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2007-06-22 22:04:50 +00:00
Change Log:
2008-09-16 19:02:38 +00:00
2008-09-16 19:02:56 +00:00
1) Changes to irrxml functions;
added main.set_sideband <USB/LSB>
added log.set_call <CALL>
2008-09-16 19:02:38 +00:00
2) Change to macro timer implementation - bug fix for Windows
2008-09-16 19:02:56 +00:00
3) Fixed bug in WFaveraging - save configuration
2008-09-26 19:17:45 +00:00
4) Fixed ARQ tcpip bugs when used with pskmail
5) Added end of transmit feedback to ARQ client when transmit is stopped
from within fldigi (T/R button pressed).
6) XML-RPC fixes & simplification of XML-RPC error handling.
7) Added simple XML-RPC access control with three new switches
--xmlrpc-allow REGEX only allow matching methods
--xmlrpc-deny REGEX ignore matching methods
--xmlrpc-list list methods
For example: fldigi --xmlrpc-deny 'main.tx|main.run_macro' or the
shorter 'main.(tx|run_macro)' will unregister those two methods.
Add --xmlrpc-list after an allow or deny switch to verify the results.
8) Added thread signal handling with SIGUSR2 to stop the xmlrpc and
arq-socket threads and avoid the socket accept/timeout loop.
9) Removed fl_thread wrappers to direct pthread calls
10) Added various Qrunner updates
2008-09-29 20:30:49 +00:00
11) Added rig control freq entry. Click on Frequency Control widget for
focus. Enter digits in kHz.kHz. <Enter> to use new value, <Esc> to
12) Added qsy function. Moved the hamlib/rigcat/etc qsy if/else block
into its own function and replaced all instances of that code.
13) Add waterfall mouse options
a) Added Mouse tab to the W-fall tab(s).
b) Added waterfall qsy option, which works well with rigcat and
hamlib (direct and rpc.rigd).
c) Added text field whose contents are appended to the RX window
when the frequency is changed via a waterfall left click.
The text will be printed by strftime if it contains any
2008-10-01 22:26:45 +00:00
% characters, so it's possible to specify something like
"<=== %x %H:%M ====>" for the RX divider line.
14) Deprecated the "rtty is USB" configuration item. fldigi adjusts
all tone inversion sensitive modes for USB / LSB operation.
2008-10-08 02:44:35 +00:00
15) Changes to command parsing used by the ARQ interface(s); TLF, SysV
and ARQ socket.
16) Reduced the minimum main window height.
17) Added fldigi-shell time command
Try this "stress test":
time eval for (1..50)
{ execute("modem.set_by_name BPSK31"); \
execute("modem.set_by_name RTTY"); }
18) Added brief message to the opening Rx text area indicating which
2008-10-12 06:35:04 +00:00
macro file was loaded on start up. This is a configurable item on
the Misc/Macro tab
2008-10-10 12:03:47 +00:00
19) Addition of Navy MARS prosigns to the CW Morse encoder / decoder.
2008-10-12 06:35:04 +00:00
20) Add new option to dock a digiscope and deprecate command line switch
21) Add option to change waterfall mouse wheel handling. Adapt patch
by Stephane F8CFE to change rig frequency via the mouse wheel.
2008-10-14 05:38:19 +00:00
22) Added <IDLE>NNN macro tag; causes signal to idle for NNN seconds
before sending macro text. Use:
Now is the time for all good men
will generate 5 seconds of idle, the text, and repeat after 20 sec's.
2008-10-16 10:11:28 +00:00
23) Added new configuration options to set the waterfall width and height
These and the docked digiscope configuration option require a program
restart to take effect.
2008-10-17 21:09:52 +00:00
24) Added rig control widgets to the main dialog qso panel.
2008-11-13 00:12:12 +00:00
25) Added icons for many of the menu items. The menus now have both an
icon and a text where appropriate.
26) Added a check box for "Nag me about log entries".
27) Added a double click on waterfall functionality. This will write a
special string to the Rx text window such as:
<<2008-10-30T23:25Z BPSK-31 @ 3580000+1474>>
This record is then accessible using the mouse in the Rx text window.
You can then left click on the string and fldigi will change mode,
rf frequency (if CAT), and audio frequency to the saved record.
The text field associated with "Insert on left click" (W-fall/Mouse
tab) allows you to modify this behavior. You enter the following for
the left click insertion text: <FREQ> and the double click changes
to a single left click.
