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* Copyright (C) 2014 Robert Stiles, KK5VD.
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\mainpage FLARQ Users Manual - Version 4.3
\image latex flarqlogo.png "" width=0.5in
\image html flarqlogo.png ""
<!--FLARQ User Manual-->
\section sFlarqDesc Transceiver Control
<b>F</b>ast <b>L</b>ight <b>A</b>utomatic <b>R</b>epeat re<b>Q</b>uest is a
file transfer application that is based on the
<a href="aux/ARQ2.pdf">ARQ specification</a> developed by Paul Schmidt,
K9PS. It is capable of transmitting and receiving frames of ARQ data
via either FLDIGI or MultiPsk on Windows, or FLDIGI on Linux/Macintosh OSX.
The interaction between FLARQ and FLDIGI requires no operator intervention.
Program data exchange between FLARQ and FLDIGI is accomplished using a
localhost socket interface. The socket interface requires that one program
act as the server and the other the client. FLARQ is a client program and
FLDIGI is a server program.
FLARQ will not execute unless either FLDIGI (preferred) or MultiPsk is
already running on the host computer. If MultiPsk is used it must be set
to the "socket" mode before executing FLARQ. If you attempt to run FLARQ
without FLDIGI already running you will view an information window asking
you to first start FLDIGI.
The ARQ transfer must take place between two systems both of which are
running the FLARQ / FLDIGI. The ARQ specification and the source code
for FLARQ are GPL licensed. Other developers wishing to duplicate or
expand upon the FLARQ ARQ implementation may freely do so.
FLARQ can be used with the following digital modem as the transport layer:
BPSK all baud rates<br>
QPSK all baud rates<br>
MFSK all baud rates<br>
DOMINOEX 11 or faster (do not use FEC)<br>
THOR all baud rates, 11 or faster recommended<br>
MT63 - all baud rates, FLARQ timing should be increased to accommodate mt63
Please note that Olivia IS NOT compatible with FLARQ transmissions. Olivia
does not allow the transmission of the control codes required for FLARQ.
The main screen dialog for FLARQ is:
\image latex maindialog.png "Main Dialog" width=5.5in
\image html maindialog.png "Main Dialog"
ARQ data is sent in data frames which clearly delineate from whom the data
is being sent, it's purpose or type, the actual data, and a checksum value.
The "Beacon" button will cause the transmission of the ARQ equivalent of a
"CQ" frame which can be easily recognized by a receiving station. Upon
receipt of the beacon frame a monitoring FLARQ will automatically insert
the sending stations callsign into the edit box to the right of the
"Connect" button. The receiving station can then press the "Connect"
button and the connect process begins.
|Diamond Color | Indicator |
| WHITE | Not Connected |
| YELLOW | Connecting |
| GREEN | Connected - Receiving |
| RED | Connected - Transmitting |
| BLACK | Timed Out |
The state of the connection also appears in plain text to the right of the
diamond indicator.
Pressing the "Beacon" button sends both the text and T/R commands to the
modem program. The beacon will repeat with a wait time between transmissions
set by the Beacon interval in seconds on the Configure dialog. During the
silent period between beacon transmissions the Beacon button will show the
count down timer. You can stop the beacon at any time it is in the count
down mode by simply pressing that button or by pressing the Abort button.
The default beacon interval is 60 seconds. The minimum is 15 seconds and
the maximum 300 seconds. If you find that stations are having difficulty
connecting to your beacon call then you probably need to increase the time
between beacons to avoid ARQ collisions similar to doubling on voice. When
FLARQ is in the Beacon mode the words BEACON ON, and the green light on the
Beacon button will be lit.
The status bar at the bottom of the main dialog contains a status text
message area to the left and a progress bar to the right. During a file
transfer you will be notified of actions and also see the transfer percent
completion in the progress bar.
