// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // record_loader.cxx // // Copyright (C) 2013 // Remi Chateauneu, F4ECW // // This file is part of fldigi. // // Fldigi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Fldigi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with fldigi. If not, see . // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #ifdef __MINGW32__ # include "compat.h" #endif #include "record_loader.h" #include "record_browse.h" #include "debug.h" #include "main.h" #include "icons.h" #include "fl_digi.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "network.h" #include #include #include #include #include "FL/Fl_Double_Window.H" #include "FL/Fl_Output.H" #include "FL/fl_ask.H" #include "FL/Fl_Check_Button.H" Fl_Double_Window *dlgRecordLoader = (Fl_Double_Window *)0; /// Loads a file and stores it for later lookup. int RecordLoaderInterface::LoadAndRegister() { Clear(); std::string filnam = storage_filename().first; time_t cntTim = time(NULL); if (bMOREINFO) LOG_INFO("Opening:%s", filnam.c_str()); std::ifstream ifs( filnam.c_str() ); /// Reuse the same string for each new record. std::string input_str ; size_t nbRec = 0 ; while( ! ifs.eof() ) { if( ! std::getline( ifs, input_str ) ) break; /// Comments are legal with # as first character. if( input_str[0] == '#' ) continue; imemstream str_strm( input_str ); try { if( ReadRecord( str_strm ) ) { ++nbRec; } else { LOG_WARN( "Cannot process '%s'", input_str.c_str() ); } } catch(const std::exception & exc) { LOG_WARN( "%s: Caught <%s> when reading '%s'", base_filename().c_str(), exc.what(), input_str.c_str() ); return -1 ; } } ifs.close(); if (bMOREINFO) LOG_INFO( "Read:%s with %d records in %d seconds", filnam.c_str(), static_cast(nbRec), static_cast( time(NULL) - cntTim ) ); return nbRec ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Row { Fl_Output * m_timestamp ; Fl_Check_Button * m_select ; Fl_Output * m_content_size ; Fl_Output * m_nb_rows ; Fl_Button * m_url ; RecordLoaderInterface * m_itf ; bool UpdateRow() { const std::string str = m_itf->Timestamp(); m_timestamp->value(str.c_str()); const std::string & strSz = m_itf->ContentSize(); m_content_size->value(strSz.c_str()); int nb_recs = m_itf->LoadAndRegister(); char nb_recs_str[64]; bool isGood = ( nb_recs >= 0 ); if( isGood ) sprintf( nb_recs_str, "%6d", nb_recs ); else strcpy( nb_recs_str, " N/A" ); m_nb_rows->value(nb_recs_str); const char * strurl = m_itf->Url(); if( strurl != NULL ) { const std::string strnam = m_itf->base_filename(); m_url->tooltip( strurl ); } if (dlgRecordLoader) dlgRecordLoader->damage(); return isGood ; } }; /// Array all data loaders. It is setup at start time. static Row * all_recs = NULL ; /// Number of data loaders, it is a very small integer. static int dataloader_nb = 0 ; static const int nb_cols = 5 ; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// This is a virtual class, therefore it must have a default constructor. RecordLoaderInterface::RecordLoaderInterface() { ++dataloader_nb ; /// We prefer tp use realloc because it is ready before main() is called. all_recs = (Row *)realloc( all_recs, dataloader_nb * sizeof( Row ) ); all_recs[ dataloader_nb - 1 ].m_itf = this ; } /// This happens very rarely, so performance is not an issue. RecordLoaderInterface::~RecordLoaderInterface() { for( int i = 0; i < dataloader_nb; ++i ) { if( all_recs[i].m_itf == this ) { memmove( all_recs + i, all_recs + i + 1, sizeof( Row ) * ( dataloader_nb - i - 1 ) ); --dataloader_nb ; return ; } } LOG_ERROR("Inconsistent %d", dataloader_nb ); } /// This takes only the filename from the complete HTTP or FTP URL, or file path. std::string RecordLoaderInterface::base_filename() const { const char * pFil = strrchr( Url(), '/' ); if( pFil == NULL ) pFil = Url(); else ++pFil ; /// This might be an URL so we take only the beginning. const char * quest = strchr( pFil, '?' ); if( quest == NULL ) quest = pFil + strlen(pFil); return std::string( pFil, quest ); } std::pair< std::string, bool > RecordLoaderInterface::storage_filename(bool create_dir) const { /// We check if it is changed, it is not performance-critical. if( create_dir ) { if( ask_dir_creation( DATA_dir ) ) { const char * err = create_directory( DATA_dir.c_str() ); if( err ) { fl_alert("Error:%s",err); } } } std::string filnam_data = DATA_dir; filnam_data.append(base_filename()); if( create_dir ) { return std::make_pair( filnam_data, false ); } /// This is for a read access. std::ifstream ifs( filnam_data.c_str() ); if( ifs ) { ifs.close(); return std::make_pair( filnam_data, false ); } if( errno != ENOENT ) { LOG_WARN( "Cannot read '%s': %s", filnam_data.c_str(), strerror(errno) ); } // Second try with a file maybe installed by "make install". std::string filnam_inst = PKGDATADIR "/" + base_filename(); if (bMOREINFO) LOG_INFO("Errno=%s with %s. Trying %s", strerror(errno), filnam_data.c_str(), filnam_inst.c_str() ); ifs.open( filnam_inst.c_str() ); if( ifs ) { ifs.close(); return std::make_pair( filnam_inst, true ); } /// But the file is not there. return std::make_pair( filnam_data, false ); } std::string RecordLoaderInterface::Timestamp() const { std::string filnam = storage_filename().first; struct stat st; if (stat(filnam.c_str(), &st) == -1 ) return "N/A"; struct tm tmLastMod = *localtime( & st.st_mtime ); char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d/%d/%d %02d:%02d", tmLastMod.tm_year + 1900, tmLastMod.tm_mon + 1, tmLastMod.tm_mday, tmLastMod.tm_hour, tmLastMod.tm_min ); return buf ; } std::string RecordLoaderInterface::ContentSize() const { /// It would be faster to cache this result in the object. std::string filnam = storage_filename().first; struct stat st; if (stat(filnam.c_str(), &st) == -1 ) return " N/A"; char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%9" PRIuSZ, (size_t)st.st_size ); return buf ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void cb_record_url(Fl_Widget *w, void* ptr) { const RecordLoaderInterface * it = static_cast< const RecordLoaderInterface * >(ptr); cb_mnuVisitURL( NULL, const_cast< char * >( it->Url() ) ); } void DerivedRecordLst::AddRow( int row ) { Row * ptRow = all_recs + row ; int X,Y,W,H; int col=0; { col_width( col, 110 ); find_cell(CONTEXT_TABLE, row, col, X, Y, W, H); ptRow->m_timestamp = new Fl_Output(X,Y,W,H); ptRow->m_timestamp->tooltip( _("Data file creation date") ); } ++col; { col_width( col, 16 ); find_cell(CONTEXT_TABLE, row, col, X, Y, W, H); ptRow->m_select = new Fl_Check_Button(X,Y,W,H); ptRow->m_select->align(FL_ALIGN_CENTER|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); ptRow->m_select->value(1); } ++col; { col_width( col, 80 ); find_cell(CONTEXT_TABLE, row, col, X, Y, W, H); ptRow->m_content_size = new Fl_Output(X,Y,W,H); ptRow->m_content_size->tooltip( _("Size in bytes") ); } ++col; { col_width( col, 50 ); find_cell(CONTEXT_TABLE, row, col, X, Y, W, H); ptRow->m_nb_rows = new Fl_Output(X,Y,W,H); ptRow->m_nb_rows->tooltip( _("Number of lines in data file") ); } ++col; { col_width( col, 166 ); find_cell(CONTEXT_TABLE, row, col, X, Y, W, H); const char * strurl = ptRow->m_itf->Url(); ptRow->m_url = NULL ; if( strurl != NULL ) { const std::string strnam = ptRow->m_itf->base_filename(); ptRow->m_url = new Fl_Button(X,Y,W,H, strdup(strnam.c_str()) ); ptRow->m_url->tooltip( strurl ); ptRow->m_url->callback(cb_record_url, ptRow->m_itf); } } ptRow->UpdateRow(); } DerivedRecordLst::DerivedRecordLst(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *title) : Fl_Table(x,y,w,h,title) { col_header(1); col_resize(1); col_header_height(25); row_header(1); row_resize(0); row_header_width(105); rows(dataloader_nb); cols(nb_cols); begin(); // start adding widgets to group { for( int row = 0; row < dataloader_nb; ++row ) { AddRow( row ); } } end(); } DerivedRecordLst::~DerivedRecordLst() { } // Handle drawing all cells in table void DerivedRecordLst::draw_cell(TableContext context, int R, int C, int X, int Y, int W, int H) { switch ( context ) { case CONTEXT_STARTPAGE: fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 12); // font used by all headers break; case CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE: { int X, Y, W, H; int index = 0; for ( int r = 0; r= children() ) break; find_cell(CONTEXT_TABLE, r, c, X, Y, W, H); child(index++)->resize(X,Y,W,H); } } init_sizes(); // tell group children resized return; } case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER: fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H); { RecordLoaderInterface * it = ( (R >= 