#!/usr/bin/perl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fldigi-shell version 0.36 # A program to control fldigi over HTTP/XML-RPC. # # Fldigi must have been built with xml-rpc support; see INSTALL. # # Copyright (C) 2008 # Stelios Bounanos, M0GLD # # fldigi-shell is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # fldigi-shell is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use RPC::XML qw(:types); use RPC::XML::Client; use Term::ReadLine; use POSIX qw(:termios_h); use IO::Handle; use Getopt::Std; use Data::Dumper; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval usleep); use LWP; ################################################################################ our $VERSION = "0.37"; our $progname = (split(/\//, $0))[-1]; our $histfile = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.fldigi/shell-history"; our $client; our $ua; our $term; our $OUT = \*STDOUT; our $debug; our %methods; our %commands; our %encoders; our %opts; ################################################################################ # terminal routines from perlfaq8 our ($termios, $oterm, $echo, $noecho, $fd_stdin); sub term_get_attr { $fd_stdin = fileno(STDIN); $termios = POSIX::Termios->new(); $termios->getattr($fd_stdin); $oterm = $termios->getlflag(); $echo = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON; $noecho = $oterm & ~$echo; } sub term_cbreak { $termios->setlflag($noecho); $termios->setcc(VTIME, 1); $termios->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); } sub term_cooked { $termios->setlflag($oterm); $termios->setcc(VTIME, 0); $termios->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); } sub term_getc { my $key = ''; term_cbreak(); sysread(STDIN, $key, 1); term_cooked(); return $key; } ################################################################################ # xml-rpc helper routines sub encode { my $aref = $_[0]; return unless (exists( $methods{$aref->[0]} )); my $sig = $methods{$aref->[0]}->[0]; $sig =~ s/.+://; my @args = split(//, $sig); # Try to find an encoder for each format string char. # Use it to encode the corresponding method argument. for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#args; $i++) { if (exists($encoders{$args[$i]}) && exists($aref->[$i])) { print "Encoding arg " . ($i+1) . " as $args[$i]\n" if ($debug); $aref->[$i+1] = &{ $encoders{$args[$i]} }($aref->[$i+1]); } } } sub req { encode(\@_); my $r = $client->send_request(@_); if (!ref($r)) { print $OUT "Error: " . $r . "\n" unless ($r =~ /Unknown tag.+nil$/); $r = undef; } elsif ($r->is_fault()) { print $OUT "Error " . $r->value->{"faultCode"} . ": " . $r->value->{"faultString"} . "\n"; $r = undef; } return $r; } sub decode { my $r; return "" unless defined($r = req(@_)); return ref($r->value) ? Dumper($r->value) : $r->value; } sub execute($) { my @line = split(/\s+/, $_[0]); my $ret; if (exists( $commands{$line[0]} )) { my $cmd = shift(@line); &{ $commands{$cmd}->[2] }(@line); } elsif (exists( $methods{$line[0]} )) { # should we resplit the line? my $sig = $methods{$line[0]}->[0]; $sig =~ s/.+://; $sig =~ s/n//; print "Method " . $line[0] . " takes " . length($sig) . " args\n" if ($debug); if (length($sig) != $#line) { @line = split(/ +/, $_[0], length($sig) + 1); } print Dumper(\@line) if ($debug); my $r = decode(@line); print $OUT $r, "\n" if ($r ne ""); } else { print $OUT $line[0] . ": command not found. Do you need ``help''?\n"; } } ################################################################################ # command routines sub help { my @k = (@_ ? @_ : (sort keys %methods, sort keys %commands)); if (%methods) { print $OUT "Server methods:", "\n" if (!@_); foreach (@k) { next unless (exists($methods{$_})); printf($OUT " %-32s%-8s%s\n", $_, $methods{$_}->[0], $methods{$_}->[1]); } print $OUT "\n" if (!@_); } print $OUT "Shell commands:", "\n" if (!@_); foreach (@k) { next unless (exists($commands{$_})); printf(" %-32s%-8s%s\n", $_, $commands{$_}->[0], $commands{$_}->[1]); } } sub recv_text { my ($r, $len, $start, $cont) = (0, 0, 0, 1); my ($delay) = (@_ ? @_ : 1); my $sigint = $SIG{INT}; $SIG{INT} = sub { $cont = 0; }; while ($cont) { sleep($delay); next unless defined($r = req("text.get_rx_length")); $start -= $len - $r->value if ($r->value < $len); $len = $r->value; next unless ($len - $start > 0 && defined($r = req("text.get_rx", $start, $len - $start))); print STDOUT $r->value; $start = $len; } print "\n"; $SIG{INT} = $sigint; } sub get_recv_text { my ($r, $len); return unless defined($r = req("text.get_rx_length")); return unless defined($r = req("text.get_rx", 0, $r->value)); print STDOUT $r->value, "\n"; } sub send_line { if (@_) { req("text.add_tx_bytes", join(" ", @_)); return; } my $r; my $cont = 1; my $sigint = $SIG{INT}; $SIG{INT} = sub { $cont = 0; }; print $OUT "Text will be sent line by line. EOF to end.\n"; print "> "; while () { last unless ($cont); req("text.add_tx_bytes", $_); print "> "; } print"\n"; $SIG{INT} = $sigint; } sub send_file { open(IN, '<', $_[0]) or warn("Could not read $_[0]: $!\n") and return; while () { send_line($_); } close(IN); } sub send_char { my ($c, $char); my $cont = 1; my $sigint = $SIG{INT}; $SIG{INT} = sub { $cont = 0; }; print $OUT "Text will be sent char by char. EOF to end.