\section sConfigure Configuring FLARQ
Before using FLARQ (and upon its initial execution) you will have to enter
some configuration parameters:
\image latex configdialog.png "Configure Dialog" width=5.5in
\image html configdialog.png "Configure Dialog"
The highlighted field, "My Call" is the only one that you must fill in to
start using the application. The folder locations for Text/Binary Files
and also for the Mail Client files should all be OK as preconfigured for
the operating system in use.
Read through the ARQ specification for additional detail. The Exponent is
a 2^N factor which delineates the size of the text data block that is
transmitted in a data frame. 2^5 is 32 and should be satisfactory for
most s/n conditions. If you are experiencing many repeats you can lower
the Exponent value. If the path between rx and tx stations is very good
you could increase its value. FLARQ allows the following range of values:
|Exponent | Block size |
| 4 | 16 |
| 5 | 32 |
| 6 | 64 |
| 7 | 128 |
| 8 | 256 |
Retries specifies how many times a repeat request should be made before
the link is declared DOWN.
Wait time is the time between retries.
Timeout is the time period during which NO RECEPTION of frames has occured
before the link is declared DOWN.
The Tx delay is the time between the end of the Rx and the beginning of the
Tx cycle for an ARQ exchange. One-half second should be more than
sufficient for most transceivers. You might be able to lower the value
for your rig. Older rigs may need the value increased.
Beacon text - will be transmitted with each beacon transmission.
Sylpheed Mail Client - Sylpheed stores the message files using numeric file
names without extension. Check this box to insure that FLARQ stores the
files in sequential numeric order without creating duplicates. This is
primarily for Linux users. Windows users should leave this box unchecked
unless they are using the Sylpheed Mail Client.
\section sConnecting Connecting
The normal connection process is that the station with traffic will request
the connecting station to send a beacon. This tests the ability of the
connecting station to forward. The station with traffic will then be the
one to press the Connect button. The receiving station will see the
beacon message displayed in the FLARQ text area and also see the beacon
stations callsign appear in the callsign box. The connecting station
presses the connect button and after a few automatic exchanges the diamond
indicator to the right of the callsign turns green indicating that they
are successfully connected. A connect may take a few retries if the
transmission path s/n is marginal. During the connect process the diamond
indicator will be yellow.
After the two stations are CONNECTED either operator may effect a file
transfer. Who goes first may be negotiated using FLDIGI in a plain text
mode or using the FLARQ "Plain Talk" facility, once connected. The FLDIGI
T/R functions can be used in parallel with any ARQ transmissions. It might
be best to conclude those negotiations before establishing the ARQ
Either station may initiate a DISCONNECT process.
This is what the outgoing beacon will look like on FLDIGI:
\image latex beacon.png "Beacon Message" width=2.7in
\image html beacon.png "Beacon Message"
The \<soh\> and \<eot\> are control codes that surround every ARQ frame.
FLDIGI recognizes that it is connected to FLARQ and shows the control codes as
ASCII named equivalents since they are not normally printable.
The text will appear very similar on the receiving end of the exchange.
\section sTransfering Transferring files
You may transfer several different file types:
\image latex SendMenu.png "Send - File Transfer" width=2.7in
\image html SendMenu.png "Send - File Transfer"
<li>Email - created using FLARQ's composer, Outlook Express,
Outlook, Thunderbird, Sylpheed or any other email client,
or received via the internet and handled by the email client.</li>
<li>Text - any ASCII file which does not contain non-printable text</li>
<li>Image - any image file, jpeg, png, bmp, etc.</li>
<li>Binary - any file containing arbtrary data where each byte is
anything from 00 hex to FF hex.</li>
\subsection ssTransferingTIB Transfering Text, Images or Binary Files
If you select Text, Image or Binary file for transfer a regular file picker
dialog is opened. You can navigate anywhere in the file system to pick a
file. The default location for the files are unique in Windows and
Linux/MacOSX. In Linux the default location is in $HOME/ARQsend and in
Windows it is c:\\NBEMS\\ARQsend. Move files to that location to make
finding the target file easy. Use the file manager or move the file using
command line processing in a terminal window. Image and binary files will be
converted into ASCII text files using base64 conversion. This basically is
the same type of conversion that an email client would perform on an image or
binary attachment. The file is encoded using base64 coding at the sending
end and then decoded back to its original form at the receiving end.