28) Added QSO data mouse binding. Binds Rx text mouse-2 (right mouse
button) to a handler that enters QSO data into the log fields. A
limited amount of pattern matching is done to recognize RST reports
and IARU locator strings. The text is meant to be middle-clicked
roughly in the order in which it tends to appear in QSOs:
callsign RST name QTH locator. The other shortcuts (menu items and
Shift-click work as before).
29) Fixed IZDT time format. The timezone only makes sense in ILDT. With
IZDT, it is always +0000, so we should be using "Z". This applies to
macros which use the <ZDT> and <IZDT> tags.
2008-11-13 00:13:14 +00:00
30) Added double click in the Rx text window. Program parses the word to
2008-11-19 20:17:12 +00:00
target CALL, NAME, LOC and RSTin.
2008-11-13 00:13:14 +00:00
31) Added addition macro tag to insert the text in the two status fields
such as PSK s/n and PSK imd readings.
32) Menu icons can be toggled on/off via configuration check box.
33) Improved hamlib support code.
34) Color changes for Frequency Control now applied to both docked and
floating rig control.
2008-11-26 05:21:34 +00:00
35) Added fl_logbook functionality as a built-in feature
36) Added rudimentary contest functionality
a. additional log fields for various contest exchanges
b. duplicate checking
c. cut number transmit for CW
d. additional macro tags for sending contest specific exchanges
e. additional macro tag to send current qso-log-time
f. changed qso-log-time to an automated clock
2008-12-06 23:36:09 +00:00
37) Added dup field, time-span in minutes
38) Added <CLRRX> macro tag - clear Rx pane
39) Change fldigi.log to fldigiYYYYMMDD.log, always append to file,
40) Added Olivia Tones/BW display in status bar
41) Split st/cnty into state county fields, added country field
42) Added time_on to the logbook
43) Change logbook text export to tab delimited format
44) Added ability to export selected records to ADIF / CSV with
fields specified
45) Fixed bug in transfering frequency to logbook in Khz vice Mhz format.
2008-12-11 00:45:17 +00:00
46) Modified the viewpsk search algorithm
47) Delete QRZ.com page parser. Substituted calls to default internet
explorer with url set to either
http://www.qrz.com/callsign.html?callsign=<CALL> or
48) Fixed log timer
50) Changed Olivia status fields:
Added 8/250 to quick change menu and Op Mode submenu
Widened mode status field so that the BW/tones string will fit
next to the modem name using update function put_MODEstatus()
with variable arguments
Restored frequency offset status field
51) Fixed mode status button; Clear button state when the popup is
dismissed. Restore focus to the TX text. Change AFC,SQL button labels
Removed all empty labels
52) Added Fl_Input2 up/downcase key bindings. Added shell/emacs
keybindings: M-u uppecase, M-l lowercase, M-c capitalise
53) Added preliminary contest country file support
54) Added FText country information tooltip. Tooltip is displayed when
a mouse over occurs in the Rx pane on a word that qualifies as a
call sign.
2008-12-20 19:55:16 +00:00
55) Corrected behavior of log fields when changing focus. Enter key in
a qso log field restores focus to Tx panel.
56) Added option to force qso log "call" to uppercase.
57) Fixed RTTY tx character echo when unshift-on-space is selected for tx
58) Added check to save modified macros before loading a new macro file.
2008-12-21 21:49:59 +00:00
59) Added clear logbook fields when qso fields cleared
60) Added Load Macro file Rx Panel message whenever a macro file is
61) Fix qso clear button bug; Clear would only work with NagMe set.
Corrected logic.
62) Logbook text i/o bug fixes. Changed all logbook text out to use CRLF
convention in MS. Fixed "-30" bug in text output for comment field.
63) Fix logbook update. Maintain scroll position when updating QSO log
64) Fix PSK browser crash
65) Organize HomeDir contents. HomeDir (~/.fldigi) (<user>/fldigi.files)
now contains the following subdirectories:
rigs, scripts, palettes, logs, images, help, macros & temp
correctly populated with the corresponding default files.
2008-12-23 13:58:23 +00:00
66) Additional state variables.
Save & restore state of: ReceiveText quick entry, ReceiveText word
wrap and TransmitText word wrap
67) Fixed --config-dir failure on MS
68) Changed qso clear to only clear the search field on logbook dialog
2008-12-24 16:30:19 +00:00
69) Bug fix - TimeOn reset logic
70) Bug fix - missing (int) cast in confdialog.fl
2008-12-24 21:56:55 +00:00
71) Added TX_PWR, IOTA and DXCC to logbook fields
72) Changed main dialog field name "Notes" to "Comment" to be consistent
with the logbook dialog
73) Additional fix for TimeOn logic
74) Change to Rx text popup menu configuration.
