# -*- conf -*- # NSIS installer script based on example2.nsi from the nsis-2.44 distribution. # Copyright (c) 2009 Stelios Bounanos, M0GLD. # License: GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later. # Variables !define FLDIGI_DESCRIPTION "${FLDIGI_NAME} ${FLDIGI_VERSION}" !define FLDIGI_STRING "${FLDIGI_NAME}-${FLDIGI_VERSION}" !define FLARQ_DESCRIPTION "${FLARQ_NAME} ${FLARQ_VERSION}" !define FLARQ_STRING "${FLARQ_NAME}-${FLARQ_VERSION}" !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI !define PRODUCT_BINARY "${FLDIGI_BINARY}" !define PRODUCT_NAME "${FLDIGI_NAME}" !define PRODUCT_VERSION "${FLDIGI_VERSION}" !define PRODUCT_STRING "${FLDIGI_STRING}" !define PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION "${FLDIGI_DESCRIPTION}" !else ifdef HAVE_FLARQ !define PRODUCT_BINARY "${FLARQ_BINARY}" !define PRODUCT_NAME "${FLARQ_NAME}" !define PRODUCT_VERSION "${FLARQ_VERSION}" !define PRODUCT_STRING "${FLARQ_STRING}" !define PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION "${FLARQ_DESCRIPTION}" !else !error "Either HAVE_FLDIGI or HAVE_FLARQ must be defined" !endif # Compression options SetCompressor /SOLID lzma # This function is called before displaying the first installer page. # It aborts the installation if the Windows version is too old. !include WinVer.nsh Function .onInit ${IfNot} ${AtLeastWin2000} MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "Sorry, your Windows version is too old.$\n${PRODUCT_NAME} requires Windows 2000 or later." Abort ${EndIf} FunctionEnd # The name of the installer Name "${PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION}" # The file to write OutFile ${INSTALLER_FILE} # The default installation directory InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\${PRODUCT_STRING} # Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will # overwrite the old one automatically) !define INSTALL_DIR_REG_KEY SOFTWARE\${PRODUCT_STRING} InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${INSTALL_DIR_REG_KEY}" "Install_Dir" # Request application privileges for Windows Vista RequestExecutionLevel admin # License LicenseText "${PRODUCT_NAME} is distributed under the GNU GPL as detailed \ below. You must abide by the terms of this license if you modify or \ redistribute the program." "Continue" LicenseData "${LICENSE_FILE}" SubCaption 0 ": License Information" # Other options BrandingText " " InstProgressFlags smooth VIAddVersionKey ProductName "${PRODUCT_NAME}" VIAddVersionKey ProductVersion "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" VIAddVersionKey FileVersion "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" VIAddVersionKey FileDescription "${FLDIGI_DESCRIPTION} installer" VIAddVersionKey LegalCopyright "Fldigi developers" VIAddVersionKey OriginalFilename "${INSTALLER_FILE}" VIProductVersion "" WindowIcon off XPStyle on # Installer pages Page license Page components Page directory Page instfiles UninstPage uninstConfirm UninstPage instfiles # Registry uninstall path !define REG_UNINSTALL_PATH Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_STRING} # This is a hidden section and is always selected. It writes the uninstall # registry keys and uninstaller binary. Section -install # Set output path to the installation directory. SetOutPath $INSTDIR # Write the installation paths into the registry WriteRegStr HKLM "${INSTALL_DIR_REG_KEY}" "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR" # Write the uninstall keys for Windows WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "DisplayName" "${PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "DisplayVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "DisplayIcon" '"$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_BINARY}"' WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "HelpLink" "${SUPPORT_URL}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "Publisher" "Fldigi developers" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "URLUpdateInfo" "${UPDATES_URL}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"' WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "QuietUninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" /S' WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "NoModify" 1 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" "NoRepair" 1 WriteUninstaller "uninstall.exe" SectionEnd !