At the conclusion of a satisfactory ARQ transfer the two files will be
identical, including name and size. The target directory for received
files is $HOME/ARQrcvd in Linux, and c:\\NBEMS\\ARQrcvd in Windows. The
receiving station opens the c:\\NBEMS\\Mail\\ARQin folder and drags the
incoming message placed there by FLARQ over to the Outlook Express email
client, or just double-clicks on the .eml message to open it in the default
email client. It is the reciprocal process from that which the sending
station uses.
During the transfer the sending station transmits blocks of data. Each
block has a header, data, checksum and trailing component. The receiving
station acknowledges which blocks have been correctly received and which
need retransmission. Missing blocks sometimes occur in the middle of the
set of acknowledged blocks. The text in the FLARQ text window will only
update as contiguous blocks are available. So you might see the update
occur in what appears to be random intervals. As the sending and receiving
stations go from receive-to-transmit-to-receive the diamond indicator will
toggle from green to red and back to green.
\subsection ssComposingEmail Composing Email
FLARQ has a built-in email composer that creates files with a minimum of
email overhead. It is a text only composer with no attachment or other
niceties associated with a normal email client. It does produce very
small email files which is a benefit when transmitting files over slower
modem baud rates. Click on the "Compose" menu item. That will open the
following dialog:
\image latex composer.png "Composer" width=5.25in
\image html composer.png "Composer"
Enter the email address of the destination addressee, the subject and the
email body text. Then press "Save" to save the file for later transmission.
You can create a template for later use and then save the template by
pressing SHIFT while clicking on the Save button. Here is an example of a
template in preparation:
\image latex wxstatus_tpl.png "Composer WX Template" width=5.25in
\image html wxstatus_tpl.png "Composer WX Template"
This file will be saved as "wxstatus.tpl". FLARQ recognizes the tpl
extension as the template file. When you later click the Template button
the new "wxstatus.tpl" template will be available to load and use in
creating the wx status report. After opening a template you can either
modify it and save as a new or overwrite the existing template, or you
can save the filled-in template as a regular file for subsequent
\subsection ssUsingEmailClient Using Email client - Outlook Express
You can use Outlook Express for the email client to create outgoing ARQ
traffic. Just remember that you should create all email traffic as ASCII
text and not HTML text to reduce the size of the message body. You are
going to send this via an RF link and not over the internet with a high
speed connection.
Create your email just as you would for transfer over the internet and
then save it in the Drafts folder. In Outlook Express, click Create
Email and use the format, name\@phonenumber, such as information
\@8005551212, for the address if it is to be delivered by phone, and is
not an email. Save each message in the Drafts folder by clicking File,
and then Save. Exit the composition window. Open the ARQout folder
(located at c:\\NBEMS\\Mail\\ARQout) on the desktop along with Outlook
Express as shown below. Then drag the message from the "To ... Subject"
area of Outlook Express and drop it on the ARQout folder. This places
them in a folder that FLARQ can locate.
\image latex OLxpress.png "Outlook Express" width=5.5in
\image html OLxpress.png "Outlook Express"
\image latex ARQout.png "Outlook Express EMail Files" width=4.7in
\image html ARQout.png "Outlook Express EMail Files"
When you select the FLARQ menu item "Send / Email" a dialog will open
that shows the contents of the messages that are in the ARQout folder:
\image latex SelectFromARQout.png "Select Message" width=5.25in
\image html SelectFromARQout.png "Select Message"
Multiple email entries would appear on separate lines with scroll bars as
appropriate. You highlight the desired file and then press "Send" or the
Enter key to commence the file transfer. The email may contain attachments
(which may be images) or be just plain text. Remember that this is a
fairly slow transfer process so small is beautiful. If the email has
images then it will be in html and base-64 format. That adds a lot of
overhead to the email. "Cancel" aborts the email transfer process. After
a successful transfer from sending to receiving station the email is
automatically moved from the ARQout to the ARQsent folder. If you are
using Outlook Express you can open the c:\\NBEMS\\Mail\\ARQsent folder the
same way that the ARQout folder can be opened. At the receiving end the
email will be placed in the Sylpheed ARQin folder. Sylpheed does not
need to be executing for this to occur at either end.