75) Restored IPC log output (SysV message) to xlog for saving log
76) Added Tx Power configuration item
77) Added TX_PWR and COUNTRY to adif export
78) Bug fix, delete last qso in logbook browser
2008-12-27 21:46:44 +00:00
79) Balanced pre/post amble tones with mfsk tones on Oliva - effectively
increases average transmitted power in Olivia
80) Change macros for <TIMER> and <IDLE> to use new format:
<TIMER:NN> and <IDLE:NN> where NN is time in seconds.
2008-12-29 14:48:47 +00:00
81) Added clear IOTA field when QSO data saved to logbook
82) Fixed hamlib's azimuth calculation. Disabled conditional compilation
for locator.c.
83) Modified show callsign (hover over Rx text) behavior to use logbook
data if available. Popup will then show Name, Last QSO Date
& Az/Dist based on logbook record. Otherwise the data shown is based
on the cty.dat file.
84) Updated build system
a. Use ax_boost_base.m4 from autoconf-archive 2008-11-07
b. Add ax_compare_version.m4
c. Modify pkg-config.m4 to store version in pkg_package_version
d. Build bundled locator.c for hamlib <= 1.2.8 or when it is not available
e. Add -mfpmath=sse to compiler flags for --enable-optimizations=native
85) Updated FTextView context menu
a. Hide quick entry fields by default
b. Use divider for Call menu item
86) Fixed directory creation
a. Use a single buffer for HomeDir and PskMailDir expansion
b. Use fl_filename_absolute to expand --config-dir argument
c. Replace checkdir() and checkdirectories() with single function
87) Fix OS X compilation
the ttyname array in configuration::testCommPorts is needed on OS X.
88) Simplify FText dxcc lookup
a. Change SearchLog to return a QSO record pointer
b. Change FText tooltip format
c. Display "last QSO" information in tooltip when cty.dat is missing
89) Miscellaneous changes:
Fix compiler warnings
Add hex print functions
Fix restore_signals
90) Add microHam keyer PTT support via uH Router
This is not native support for the microHam devices; rather, the FIFO
interface of W7AY's uH Router application is used when the PTT TTY
device string contains "/tmp/microHamRouter". uH Router is currently
available only for OS X.
91) Added rx_flush to MT63 modem class. Allows immediate transition
from Rx to Tx after remote station ceases transmission. No loss
in Rx characters.
92) Restored export of log.adif (only on Windows platform)
93) Fixed bug, missing Country field in QRZ lookupcall process
94) Fixed various logic errors associated with Call entry & automatic
qso field fill-in
95) Fixed logic errors associated with Duplicate checking
2008-12-29 14:48:47 +00:00
2008-09-29 20:30:49 +00:00
2008-08-29 00:46:05 +00:00
1) Changes to socket server to correct shutdown process
2) Added event logging and an event viewer
2008-08-30 03:02:24 +00:00
3) Added QRZ cdrom / database location specifier with auto-search
4) Bug fix for sound on OS X 10.4
5) Bug fix for Socket Server. Added error checking for listen().
6) Update to build scripts. Corrected compiler flags for building
universal binary on OS X. Changed to a more reliable way of linking
hamlib statically. Updated app bundling script.
7) Set tooltip font - tooltip changed to use same font and size selected
with the command line switch --font. Set default font sizes on OS X.
8) Inhibit Tx / Rx of higher speed MFSKpic modes on slower computers
9) Added color selection for Rx/Tx text panels
Normal text
2008-08-30 13:41:16 +00:00
Transmitted text
2008-08-30 03:02:24 +00:00
Control character text
Skipped text
Alternate (quick view) text
2008-09-02 16:45:10 +00:00
10) Changed the way that RTS/DTR PTT is used with rig.xml files
11) Updated regular expression parser
2008-09-03 09:24:55 +00:00
12) Modified <EXEC> passing of fd's to child processes
13) Changed "no color" buttons to background vice background2 (white).
Setting -bg <color> on command line switch now controls the "no color"
value for the macro buttons.
14) Fixed macro timer to properly reset if <TIMER> re-invoked during
timeout period.
