/** \page fft_scan_page Configure FFT Scan \tableofcontents
\image html config-modem-scan.png "Scan Configuration Panel" \image latex config-modem-scan.png "Scan Configuration Panel" width=5.5in
\# scans: The number of scans to perform (averaging). db Range: The dynamic range in dB (vertical scale). \section sFftScan FFT Scan Analysis tool used to evaluate Rx/Codec signal path. Can be used to measure noise floor of the codec; view the transceiver passband characteristics, Rx signal spectrum, etc.
\image html fcfhfacc.png "Scan results" \image latex fcfhfacc.png "Scan results" width=5.5in
The scope shows the results, both final and during the scan averaging. The # of scans specifies how many scans are averaged for the display. The dB range specifies the vertical scale as seen above. "Use relative dB" removes the vertical offset so that a wider range can be displayed with more detail. Left clicking any where on the waterfall restarts the scan. You can observe the effect on the scope display. A comma separated file is also generated; ~/.fldigi/fftscan.csv which can be opened with any spread sheet program.
\ref fft_scan_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page" */