\subsection ssUsingEmailClientSylpheed Using Email client - Sylpheed
FLARQ has been optimally designed to interoperate with Sylpheed as its
email client for emergency communications of email traffic. When you
install Sylpheed you will be asked to choose a default directory for the
mail store. On Linux/MacOSX this should be the default $HOME/Mail. On Windows
you should choose c:\\NBEMS\\Mail. Three additional folders are used for
transferring files between the FLARQ application and Sylpheed.
These are:
<li>ARQout, and</li>
You can create these folders from within the Sylpheed application.
\image latex sylpheed-arqout.png "Sylpheed EMail Client" width=3.09in
\image html sylpheed-arqout.png "Sylpheed EMail Client"
The above image shows the folders already in place. If they were not
present they could be created by right clicking on the "Mailbox (MH)"
icon and selecting "Create new folder". Name each new folder as
specified above and shown in the image. These folders are required
for FLARQ to be able to work with the Sylpheed email messages. Each
message in Sylpheed is a separate file. These are usually numbered
sequentially in each of the Sylpheed folders. FLARQ manages the correct
sequential naming of files as they are transferred in, out and moved
between these three folders. If you run the FLARQ application before
Sylpheed then the c:\\NBEMS\\Mail and the c:\\NBEMS\\Mail\\ARQin, ARQout, and
ARQsent folders will be created by that application and will appear in the
Sylpheed folder system.
To create a new email traffic you press the "Compose" button. Fill out the
email as usual and then press the "Draft" button from within the composer.
The new message for transfer via FLARQ is now in the Drafts folder shown
above. Open that folder by clicking on it. Select the desired draft
message and drag and drop in onto the ARQout folder icon. That's it!
The message is now ready for FLARQ to perform the ARQ transfer.
Upon completion of the transfer FLARQ will move the message to the ARQsent
folder. Sylpheed will not immediately recognize that the change has
occured. That is easily accomplished by either changing to another folder
and then back again or by right clicking on the ARQout (or ARQin, or
ARQsent) folder icon and selecting "Update summary". Sylpheed will re-read
the folder contents and adjust it's views accordingly.
Incoming traffic will be placed in the ARQin folder. You may have to refresh
the folder as described above.
FLARQ can find and parse the newly created email document that has been moved
or copied to the ARQout folder. If you select to send email a picker dialog
will appear that lists all of the out going email traffic that is contained
in the Sylpheed ARQout folder.
\subsection ssOtherClients Other Email clients
If you use an email client other than Sylpheed or Outlook Express you can
transfer emails as above. Just be sure that the emails have file names
with the extension "eml" as in "mytest_message.eml".
\subsection ssAbortingTX Aborting a transmission
The transmission may be aborted by either the sending or the receiving
station at any time during the file transfer. When Connected and
transferring a file, the Connect button is re-labeled <b>Abort</b>. Since
data is sent in multiple blocks the actual abort will take place at
the conclusion of the current group transmission. Abort will cause
the transfer to be interrupted. The connection will be maintained
and a new transfer can be initiated if required.
\section sPlainTalk Plain Talk
After a connection is established the two stations can exchange text using
the "Plain Talk" entry control at the bottom of the main dialog. Enter up
to 80 characters and then press the Enter key to transmit the text. This
text is sent UNPROTO, which means that NO repeat request will be made. The
block is sent without any acknowledgement from the receiving station. This
is not an ACK/NACK system, but meant only as a way of allowing quick
operator to operator exchanges without having to disconnect and use the
digital modem program keyboard entry. "Plain Talk"can be interspersed
with normal ARQ file transfer blocks.
\ref sFlarqDesc "Top of Page"