2008-09-05 19:02:47 +00:00
15) Fixed broken access to on-line subscriber Hamlog data base
2008-09-07 22:03:27 +00:00
16) Removed trailing spaces from frequency field in ADIF file
17) Changes to rigio thread loop to disable reads during transmit
2008-09-08 16:48:25 +00:00
18) Improved serial port discovery
19) Added History replay option - when enabled; right click on waterfall
replays audio history buffer.
20) OS X resize handle / button overlay fixed
21) Modified sound port Event Log message.
2008-09-10 03:43:38 +00:00
22) Added Callsign to Title Bar "NO CALLSIGN SET" if the MyCallsign is
23) Added "log.clear" to xmlrpc command set - clears the data in the
logbook fields.
24) If compiled into the executable the xmlrpc server is always started.
ARQ server is also started. Both can be serviced concurrently.
2008-09-11 01:35:48 +00:00
24) Increased RTTY cross-hair scope sensitivity
25) Modified Generate/Playback file to be closer to Capture in signal
26) Modified "view transmit" signal level to be closer in amplitude to
Rx signal level.
2008-09-12 04:51:03 +00:00
27) Fixed XMLRPC bug in mode.set_by_id and mode.set_by_name calls
2008-09-15 02:20:32 +00:00
28) Added $LOC locator field to <EXEC>...</EXEC> calls for return
values ($NAME $QTH $LOC).
29) Added "tlf", The Left Foot, contest program support. fldigi accepts
tx data and returns rx data to tlf. (Linux primarily).
2008-08-29 00:46:05 +00:00
1) Added hamlib interface for rig control
2) Improved rigCAT serial communications on Windows
1) Compile switch changes for OS-X
2) Corrected serial port discovery on Windows
2008-06-12 22:15:17 +00:00
3.0 1) Added EXEC macro
2008-03-27 12:58:54 +00:00
2) Added mousewheel over Macro buttons to move between macro button sets.
3) Fixed bug in Olivia signal level display.
2008-04-30 13:54:13 +00:00
4) Ported to Windows (win32) and OS-X
2008-04-16 11:02:33 +00:00
5) Added floating digiscope and / or fixed scope abutting waterfall
specified with command line switch --twoscopes
Default is floating digiscope without the fixed scope
6) Added save as png to mfsk-pic reception
2008-04-18 00:36:53 +00:00
7) Added RTTY Baudot Unshift-On-Space configuration for Rx and Tx
8) Modified mouse wheel handler to accommodate horizontal or vertical
squelch slider.
9) Call scopeview->size_range when the floating digiscope changes mode;
so that the phase and crosshair rtty scope should maintain aspect
10) Modified the Ctrl+Left/Right mouse button combo to not drag the marker.
11) Deprecate the --resample switch in favour of the new menu in the Audio
Settings tab. Move sound initialisation code out of configuration.cxx
and into soundconf.cxx. Make Native the default sample rate selection.
12) Changed the main window's callback and the File->Exit handler to not
exit() but, rather, hide the windows so that Fl::run will return and
main can clean up. (fix for Sig 11 faults at exit).
13) Rename jpeg.m4 to images.m4 and extend it to also detect libpng. Make
both libraries optional. Add new optional fourth argument to the file
selector functions, used to determine file format regardless of
filename suffix.
14) New sound callback code implementation.
15) Two-colour squelch button shows Yellow Squelch enabled but not open,
Light Green enabled and open.
2008-04-20 07:42:12 +00:00
16) Experimental RTTY mark/space cross hair display using mark / space
2008-04-26 21:03:08 +00:00
17) Psk phase scope: 3 modes selectable by multiple left clicks on face
of digiscope.
1) original single vector display
2) fading fixed length vector display
3) fading variable length vector display; length proportional to
signal quality.
2008-04-28 00:19:25 +00:00
18) Completely new DominoEX decoder - similar in theory to ZL2AFP
DominoEX, which has FFT bin resolution 4x the tone spacing. No AFC is
required for proper tracking of the Rx signal.
19) Removed ZOH and Linear interpolator choices from the resampling choice
menu under Sound Card configuration.
20) Fixed a bug in the global.cxx structures. Missing field in "CW"
2008-04-29 21:07:52 +00:00
21) Added Latency setting for waterfall FFT. Latency relates to the
amount of signal that is shared between waterfall scans. A higher
latency gives better resolution in frequency and blurriness in time
(waterfall drop). A lower latency gives better resolution in time
and less in frequency. The waterfall accuracy is still related to the
FFT size and that remains fixed for an accuracy of 1 Hz.
