t Pos=0, size_t Num=1); // insert Num elements at Pos
void Delete(size_t Pos=0, size_t Num=1); // delete Num elements at Pos
void Shift(int Pos, const type &Fill); // shift left or right with filling
int Truncate(size_t Margin=0); // remove unused but allocated space
int Copy(type *Data, size_t DataLen);
int Copy(Seq<type> &Src, size_t StartPos=0) // copy the contains of another sequence
{ return Copy(Src.Elem+StartPos,Src.Len-StartPos); }
int Copy(Seq<type> &Seq, size_t StartPos, size_t MaxLen);
void Move(Seq<type> &Seq); // move the contains of another sequence, clear the other sequence
int Join(const type &Data);
int Join(type *Data, size_t DataLen); // join (append) given data
int Join(Seq<type> &Seq) { return Join(Seq.Elem,Seq.Len); } // join a copy of the other sequence
int NullTerm(void); // null-terminate (for character strings)
void Reverse(void); // reverse the sequence order
void FillWith(const type &Data, size_t StartPos=0); // fill with given value
void Print(char *Format, size_t Columns=10);
int SaveToFile(FILE *File);
int LoadFromFile(FILE *File);
size_t Space; // that many elements are allocated in *Elem
size_t Len; // that many elements are used up
type *Elem; // the storage space, contains Len elements
} ;
template <class type> Seq<type>::Seq() { Elem=0; Len=Space=0; }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::Init() { Elem=0; Len=Space=0; }
template <class type> Seq<type>::~Seq() { free(Elem); }
template <class type> Seq<type>::Seq(Seq<type> &SrcSeq)
{ if(EnsureSpace(SrcSeq.Len)==0)
{ Len=SrcSeq.Len; memcpy(Elem,SrcSeq.Elem,Len*sizeof(type)); }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::Free(void)
{ free(Elem); Elem=0; Space=Len=0; }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::EnsureSpace(size_t ReqSpace)
{ if(ReqSpace<=Space) return 0;
// CINT doesn't accept NULL pointers to realloc()
#ifdef __CINT__
if(Elem) Elem=(type *)realloc(Elem,ReqSpace*sizeof(type));
else Elem=(type *)malloc(ReqSpace*sizeof(type));
Elem=(type *)realloc(Elem,ReqSpace*sizeof(type));
if(Elem==0) { Space=Len=0; return -1; }
Space=ReqSpace; return 0; }
template <class type>
Seq<type> const &Seq<type>::operator=(Seq<type> const &SrcSeq)
{ if((this!=&SrcSeq)&&(EnsureSpace(SrcSeq.Len)==0))
{ Len=SrcSeq.Len; memcpy(Elem,SrcSeq.Elem,Len*sizeof(type)); }
return (*this); }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::ReallocLen(size_t NewLen)
{ Elem=(type *)realloc(Elem,NewLen*sizeof(type));
if(Elem==0) { Space=Len=0; return -1; }
Space=Len=NewLen; return 0; }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::Truncate(size_t Margin)
{ if(Space==(Len+Margin)) return 0;
Elem=(type *)realloc(Elem,(Len+Margin)*sizeof(type));
if(Elem==0) { Space=Len=0; return -1; }
Space=Len+Margin; return 0; }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::Move(Seq<type> &Seq)
{ free(Elem);
Len=Seq.Len; Space=Seq.Space; Elem=Seq.Elem;
Seq.Elem=0; Seq.Len=Seq.Space=0; }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::Copy(type *Data, size_t DataLen)
{ if(EnsureSpace(DataLen)) return -1;
memcpy(Elem,Data,DataLen*sizeof(type)); Len=DataLen; return 0; }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::Copy(Seq<type> &Src, size_t StartPos, size_t MaxLen)
