% Searches through the specified file for the first ZC sequence, and extracts the full bursts (in time) % % It's very important that the `frequency_offset` be correct such that when applied, the signal is centered at DC (0 Hz) % Otherwise the start sample estimate from correlating for the ZC sequence will be off in time as well as the % correlation score being lower % % Function does accept the following varargs inputs: % % - SampleType: MATLAB numeric type that the samples in the provided file are stored as (ex: 'single', 'int16', etc) % Defaults to 'single' % - CorrelationFigNum: Figure number to use for plotting the results of the cross correlation in find_zc_indices_by_file % Defaults to -1 which does not show the figure. Valid values are -1, or > 0 % % @param input_path File containing complex 32-bit floating point samples (interleaved I,Q,I,Q,...) % @param sample_rate Sample rate that the file was recorded at. Must be an integer multiple of 15.36 MSPS (the minimum % sample rate for the DroneID downlink) % @param frequency_offset How far off from DC the signal is in the recording (set to 0 for no frequency adjustment) % @param correlation_threshold Score on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is a perfect match with the ZC sequence. This % will determine how closely the recorded ZC sequence must match in order to be extracted % as a burst. Usually anywhere from 0.2 to 0.9 are usable values. % @param chunk_size How many samples to process at one time. This depends on how much RAM your system has. This value % should likely be set > 1e6 but < 20e6. But you do you. % @param padding How many additional samples before and after the burst to extract. Must be >= 0 % @return bursts A matrix where each row contains one burst function [bursts] = extract_bursts_from_file(input_path, sample_rate, frequency_offset, correlation_threshold,... chunk_size, padding, varargin) assert(isstring(input_path) || ischar(input_path), "Input path must be a string or char array"); assert(isnumeric(sample_rate), "Sample rate must be numeric"); assert(sample_rate > 0, "Sample rate must be > 0") assert(isnumeric(frequency_offset), "Frequency offset must be numeric"); assert(isnumeric(correlation_threshold), "Correlation threshold must be numeric"); assert(correlation_threshold >= 0.0, "Correlation threshold must be >= 0.0"); assert(isnumeric(chunk_size), "Chunk size must be numeric"); assert(chunk_size > 0, "Chunk size must be > 0"); assert(isnumeric(padding), "Padding must be numeric"); assert(padding >= 0, "Padding must be >= 0"); assert(mod(length(varargin), 2) == 0, "Varargs length must be a multiple of 2"); if (correlation_threshold > 1.0) warning("Correlation threshold is greater than 1.0. This is likely going to cause the correlation to fail!"); end % Default the type of each I and Q value to 32-bit floating point sample_type = 'single'; correlation_fig_num = -1; % Process the varargs inputs if they exist for idx=1:2:length(varargin) key = varargin{idx}; val = varargin{idx+1}; switch (key) case 'SampleType' sample_type = val; case 'CorrelationFigNum' correlation_fig_num = val; otherwise error('Invalid varargs key "%s"', key); end end assert(isstring(sample_type) || ischar(sample_type), "SampleType must be a string or char array"); assert(isnumeric(correlation_fig_num), "CorrelationFigNum must be numeric"); assert(correlation_fig_num == -1 || correlation_fig_num > 0, "CorrelationFigNum must be -1 or > 0"); % Get the number of complex IQ samples in the input file num_samples = get_sample_count_of_file(input_path, sample_type); fft_size = get_fft_size(sample_rate); % Number of samples per OFDM symbol (minus cyclic prefix) [long_cp_len, short_cp_len] = get_cyclic_prefix_lengths(sample_rate); % Pre-calculate the frequency offset as a complex value freq_offset_constant = 1j * pi * 2 * (frequency_offset / sample_rate); % The first ZC sequence is the 4th symbol, and the `find_zc_indices_by_file` function will (assuming no major % frequency offset) return the sample index of the first sample of the 5th OFDM symbol cyclic prefix. So, back the % index off by the number of samples in the first 4 OFDM symbols and their cyclic prefixes zc_seq_offset = (fft_size * 3) + long_cp_len + (short_cp_len * 3); % Find all instances of the first ZC sequence indices = find_zc_indices_by_file(input_path, sample_rate, frequency_offset, correlation_threshold, chunk_size, ... 'SampleType', sample_type, 'CorrelationFigNum', correlation_fig_num); % In the DJI Mini 2 there are 9 OFDM symbols: 2 long cyclic prefixes, 7 short. This isn't the case on all drones. % For some drones there are just 8 OFDM symbols. It looks like those drones just don't send the first OFDM symbol % that's present on the Mini 2. That symbol XOR's out to all zeros anyway, so it's not important. So, to keep % things consistent, the logic below will always extract out 9 OFDM symbols worth of samples. In later steps the % first OFDM symbol isn't used for anything. burst_sample_count = (padding * 2) + (long_cp_len * 2) + (short_cp_len * 7) + (fft_size * 9); % Pre-calculate the frequency offset adjustment vector as this will be constant for all bursts freq_offset_vec = reshape(exp(freq_offset_constant * [1:burst_sample_count]), [], 1); % It's not known right away if the first and last bursts are going to be clipped because there aren't enough % samples. So, as filthy as it is, use concatenation to build up a list of starting indices that will definitely % have all samples present in the input file valid_burst_indices = []; % Walk through the vector of ZC sequence indices for idx=1:length(indices) start_index = indices(idx); % Calculate when the burst will start and end actual_start_index = start_index - padding - zc_seq_offset; actual_end_index = actual_start_index + burst_sample_count; % Ensure that all samples related to this burst are present in the recording if (actual_start_index < 1) warning("Skipping burst at offset %d as the beginning of the burst has been clipped", start_index); continue end % Make sure that the burst is fully contained in this file and doesn't end after this file ends if (actual_end_index > num_samples) warning("Skipping burst at offset %d as the ending of the burst will be clipped", start_index); continue end % Again, concatenation is filthy, but necessary here since the actual number of bursts is unknown valid_burst_indices = [valid_burst_indices actual_start_index]; end % Now that the true number of bursts is known, create a buffer to hold everything bursts = zeros(length(valid_burst_indices), burst_sample_count); for idx=1:length(valid_burst_indices) % Read in the current burst. The starting index was calculated above. Force cast to a double just in case the % samples were not read in as such. Otherwise processing that happens later on could fail since much of % MATLAB's DSP functions require doubles burst = double(read_complex(input_path, valid_burst_indices(idx), burst_sample_count, sample_type)); % Adjust for the user-specified frequency offset that is present in the recording and save those samples off bursts(idx,:) = burst .* freq_offset_vec; end end