2008-05-09 23:12:17 +00:00
22) Added MultiPsk, DominoEX-FEC modes
23) Added new modem type DEX (Domino Extended), an FEC only Domino mode
that supports the full ASCII character set in the primary and the
printable ASCII English character set (less control codes) in the
24) Use Fl_Preferences for the status
The new status filename is ~/.fldigi/status to avoid breaking older
25) Stacktrace updates - Some cosmetic changes to the output. Stack and
version info no longer printed twice when a signal is caught.
26) Use PortAudio extensions - Probes for PortAudio extensions with
dlopen. right now the only extension used is the one that changes the
JACK client name.
27) Updated PulseAudio code so that non-ppm resampling is performed by
PulseAudio when that sound i/o system is used.
28) Changed the capture resampling code for PortAudio and PulseAudio to
use libsamplerate's callback API.
29) Use fileselect filter values. Made the audio format independent of
the filename suffix in the generate/capture/playback code;
uses the fileselector filter value instead.
30) Update fileselector - Fileselector now remembers previous directory.
2008-05-10 23:59:51 +00:00
31) MFSK bug fixes. The "broken image transmit" was due to stopflag not
being initialised in the mfsk ctor. Image window processing changed
to clearing the widget before redrawing the window.
32) Fix crash with missing mixer device - Call OpenMixer in a try block
and handle the exception.
33) Changed DominoEX-FEC secondary char lookup to a std::map type.
34) Corrected two coding errors which produced compile warnings in
dominoex.cxx and mt63base.cxx
2008-05-15 23:53:57 +00:00
35) Bug fixes for the FM Hell modes
36) Changed the way that the video text / id is generated.
2008-05-17 03:24:15 +00:00
37) Added XML-RPC support.
2008-05-24 21:33:19 +00:00
38) Added Audio Device identification display (on Help menu)
39) Added transmit & receive Reed Solomon mode identifier. Automatic
detection, mode change and frequency centering during receive.
ID sent at beginning of each transmission (toggled on Misc tab).
2008-06-05 20:29:23 +00:00
40) Fixed bug in waterfall update method that could cause a seg fault
under certain conditions.
41) Change to PortAudio samplerate probing.
2008-06-12 22:15:17 +00:00
42) Increased average power level in MT-63 mode.
43) Significantly decreased cpu usage with changes to qrunner and complex
2008-06-26 00:13:52 +00:00
44) Forced audio-in channel on PortAudio and PulseAudio to 1 channel (left)
to accommodate Vista MME interface.
2008-06-05 20:29:23 +00:00
2008-04-04 09:18:52 +00:00
1) Corrected memory leak bug.
2008-03-27 12:58:54 +00:00
1) Bug fix for QRZ CDROM access
1) Fixed bug in MODEM macro that caused TX to hang
2) Fixed sound_init crash. This would happen with an empty
progdefaults.OSSdevice (e.g. new install) on a system without
OSS devices.
3) Deleted local copy of libsamplerate as it was deprecated.
4) Deleted the fast text widgets that were a part of the early versions
2008-03-23 04:06:30 +00:00
of fldigi and had been retained for some performance improvement.
Recent changes to the more complete text widgets have equalled the
performance of the fast text widgets.
2008-03-14 16:28:38 +00:00
2.10 1) Added history decoding (ctrl-Left-click in waterfall). Available after
tracking has started. This does not start a new signal acquisition.
2) Rewrote Psk and ViewPsk to use shared signal detection class
2008-02-15 19:36:53 +00:00
3) Made OSS optional and added autoconf macro to detect its presence
4) The volume sliders will now be hidden if the mixer is disabled
2008-03-14 16:28:38 +00:00
5) Added a <MODEM> macro that changes the current modem
6) Added "Log File" status to saved application state
7) Added "use default audio device" if h/w changes
8) Fixes to ringbuffer / audio backends
9) Fixes to mfsk picture mode decoding
10) Changed frequency2 data file format, downward compatible
12) Added Pulse Audio support with support for separate capture and
2008-03-01 07:03:03 +00:00
playback devices and sample rates
2008-03-14 16:28:38 +00:00
13) Added mt63 500/1000/2000 modes
14) Added psk acquisition level control
15) Rename some classes so that fldigi builds on Mac OSX.
Added script to create .app bundles on OS X
Many thanks to Justin Burket and Diane Bruce.
16) Rx-slider, Tx-slider, Squelch-slider values added to the saved
application state.
