Add LoTW and eQSL hints to dxcc popup

This uses the following files:

   in ~/.fldigi/lotw1.txt

   in ~/.fldigi/AGMemberList.txt or ~/.fldigi/eqsl.txt

Also changed the FText tooltip display function to use a string stream
Stelios Bounanos 2009-02-04 05:20:24 +00:00
rodzic f134124ddd
commit 718522277d
4 zmienionych plików z 93 dodań i 27 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -13,8 +13,15 @@ struct dxcc {
float lat = 0.0f, float lon = 0.0f, float tz = 0.0f);
enum qsl_t { QSL_LOTW, QSL_EQSL, QSL_END };
extern const char* qsl_names[];
bool dxcc_open(const char* filename);
void dxcc_close(void);
const dxcc* dxcc_lookup(const char* callsign);
bool qsl_open(const char* filename, qsl_t qsl_type);
void qsl_close(void);
unsigned char qsl_lookup(const char* callsign);
#endif // DXCC_H_

Wyświetl plik

@ -312,6 +312,11 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
if (progdefaults.rxtext_tooltips || progdefaults.autofill_qso_fields)
if (progdefaults.rxtext_tooltips) {
qsl_open(string(HomeDir).append("lotw1.txt").c_str(), QSL_LOTW);
if (!qsl_open(string(HomeDir).append("eqsl.txt").c_str(), QSL_EQSL))
qsl_open(string(HomeDir).append("AGMemberList.txt").c_str(), QSL_EQSL);
int ret = Fl::run();

Wyświetl plik

@ -186,3 +186,52 @@ static void add_prefix(string& prefix, dxcc* entry)
prev_entry = cmap->insert(prev_entry, make_pair(prefix, entry));
typedef map<string, unsigned char> qsl_map;
static qsl_map* qsl_calls;
const char* qsl_names[] = { "LoTW", "eQSL" };
bool qsl_open(const char* filename, qsl_t qsl_type)
ifstream in(filename);
if (!in)
return false;
if (!qsl_calls)
qsl_calls = new qsl_map;
size_t n = qsl_calls->size();
qsl_map::iterator prev_entry = qsl_calls->begin();
string::size_type p;
string s;
while (getline(in, s)) {
if ((p = s.rfind('\r')) != string::npos)
prev_entry = qsl_calls->insert(prev_entry, make_pair(s, 0));
prev_entry->second |= (1 << qsl_type);
LOG_INFO("Added %zu %s callsigns from \"%s\"",
qsl_calls->size() - n, qsl_names[qsl_type], filename);
return true;
void qsl_close(void)
delete qsl_calls;
qsl_calls = 0;
unsigned char qsl_lookup(const char* callsign)
if (qsl_calls == 0)
return 0;
string str;
transform(callsign, callsign + str.length(), str.begin(), static_cast<int (*)(int)>(toupper));
qsl_map::const_iterator i = qsl_calls->find(str);
return i == qsl_calls->end() ? 0 : i->second;

Wyświetl plik

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <FL/Fl_Tooltip.H>
@ -893,7 +894,6 @@ loop:
const char* FTextView::dxcc_lookup_call(int x, int y)
char* s = get_word(x - this->x(), y - this->y());
const char* ret = 0;
if (!(s && *s && call.match(s))) {
return 0;
@ -901,14 +901,16 @@ const char* FTextView::dxcc_lookup_call(int x, int y)
const char *name = 0, *date = 0, *qth = 0, *locator = 0, *mode;
double lon1, lat1, lon2 = 360.0, lat2 = 360.0, distance, azimuth;
static char tip[256];
size_t len = 0;
static string tip;
ostringstream stip;
const dxcc* e = 0;
cQsoRec* qso = 0;
unsigned char qsl;
e = dxcc_lookup(s);
qsl = qsl_lookup(s);
qso = SearchLog(s);
if (qso) {
locator = qso->getField(GRIDSQUARE);
if (!(locator && *locator && locator2longlat(&lon2, &lat2, locator) == RIG_OK))
@ -916,44 +918,47 @@ const char* FTextView::dxcc_lookup_call(int x, int y)
name = qso->getField(NAME);
date = qso->getField(QSO_DATE);
qth = qso->getField(QTH);
if (e) {
if (lon2 == 360.0)
lon2 = -e->longitude;
if (lat2 == 360.0)
lat2 = e->latitude;
len += snprintf(tip, sizeof(tip), "%s (%s GMT%+0.1f) CQ-%d ITU-%d\n",
e->country, e->continent, -e->gmt_offset, e->cq_zone, e->itu_zone);
ret = tip;
stip << e->country << " (" << e->continent
<< " GMT" << fixed << showpos << setprecision(1) << -e->gmt_offset << noshowpos
<< ") CQ-" << e->cq_zone << " ITU-" << e->itu_zone << '\n';
if (len < sizeof(tip) && locator2longlat(&lon1, &lat1, progdefaults.myLocator.c_str()) == RIG_OK &&
if (locator2longlat(&lon1, &lat1, progdefaults.myLocator.c_str()) == RIG_OK &&
qrb(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, &distance, &azimuth) == RIG_OK) {
len += snprintf(tip + len, sizeof(tip) - len, "QTE %.0f\260 (%.0f\260) QRB %.0fkm (%.0fkm)\n",
azimuth, azimuth_long_path(azimuth), distance, distance_long_path(distance));
ret = tip;
stip << "QTE " << setprecision(0) << azimuth << '\260' << " ("
<< azimuth_long_path(azimuth) << '\260' << ") QRB " << distance << "km ("
<< distance_long_path(distance) << "km)\n";
if (len < sizeof(tip) && name && *name) {
len += snprintf(tip + len, sizeof(tip) - len, "* %s", name);
if (len < sizeof(tip) && qth && *qth)
len += snprintf(tip + len, sizeof(tip) - len, " %s %s\n", _("in"), qth);
else if (len + 1 < sizeof(tip)) {
tip[len++] = '\n';
tip[len] = '\0';
ret = tip;
if (name && *name) {
stip << "* " << name;
if (qth && *qth)
stip << ' ' << _("in") << ' ' << qth;
stip << '\n';
if (len < sizeof(tip) && date && *date) {
len += snprintf(tip + len, sizeof(tip) - len, "* %s: %s", _("Last QSO"), date);
if (date && *date) {
stip << "* " << _("Last QSO") << ": " << date;
mode = qso->getField(MODE);
if (len < sizeof(tip) && mode && *mode)
len += snprintf(tip + len, sizeof(tip) - len, " %s %s", _("in"), mode);
ret = tip;
if (mode)
stip << ' ' << _("in") << ' ' << mode;
stip << '\n';
if (qsl) {
stip << "* ";
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < QSL_END; i++)
if (qsl & (1 << i))
stip << qsl_names[i] << ' ';
stip << '\n';
return ret;
tip = stip.str();
return tip.empty() ? 0 : tip.c_str();
void FTextView::dxcc_tooltip(void* obj)