{ int DataLen; DataLen=Src.Len-StartPos; if(DataLen>MaxLen) DataLen=MaxLen;
if(EnsureSpace(DataLen)) return -1;
memcpy(Elem,Src.Elem+StartPos,DataLen*sizeof(type)); Len=DataLen; return 0; }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::Join(const type &Data)
{ if(EnsureSpace(Len+1)) return -1;
Elem[Len++]=Data; return 0; }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::Join(type *Data, size_t DataLen)
{ if(EnsureSpace(Len+DataLen)) return -1;
memcpy(Elem+Len,Data,DataLen*sizeof(type)); Len+=DataLen; return 0; }
template <class type> type *Seq<type>::Insert(size_t Pos, size_t Num)
{ if(EnsureSpace(Len+Num)) return 0;
// int p; for(p=Len-1; p>=Pos; p--) Elem[p+Num]=Elem[p];
if((Len-Pos)>0) memmove(Elem+Pos+Num,Elem+Pos,(Len-Pos)*sizeof(type));
Len+=Num; return Elem+Pos; }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::Delete(size_t Pos, size_t Num)
{ if((Len-Pos-Num)>0) memmove(Elem+Pos,Elem+Pos+Num,(Len-Pos-Num)*sizeof(type));
Len-=Num; }
template <class type> type *Seq<type>::Append(size_t Num)
{ if(EnsureSpace(Len+Num)) return 0;
Len+=Num; return Elem+(Len-Num); }
template <class type> int Seq<type>::NullTerm(void)
{ if(EnsureSpace(Len+1)) return -1;
Elem[Len]=0; return 0; }
int Seq<char>::NullTerm(void)
{ if(EnsureSpace(Len+1)) return -1;
Elem[Len]=0; return 0; }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::Reverse(void)
{ size_t i,j; type T;
for(i=0,j=Len-1; i<j; i++,j--)
{ T=Elem[i]; Elem[i]=Elem[j]; Elem[j]=T; }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::FillWith(const type &Data, size_t StartPos)
{ size_t i; for(i=StartPos; i<Len; i++) Elem[i]=Data; }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::Shift(int Pos, const type &Fill)
{ size_t i;
if(Pos>0) // shift toward higher positions - data inserted at the start of the sequence
{ if(Pos<Len) memmove(Elem+Pos,Elem,(Len-Pos)*sizeof(type)); else Pos=Len;
for(i=0; i<Pos; i++) Elem[i]=Fill; }
else if(Pos<0) // shift toward lower positions - data inserted at the end
{ Pos=(-Pos);
if(Pos<Len) memmove(Elem,Elem+Pos,(Len-Pos)*sizeof(type)); else Pos=Len;
for(i=Len-Pos; i<Len; i++) Elem[i]=Fill; }
template <class type> void Seq<type>::Print(char *Format, size_t Columns)
{ size_t i,Col;
for(Col=0, i=0; i<Len; i++)
{ if(Col==0) { printf("%3d:",i); }
printf(" "); printf(Format,Elem[i]); Col++;
if(Col>=Columns) { printf("\n"); Col=0; } }
if(Col>0) printf("\n");
// ========================================================================
// A 2-dimensional sequence
template <class type> class Seq2d
{ public:
Seq2d(); ~Seq2d();
int EnsureSpace(size_t rows, size_t cols); // make sure that there is enough space
void Free(void); // free all space
void Clear(void) { Rows=0; Cols=0; } // clear the sequence (set length to zero)
// type &operator[] (int idx) { return (Elem[idx]); } // [idx] operator
// type *Add(int Num=1); // add one or more elements, returns the index to the new element(s)
size_t Rows,Cols; // that much is filled up
size_t AllocRows,AllocCols; // that much is allocated
type **Elem; // contains Len elements
} ;
template <class type> Seq2d<type>::Seq2d()
{ Elem=0; AllocRows=Rows=AllocCols=Cols=0; }
template <class type> Seq2d<type>::~Seq2d()
{ size_t r; for(r=0; r<AllocRows; r++) free(Elem[r]); free(Elem); }