17) Increased number of macros to 48. F11 & F12 now accessible by mouse
or keyboard. Alt Function key button changed to rotate forward (left-
click) and rotate reverse (right-click) through macro sets.
18) New color and font selection dialog - Rx / Tx widgets and macro button
background colors are user selectable
2008-02-15 19:36:53 +00:00
2008-01-30 23:17:24 +00:00
2.09 1) Modified src/Makefile.am for FreeBSD name space clash
2008-02-09 23:07:19 +00:00
2) Added psk multi-channel viewer with regex search capability
2008-02-04 00:54:01 +00:00
3) Rewrote audio capture/playback/generate routines to use the
libsndfile C API. Added .au support (32bit floats, host endianness)
2008-01-30 23:17:24 +00:00
2008-01-29 15:58:15 +00:00
2.08 1) Changes to build process:
a. Use PortAudio's C API; the C++ bindings are no longer required
b. Boost is no longer required when std::(tr1::)bind is available,
as is the case with g++ >= 4.0
c. Autodetect TLS support
d. Use std::bind (or std::tr1::bind) if available.
e. Add m4 macros for TLS autodetection (the --enable-tls/--disable-tls
switches are still supported).
f. Minor changes to configure.ac
2) qrunner cleanups
3) New ringbuffer and other utility code
4) New item in the sample rate menu: "Native" selects the hardware's
2008-01-10 18:02:24 +00:00
preferred sample rate. Breaks backward compatibility: saving this
with fldigi-2.08 will result in an "invalid sample rate" message if
the same fldigi_def.xml file is then used with 2.07 -- until "Auto"
or a specific value is selected again.
2008-01-29 15:58:15 +00:00
5) Correction to the waterfall's "casual tuning" feature: don't set the
2008-01-10 18:02:24 +00:00
modem to SIGSEARCH when the right mouse button is released.
2008-01-29 15:58:15 +00:00
6) Set locale only for LC_TIME
7) Add .desktop, move icons to data/; for deb / rpm build compatibility
8) Exception trapping and print to stdout on program failure
9) Fixes to modem class logic:
a. Olivia Corrected uninitialized variables.
b. MFSK Corrected uninitialized variables. Fixed memory leak.
c. CW Corrected uinitialized variable.
d. Throb Fix memory leak caused by using the wrong delete operator.
e. PSK Corrected uninitialized variables.
10) Rigcat/Hamlib dialog. Added mode, sideband, and current audio
frequency to "saved" frequencies list.
2008-01-09 04:19:08 +00:00
2007-12-27 16:34:25 +00:00
2.07 1) bug fix for mode changes via SysV interface (pskmail / flarq)
2) bug fix for modem configuration post quick change from status
bar using mouse wheel.
2007-12-26 17:33:35 +00:00
2.06 1) Source code fixes for 64 bit compilers
2) New stacktrace code, used by default exception & signal handlers
3) LDT / ZDT: locale settings are now recognized in macro expansion.
New ILDT / IZDT macros to expand date in iso-8601 format
4) The rig control window's frequency list now stores rig mode, modem and
waterfall carrier. Hence, ~/.fldigi/frequencies.txt uses a new format
5) Additional mouse wheel function: when pointer is over the digiscope
display, the mouse wheel (no key modifier) alters the PSK AFC search
range, FeldHell filter BW, or CW filter BW
6) The Audio menu is now a submenu of Files
2007-12-01 04:29:52 +00:00
2.05 1) Converted entire make system over to the GNU autoconf / automake
format. See the INSTALL file for additional information
2) Corrected various minor bugs
3) Added mouse wheel functions when mouse is in waterfall display
a) click - toggle AFC
b) shift - alter SQL level
c) ctrl - alter PSK search range.
4) modified waterfall cursors to show the search range
2007-10-31 15:29:03 +00:00
2.04 1) added full waterfall video texting using FeldHell Modern-8-14 font.
1, 2, 3 or 4 characters per video line.
2) bug fix for center mouse button toggle of AFC.
2007-11-07 17:42:47 +00:00
3) added option to insert CW identifier at end of transmission
2007-10-27 14:57:10 +00:00
2.03 1) bug fix for new startup Sound Card / Mixer naming on configuration tab.