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI Var WANT_FLDIGI !endif !ifdef HAVE_FLARQ Var WANT_FLARQ !endif # This section is present (and required) if the installer contains fldigi. !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI Section "Fldigi" SectionIn RO SetOutPath $INSTDIR File "${FLDIGI_BINARY}" File /nonfatal "${MINGWM_DLL}" "${PTW32_DLL}" StrCpy $WANT_FLDIGI "true" SectionEnd !endif # This section is present if the installer contains flarq. It is optional if # the installer also contains fldigi. !ifdef HAVE_FLARQ Section "Flarq" !ifndef HAVE_FLDIGI SectionIn RO !endif SetOutPath $INSTDIR File "${FLARQ_BINARY}" !ifndef HAVE_FLDIGI File /nonfatal "${MINGWM_DLL}" "${PTW32_DLL}" !endif StrCpy $WANT_FLARQ "true" SectionEnd !endif # Start Menu path !define SM_PATH_BASE $SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME} !define SM_PATH ${SM_PATH_BASE}\${PRODUCT_STRING} # The following sections are optional Section "Start Menu Shortcuts" CreateDirectory "${SM_PATH}" !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI ${If} $WANT_FLDIGI == 'true' CreateShortCut "${SM_PATH}\${FLDIGI_NAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FLDIGI_BINARY}" "" "$INSTDIR\${FLDIGI_BINARY}" 0 CreateShortCut "${SM_PATH}\${FLDIGI_NAME} Beginners' Guide.lnk" "${GUIDE_URL}" CreateShortCut "${SM_PATH}\${FLDIGI_NAME} Documentation.lnk" "${FLDIGI_DOCS_URL}" ${EndIf} !endif !ifdef HAVE_FLARQ ${If} $WANT_FLARQ == 'true' CreateShortCut "${SM_PATH}\${FLARQ_NAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FLARQ_BINARY}" "" "$INSTDIR\${FLARQ_BINARY}" 0 CreateShortCut "${SM_PATH}\${FLARQ_NAME} Documentation.lnk" "${FLARQ_DOCS_URL}" ${EndIf} !endif CreateShortCut "${SM_PATH}\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0 SectionEnd Section "Desktop Shortcuts" !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI ${If} $WANT_FLDIGI == 'true' CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${FLDIGI_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FLDIGI_BINARY}" "" \ "$INSTDIR\${FLDIGI_BINARY}" 0 ${EndIf} !endif !ifdef HAVE_FLARQ ${If} $WANT_FLARQ == 'true' CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${FLARQ_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FLARQ_BINARY}" "" \ "$INSTDIR\${FLARQ_BINARY}" 0 ${EndIf} !endif SectionEnd # This is unselected by default Section /o "Quick Launch Shortcuts" !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI ${If} $WANT_FLDIGI == 'true' CreateShortCut "$QUICKLAUNCH\${FLDIGI_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FLDIGI_BINARY}" "" \ "$INSTDIR\${FLDIGI_BINARY}" 0 ${EndIf} !endif !ifdef HAVE_FLARQ ${If} $WANT_FLARQ == 'true' CreateShortCut "$QUICKLAUNCH\${FLARQ_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FLARQ_BINARY}" "" \ "$INSTDIR\${FLARQ_BINARY}" 0 ${EndIf} !endif SectionEnd # Uninstaller Section "Uninstall" # Remove registry keys DeleteRegKey HKLM "${REG_UNINSTALL_PATH}" DeleteRegKey HKLM "${INSTALL_DIR_REG_KEY}" # Remove files and uninstaller !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\${FLDIGI_BINARY} !endif !ifdef HAVE_FLARQ Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\${FLARQ_BINARY} !endif Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\${MINGWM_DLL} Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\${PTW32_DLL} Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe # Remove shortcuts, if any Delete "${SM_PATH}\*.*" !ifdef HAVE_FLDIGI Delete "$DESKTOP\${FLDIGI_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" Delete "$QUICKLAUNCH\${FLDIGI_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" !endif !ifdef HAVE_FLARQ Delete "$DESKTOP\${FLARQ_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" Delete "$QUICKLAUNCH\${FLARQ_DESCRIPTION}.lnk" !endif # Remove directories used RMDir "${SM_PATH}" RMDir "${SM_PATH_BASE}" RMDir "$INSTDIR" SectionEnd # Offer to reboot the machine if the reboot flag is nonzero. This flag is set by # commands that specify the /REBOOTOK switch if the BINARY_* files were in use # during uninstallation. Stupid Windows. Function un.onGUIEnd IfRebootFlag 0 noreboot MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION \ "A reboot is required to finish removing ${PRODUCT_NAME}. Do you wish to reboot now?" IDNO noreboot Reboot noreboot: FunctionEnd # Tell the user if we could not reboot for some reason. Function un.onRebootFailed MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Reboot failed. Please reboot manually." /SD IDOK FunctionEnd