
19 wiersze
1023 B

% Normalize the input samples such that the max I or Q value is within -1.0 to 1.0 (inclusive)
% @param samples Input samples as a row or column vector
% @param backoff Multiplier that is applied to the scalar value to bring the amplitudes down. Must be between 0 and
% 1.0. Primary use is to back off of the power before transmitting to prevent overdriving the amplifier
% @return scaled_samples Normalized samples
% @return scalar Scalar that was used to scale the samples (includes the backoff)
function [scaled_samples, scalar] = normalize(samples, backoff)
assert(isrow(samples) || iscolumn(samples), "Input samples must be a row or column vector");
assert(~isempty(samples), "Input samples vector was empty");
assert(isnumeric(backoff), "Backoff must be a number");
assert(backoff >= 0.0 && backoff <= 1.0, "Backoff value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive)");
scalar = (1 / max(abs(samples))) * backoff;
scaled_samples = cast(samples .* scalar, class(samples));