Change Log: 1.33 1) Modified Sound Card mixer dialog and interface code 2) Modified CW decoder and morse speed tracking algorithm with a new CW configuration tab layout and new CW controls. 3) Source code includes all required #ifdef & #define statements for compiling on FreeBSD 1.32 1) Correct compile problem for 64 bit compiler 2) Minor bug fix for Olivia initialization 1.31 1) Correct problem with cpu% in CW modem during transmit idle (no keyboard activity) 1.30 1) New macro definitions with built-in editor 2) loadable waterfall palettes 3) all qso's saved to the log are appended to an ADIF file in the $HOME/.fldigi folder 4) significantly improved Psk decoder 5) significantly improved DominoEX decoder capable of decoding signals anywhere within a 400 Hz bandwidth without AFC 1.24 1) Bug fix for serial i/o to disable XON/XOFF protocol effected rigs with binary i/o for rig control 1.23 1) Bug fix for saving state of PTT selection between sessions 1.22 1) Fixes serial i/o problem with certain rigs in the Icom series 1.21 1) Corrects bug in RigCtl dialog for PTT selection on serial line 1.20 1) Improved rig control and rig control dialog. Now possible to control rig without using hamlib - this is a new paradigm and you should read the on-line help that explains how to use the rigCAT control interface. rigCAT extended markup language definition files can be downloaded from the xml archives 2) improved WWV calibration procedure 1.11 1) Added items to saved configuration a. view transmit signal preference b. send ID preference 2) Corrected failure to properly change sound card selection after initial program settings 3) Internal changes to improve rx/tx thread processing 1.10 1) Added QRZ lookup for logging 2) Updated CW / FSK keyling output, added UART generated FSK signals 3) Added auto-logger macro reference to macro definitions 4) Online and download help updated for current version 1.04 1) Fixes a hamlib shutdown problem for some rigs transceiver should be ON and connected before starting fldigi and during fldigi shutdown 1.03 1) Improvements to pskmail server operation 1.02 1) Added user defined band definition file (info at: Freq Def File) 1.01 1) Fixes a memory leak problem 1.00 Initial release