\n"; print "> "; while (ord($c = term_getc()) != 0x04 && ord($c) != 0x03 && $cont) { req("text.add_tx_bytes", ($char = $c)); print $c; } print "\n"; $SIG{INT} = $sigint; } sub print_history { my $out = $_[0]; my @h = $term->GetHistory(); splice(@h, 0, $_[1]) if ($_[1] > 0); print $out join("\n", @h), "\n" if (@h); } sub list_modem_names { my $r = req("modem.get_names"); print join("\n", @{$r->value}), "\n" if (defined($r)); } sub wait_for_state { warn "not enough arguments\n" and return unless (@_); my $r; sleep(1) while (defined($r = req("main.get_trx_status")) && $r->value ne $_[0]); } sub time_cmd { my $t0 = [gettimeofday()]; execute("@_"); print tv_interval($t0), " seconds\n"; } sub evaluate(@) { warn "$@" unless (defined(eval "@_")); } sub source { open(IN, '<', $_[0]) or warn "Could not read input file: $!\n" and return; evaluate(); close(IN); } sub pskrep_qsy { if (!defined($ua)) { $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent($progname . "/" . $VERSION . " "); } my $url = 'http://pskreporter.info/cgi-bin/psk-freq.pl'; my $idx = 0; foreach (@_) { $url .= '?grid=' . $_ if (m/[A-R]{2}/i); $idx = $_ if (/^\d+$/); } my $r = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url)); if (!$r->is_success()) { print STDERR "HTTP::Request error: ", $r->status_line, "\n"; return; } print "pskreporter response='", $r->content, "'\n" if ($debug); my @freqs = grep(!/^#/, split(/\n/, $r->content)); if ($idx <= $#freqs && $freqs[$idx] =~ m/^(\d{5,})/) { execute("main.set_frequency $1"); } } ################################################################################ %opts = ( "c" => "", "d" => 0, "u" => "http://localhost:7362/RPC2" ); %commands = ( "debug" => [ "n:n", "Toggle debugging output", sub { $debug = (@_ ? $_[0] : !$debug); } ], "eval" => [ "s:s", "Evaluate Perl code", sub { evaluate "@_"; } ], "exit" => [ "n:n", "Exit the shell", sub { exit(0) } ], "help" => [ "n:n", "Print this command help", \&help ], "history" => [ "s:n", "Print command history", sub { print_history($OUT, 0); } ], "modems" => [ "s:n", "List all modem names", \&list_modem_names ], "poll" => [ "s:i", "Poll for new received text every ``i'' seconds (def=1)", \&recv_text ], "pskrqsy" => [ "n:si", "QSY to ``i''th best frequency for grid ``s''", \&pskrep_qsy ], "recvtext" => [ "s:n", "Get all received text", \&get_recv_text ], "reinit" => [ "n:n", "Rebuild command list", sub { build_cmds(); setup_compl(); } ], "send" => [ "n:s", "Send text, one line at a time", \&send_line ], "sendchar" => [ "n:s", "Send text, one character at a time", \&send_char ], "sendfile" => [ "n:s", "Send text from file ``s''", \&send_file ], "sendstr" => [ "n:s", "Send string ``s''", sub { send_line(@_); } ], "source" => [ "n:s", "Read commands from file ``s''", sub { source(@_) } ], "time" => [ "s:s", "Time a command", \&time_cmd ], "wait" => [ "n:s", "Wait for trx state to become ``s''", \&wait_for_state ] ); %encoders = ( "b" => \&RPC_BOOLEAN, "6" => \&RPC_BASE64, "d" => \&RPC_DOUBLE, "s" => \&RPC_STRING ); ################################################################################ sub HELP_MESSAGE { print <value}) { $methods{ $_->{"name"} } = [ $_->{"signature"}, $_->{"help"} ]; } # $methods{"system.listMethods"} = [ "i:n", "Return an array of all available XML-RPC methods on this server." ]; # $methods{"system.methodHelp"} = [ "i:s", "Given the name of a method, return a help string." ]; # $methods{"system.methodSignature"} = [ "A:s", "Given the name of a method, return an array of legal signatures." ]; # $methods{"system.multicall"} = [ "i:n", "Process an array of calls, and return an array of results." ]; # $methods{"system.shutdown"} = [ "i:i", "Shut down the server. Return code is always zero." ]; } } sub setup_compl { # Use the hashes to set up simple completion for rpc methods and shell commands if ($term->ReadLine eq "Term::ReadLine::Gnu") { my $attribs = $term->Attribs(); $attribs->{"completion_entry_function"} = $attribs->{"list_completion_function"}; $attribs->{"completion_word"} = [keys %methods, keys %commands]; } elsif ($term->ReadLine eq "Term::ReadLine::Perl") { readline::rl_basic_commands(keys %methods, keys %commands); } } sub load_history { open(HIST, '<', $histfile) or return 0; while () { chomp; $term->addhistory($_); } my $r = $.; close(HIST); return $r; } sub save_history { open(HIST, '>>', $histfile) or return; print_history(\*HIST, $_[0]); close(HIST); } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # parse cmd line handle_cmdline(); # create client $client = RPC::XML::Client->new($opts{"u"}); # save terminal attributes; used by getc routine term_get_attr(); # initialise termline $term = new Term::ReadLine "fldigi-shell"; #$OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; STDOUT->autoflush(1); my $histskip = load_history(); # build commands hashes build_cmds(); if ($opts{'c'} ne "") { # execute argument and exit execute($opts{'c'}); exit(0); } elsif (@ARGV) { source($_) foreach(@ARGV); exit(0); } setup_compl(); # ignore interrupts $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; # execute commands while (defined($_ = $term->readline("fldigi % "))) { execute($_) if (/\w/); } save_history($histskip);