2) bug fix for initial startup frequency
3) bug fix for homedir discovery
2007-10-23 20:13:02 +00:00
2.02 1) additional fixes for extended text widgets
2007-10-21 04:19:12 +00:00
2.01 1) Bug fix release
a) Throb modems failing to stop with t/r button
2007-10-23 20:13:02 +00:00
b) Modem startup problem when switching modes.
c) crlf fix for received characters
d) scrollbar fix for extended text widgets
2007-10-15 22:32:59 +00:00
2.0 1) Increased TxPPM to +/- 50000 to match the RxPPM range
2007-06-22 22:19:01 +00:00
2) Changed all audio i/o to separate 2 channel control (stereo)
3) Added right channel CW QRQ signal
4) Added right channel pseudo FSK signal
5) Added position and size of main dialog to state memory
6) Added status and position of rig control dialog to state memory
7) Added PSKmail tab and control to allow disabling the automatic
return to the PSK sweet spot if running a mail server
8) Added "Save To" menu item on received text popup menu.
2007-06-22 22:26:36 +00:00
9) Corrected memory leak bugs found in version 1.34
10) Added "Test" capability to save Rx or Tx waveforms in ".wav"
format and to play them back for testing modem decoders.
2007-06-22 22:28:11 +00:00
11) Replaced text editing widgets with new widgets capable of cut,
2007-07-21 12:15:41 +00:00
copy and paste.
===> temporarily disabled pending resolution of cpu% problem
2007-06-22 22:28:11 +00:00
12) Added new functions on text widget popup menus
13) Added a QSY undo (right button press)
14) Added a who is this capability to waterfall -- press right
button and hold on a signal and decoding occurs on that signal.
Release and decoding returns to normal tracking point.
2007-07-21 12:15:41 +00:00
15) This release requires libsndfile, libportaudio and libportaudiocpp
The new libraries provide portaudio sound card mapping, and the
ability to save and playback wav files (when fldigi is run as:
fldigi TEST).
2007-08-14 01:18:58 +00:00
16) Added Azimuth computation to QRZ query (submitted by WA5ZNU).
2007-08-14 01:20:52 +00:00
17) Corrected adif file header field <PROGRAMID:6>fldigi
2007-08-14 13:44:29 +00:00
18) Added fix to psk decoder sync detector. Thanks to the PocketDigi
author, Vojtech Bubnik, OK1IAK.
19) Added popup menu (right click) to the lower left corner modem button.
Allows quick change on psk modes only. Left button still opens up
the configuration tab for the modem in use.
2007-09-19 00:45:42 +00:00
20) Changed QRZ.com query to XML registered user query, see QRZ config-
uration tab.
21) Added grunner and boost libraries. These separate the modem threads
from the gui thread. This provides a considerable improvement in
modem performance.
22) Restored the new text editing widgets and also retained the fast
text widgets that do not have full editing capability. User can
select which of the text widgets will be used. Default is the fast
text widget. An fldigi restart is required after making a change to
the widget selection on the "misc" configuration tab.
2007-09-28 14:39:56 +00:00
23) Multiple changes to hamlib interface to correct deficient behavior on
startup and when changing frequency.
2007-10-06 15:04:10 +00:00
24 Changes to several modem code structures associated with qrunner
25) Text widgets support additional text styles:
XMIT : FL_RED - used in Rx widget to show Xmt'd text
CTRL : FL_DARK_RED - used in Rx/Tx widgets for control chars
SKIP : FL_BLUE - used in Rx/Tx for skipped chars (eg: Tx ON/OFF)
ALTR : FL_DARK_GREEN - used in Rx widget for quick view of signal
when right-clicking on a waterfall signal
2008-03-01 07:03:03 +00:00
26) Added additional control/mode commands to the pskmail/ARQ SYSV
message queue processor. Mode command strings are now:
2007-10-06 15:04:10 +00:00
CW : <cmd><mode>CW</mode></cmd>
DOMINO EX4 : <cmd><mode>DOMINOEX4</mode></cmd>
DOMINO EX5 : <cmd><mode>DOMINOEX5</mode></cmd>
DOMINO EX8 : <cmd><mode>DOMINOEX8</mode></cmd>
DOMINO EX11 : <cmd><mode>DOMINOEX11</mode></cmd>
DOMINO EX16 : <cmd><mode>DOMINOEX16</mode></cmd>
DOMINO EX22 : <cmd><mode>DOMINOEX22</mode></cmd>
MFSK8 : <cmd><mode>MFSK8</mode></cmd>
MFSK16 : <cmd><mode>MFSK8</mode></cmd>
PSK31 : <cmd><mode>PSK31</mode></cmd>
PSK63 : <cmd><mode>PSK63</mode></cmd>
PSK125 : <cmd><mode>PSK125</mode></cmd>
PSK250 : <cmd><mode>PSK250</mode></cmd>
RTTY : <cmd><mode>RTTY</mode></cmd>
TUNE : <cmd><mode>PTTTUNE</mode></cmd>
this will cause fldigi to enter the TUNE mode for a very brief
100 milliseconds.