0) && ( R < dataloader_nb ) ) ? all_recs[ R ].m_itf : NULL; if( it == NULL ) { LOG_ERROR("R=%d",R); return; } const char * str = it ? it->Description() : "Unknown" ; fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X, Y, W, H, row_header_color()); fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_draw(str, X, Y, W, H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER); } fl_pop_clip(); return; case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER: fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H); { static const char * col_names[nb_cols] = { _("Timestamp"), _(" "), _("Size"), _("# recs"), _("WWW"), }; const char * title = ( ( C >= 0 ) && ( C < nb_cols ) ) ? col_names[C] : "?" ; fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X, Y, W, H, col_header_color()); fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_draw(title, X, Y, W, H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER); } fl_pop_clip(); return; case CONTEXT_CELL: // fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H); return; // fltk handles drawing the widgets default: return; } } void DerivedRecordLst::cbGuiUpdate() { std::string server = inpDataSources->value(); if( server.empty() ) { fl_alert(_("No server selected")); return ; } if( server[server.size()-1] != '/' ) server += '/' ; for( int row = 0; row < dataloader_nb; ++row ) { Row * ptrRow = all_recs + row; if( ! ptrRow->m_select->value() ) continue ; RecordLoaderInterface * it = ptrRow->m_itf; std::string url = server + it->base_filename(); std::string reply ; double timeout=600.0; // Consider truncating the HTTP header. int res = fetch_http_gui(url, reply, timeout ); if (bMOREINFO) LOG_INFO("Loaded %s : %d chars. res=%d", url.c_str(), (int)reply.size(), res ); if( ! res ) { int ok = fl_choice2( _("Could not download %s"), _("Continue"), _("Stop"), NULL, url.c_str() ); if( ok == 1 ) break ; continue ; } static const char *notFound404 = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"; if( 0 == strncmp( reply.c_str(), notFound404, strlen(notFound404) ) ) { int ok = fl_choice2( _("Non-existent URL: %s"), _("Continue"), _("Stop"), NULL, url.c_str() ); if( ok == 1 ) break ; continue ; } /// This creates the directory if necessary; std::string filnam = it->storage_filename(true).first; std::ofstream ofstrm( filnam.c_str() ); if( ofstrm ) ofstrm.write( &reply[0], reply.size() ); if( ! ofstrm ) { int ok = fl_choice2( _("Error saving %s to %s:%s"), _("Continue"), _("Stop"), NULL, url.c_str(), filnam.c_str(), strerror(errno) ); if( ok == 1 ) break ; continue ; } ofstrm.close(); bool isGood = all_recs[row].UpdateRow(); if( ! isGood ) { int ok = fl_choice2( _("Error loading %s to %s: %s."), _("Continue"), _("Stop"), NULL, url.c_str(), filnam.c_str(), strerror(errno) ); if( ok == 0 ) break ; continue ; } } btnDataSourceUpdate->value(0); } void DerivedRecordLst::cbGuiReset() { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__ ); for( int row = 0; row < dataloader_nb; ++row ) { Row * ptrRow = all_recs + row; if( ! ptrRow->m_select->value() ) continue ; RecordLoaderInterface * it = ptrRow->m_itf; std::pair< std::string, bool > stofil_pair = it->storage_filename(true); it->Clear(); const char * stofil = stofil_pair.first.c_str() ; if( stofil_pair.second ) { fl_alert("Cannot erase installed data file %s", stofil ); continue ; } else { if (bMOREINFO) LOG_INFO("Erasing %s", stofil ); int res = ::remove( stofil ); if( ( res != 0 ) && ( res != ENOENT ) ) { fl_alert("Error erasing data file %s:%s", stofil, strerror(errno) ); continue ; } all_recs[row].UpdateRow(); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Necessary because in a Fl_Menu, a slash has a special meaning. static std::string fl_escape( const char * str ) { std::string res ; for( char ch ; ( ch = *str ) != '\0' ; ++str ) { if( ch == '/' ) res += '\\'; res += ch ; } return res ; } static void fl_input_add( const char * str ) { inpDataSources->add( fl_escape( str ).c_str() ); } void createRecordLoader() { if (dlgRecordLoader) return; dlgRecordLoader = make_record_loader_window(); fl_input_add("http://www.w1hkj.com/support_files/"); fl_input_add("http://primhillcomputers.com/fldigi/data"); inpDataSources->value(0); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------