
47 wiersze
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% Take in a vector of complex samples representing individual QPSK constellation points with the constellation rotated
% such that the points are ideally at 1+i, -1+i, -1-i, and 1-i.
% This function uses hard decision, so it's not what you want to use in low SNR environments
% The constellation mapping is:
% 1+i == 0b00
% 1-i == 0b01
% -1+i == 0b10
% -1-i == 0b11
% Which comes from
% @param data_carriers Row or column vector of complex samples
% @return quantized_bits Vector of 1/0 values that make up the bits demapped from the provided sample vector
function [quantized_bits] = quantize_qpsk(data_carriers)
assert(iscolumn(data_carriers) || isrow(data_carriers), "Data carriers must be row/column vector");
quantized_bits = zeros(length(data_carriers), 1);
% Track where in the `quantized_bits` vector the new bits should be placed
bits_offset = 1;
% Walk through each complex sample in the input vector
for sample_idx = 1:length(data_carriers)
sample = data_carriers(sample_idx);
% Determine bit mapping based on the quadrant that the sample is located
if (real(sample) > 0 && imag(sample) > 0)
bits = [0, 0];
elseif (real(sample) > 0 && imag(sample) < 0)
bits = [0, 1];
elseif (real(sample) < 0 && imag(sample) > 0)
bits = [1, 0];
elseif (real(sample) < 0 && imag(sample) < 0)
bits = [1, 1];
bits = [0, 0];
% Save off the quatized bits and move the counter ahead by 2
quantized_bits(bits_offset:bits_offset+1) = bits;
bits_offset = bits_offset + 2;