2007-10-07 13:20:44 +00:00
27) Abandoned the original fldigi.def configuration file and changed to
2008-03-01 07:03:03 +00:00
an xml based configuration file. New file is
2007-10-07 13:20:44 +00:00
You may delete all occurances of
$HOME/.fldigi/fldigi.def, and
2008-03-01 07:03:03 +00:00
Future changes to the configuration should never require deleting the
old configuration file.
2007-10-07 13:20:44 +00:00
You will need to reconfigure and save the program configuration the
first time the new version of fldigi is executed.
2007-10-16 17:18:03 +00:00
28) Added numerous command line switches which control the look and feel.
use "fltk --help" from a terminal window to view the switch options.
2007-10-06 15:04:10 +00:00
2007-06-22 22:10:49 +00:00
1.34 1) Cleaned up unused code segments
2) Modified CW decoder to allow setting upper and lower limits on
3) Modified sound card PPM corrections to allow a +/-50000 range.
Prompted by some users reporting ppm requirements exceeding
25,000 ppm at 8000 Hz sample rate. Same card gives < 200 ppm
at 11025.
4) Modified the combo widget to allow both editable and non-editable
The combo widget for the rig selection cannot be edited, but just
selected from the pick list.
The combo widget for the frequency entry (no rig control) in the
qso area can now be modified by direct keyboard entry and also
from the pick list. You still need to update the pick list via
the $HOME/.fldigi/frequencies.def file.
5) Modified pskmail to test for failure in reading gmfsk_autofile
6) Wholesale replacement of font browser dialog to correct potential
segfaults with some TT fonts.
7) Modified pskmail-to-fldigi i/o schema to allow all control and
data files to be placed in either the
$HOME/pskmail.files or the
./ directory.
The control files are:
The data files are:
pskmail_out (formerly gmfsk_autofile)
mail-io.log (formerly gMFSK.log)
2007-06-22 22:04:50 +00:00
1.33 1) Modified Sound Card mixer dialog and interface code
2) Modified CW decoder and morse speed tracking algorithm with a
new CW configuration tab layout and new CW controls.
3) Source code includes all required #ifdef & #define statements
for compiling on FreeBSD
1.32 1) Correct compile problem for 64 bit compiler
2) Minor bug fix for Olivia initialization
1.31 1) Correct problem with cpu% in CW modem during transmit idle
(no keyboard activity)
1.30 1) New macro definitions with built-in editor
2) loadable waterfall palettes
3) all qso's saved to the log are appended to an ADIF file in the
$HOME/.fldigi folder
4) significantly improved Psk decoder
5) significantly improved DominoEX decoder capable of decoding signals
anywhere within a 400 Hz bandwidth without AFC
1.24 1) Bug fix for serial i/o to disable XON/XOFF protocol effected
rigs with binary i/o for rig control
1.23 1) Bug fix for saving state of PTT selection between sessions
1.22 1) Fixes serial i/o problem with certain rigs in the Icom series
1.21 1) Corrects bug in RigCtl dialog for PTT selection on serial line
1.20 1) Improved rig control and rig control dialog. Now possible to
control rig without using hamlib - this is a new paradigm and you
should read the on-line help that explains how to use the rigCAT
control interface. rigCAT extended markup language definition files
can be downloaded from the xml archives
2) improved WWV calibration procedure
1.11 1) Added items to saved configuration
a. view transmit signal preference
b. send ID preference
2) Corrected failure to properly change sound card selection after
initial program settings
3) Internal changes to improve rx/tx thread processing
1.10 1) Added QRZ lookup for logging
2) Updated CW / FSK keyling output, added UART generated FSK signals
3) Added auto-logger macro reference to macro definitions
4) Online and download help updated for current version
1.04 1) Fixes a hamlib shutdown problem for some rigs transceiver should
be ON and connected before starting fldigi and during fldigi shutdown
1.03 1) Improvements to pskmail server operation
1.02 1) Added user defined band definition file (info at: Freq Def File)
1.01 1) Fixes a memory leak problem
1.00 Initial release