template <class type> void Seq2d<type>::Free(void)
{ size_t r; for(r=0; r<AllocRows; r++) free(Elem[r]); free(Elem);
Elem=0; AllocRows=Rows=AllocCols=Cols=0; }
template <class type> int Seq2d<type>::EnsureSpace(size_t rows, size_t cols)
{ size_t r; type **New;
{ New=(type**)malloc(rows*sizeof(type*));
if(New==0) { Free(); return -1; }
// printf("[Seq2d::EnsureSpace] AllocRows %d->%d\n",AllocRows,rows);
if(Elem) { memcpy(New,Elem,AllocRows*sizeof(type**)); free(Elem); }
for(r=AllocRows; r<rows; r++)
{ if(AllocCols)
{ Elem[r]=(type*)malloc(AllocCols*sizeof(type));
if(Elem[r]==0) { Free(); return -1; }
} else Elem[r]=0;
AllocRows++; }
{ for(r=0; r<AllocRows; r++)
{ Elem[r]=(type*)realloc(Elem[r],cols*sizeof(type));
if(Elem[r]==0) { Free(); return -1; } }
// printf("[Seq2d::EnsureSpace] AllocCols %d->%d\n",AllocCols,cols);
AllocCols=cols; }
return 0; }
// ========================================================================
// A buffer structure for processing a continues series of samples.
// It is a linear array:
// - data between "Read" and "Write" is ready to be readout
// - data between "Write" and "Size" is still beeing written or processed
// - data before "Read" has been read-out and is thus obsolete
// As more data comes the samples must be shifted and the obsolete data removed:
// this is done by: RemovePastData()
template <class Type>
class SampleBuffer
{ public:
{ Sample=0; AllocSize=Size=Read=Write=0; }
{ free(Sample); }
void Free(void)
{ free(Sample); Sample=0; AllocSize=Size=Read=Write=0; }
int EnsureSize(size_t MaxSize)
{ // printf(" SampleBuffer::EnsureSize(%d)\n",MaxSize);
if(MaxSize<=AllocSize) return 0;
#ifdef __CINT__ // CINT doesn't accept NULL pointers to realloc()
if(Sample) Sample=(Type *)realloc(Sample,MaxSize*sizeof(Type));
else Sample=(Type *)malloc(MaxSize*sizeof(Type));
Sample=(Type *)realloc(Sample,MaxSize*sizeof(Type));
if(Sample==0) { AllocSize=Size=0; return -1; }
AllocSize=MaxSize; return 0; }
int EnsureWriteLen(size_t MaxWriteLen) // ensure enough space for writing new data
{ return EnsureSize(Write+MaxWriteLen); }
void SetEmpty(void) // remove all data, make buffer empty
{ Read=Write=Size=0; }
void RemovePastData(void) // remove data before the read pointer
{ memcpy(Sample,Sample+Read,(Size-Read)*sizeof(Type));
Write-=Read; Size-=Read; Read=0; }
Type &operator[] (size_t Idx) // access data given by index
{ return Sample[Idx]; }
size_t ReadLen(void) // length of data to be read
{ return Write-Read; }
Type *ReadPtr(void) // get pointer to read data
{ return Sample+Read; }
size_t WriteLen(void) // length of data that can be written
{ return Size-Write; }
Type *WritePtr(void) // get pointer to write data
{ return Sample+Write; }
void Print(char *Title=0)
{ printf("%s Sample=%08X, Read=%d, Write=%d, Size=%d, AllocSize=%d\n",
Title ? Title:"SampleBuffer:", (int)Sample, Read, Write, Size, AllocSize); }
Type *Sample; // allocated storage pointer
size_t Read; // index to data that is ready to be read
size_t Write; // index to data that is still to be written
size_t Size; // current size of data (includes data before the read pointer)
size_t AllocSize; // allocated size for data
} ;
// ========================================================================
#endif // __STRUC_H__