% This script takes in a floating point complex IQ recording containing DroneID bursts and demodulates each burst % The steps are: % - Find all bursts in the file using the first ZC sequence % - Low pass filter each burst % - Adjust for frequency offset based on the offset found using the first OFDM symbol's cyclic prefix % - Extract each OFDM symbol % - Quantize/Demodulate all data carriers % - Validate that the first symbol XOR's to all zeros % - Pass XOR'd bits from all other data symbols to a C++ program that removes the LTE and rate matching % - Print out each frame in hex %% Path Info if (is_octave) this_script_path = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); else this_script_path = fileparts(matlab.desktop.editor.getActiveFilename); end % Create a directory to store the constellation plots for debugging % THIS CAN BE COMMENTED OUT IF NEEDED!!! JUST MAKE SURE TO COMMENT OUT THE `saveas` CALL LATER AS WELL mkdir(fullfile(this_script_path, "images")); turbo_decoder_path = fullfile(this_script_path, filesep, '..', filesep, '..', filesep, 'cpp', filesep, 'remove_turbo'); if (~ isfile(turbo_decoder_path)) error("Could not find Turbo decoder application at '%s'. Check that the program has been compiled",... turbo_decoder_path); end %% File Parameters enable_plots = 0; % Set to 0 to prevent the plots from popping up file_path = '/opt/dji/collects/2437MHz_30.72MSPS.fc32'; file_sample_rate = 30.72e6; file_freq_offset = 7.5e6; % This file was not recorded with the DroneID signal centered correlation_threshold = 0.7; % The SNR is pretty good, so using a high correlation score (must be between 0.0 and 1.0) chunk_size = 10e6; % Number of samples to process at a time %% Low Pass Filter Setup signal_bandwidth = 10e6; % The actual occupied bandwidth of the DroneID signal filter_tap_count = 50; % Number of filter taps to use for the low pass filter filter_taps = fir1(filter_tap_count, signal_bandwidth/file_sample_rate); % Create the low pass filter taps %% Burst Extraction [long_cp_len, short_cp_len] = get_cyclic_prefix_lengths(file_sample_rate); fft_size = get_fft_size(file_sample_rate); % Making sure that the bursts that are extracted have enough padding for the low pass filter to start up and terminate bursts = extract_bursts_from_file(file_path, file_sample_rate, file_freq_offset, correlation_threshold, chunk_size,... filter_tap_count, 'SampleType', sample_type, 'CorrelationFigNum', 456); assert(~isempty(bursts), "Did not find any bursts"); frames = {}; % Get a list of the indices from the shifted FFT outputs that contain data carriers data_carrier_indices = get_data_carrier_indices(file_sample_rate); % Initial value for the second LFSR in the scrambler scrambler_x2_init = fliplr([0 0 1, 0 0 1 0, 0 0 1 1, 0 1 0 0, 0 1 0 1, 0 1 1 0, 0 1 1 1, 1 0 0 0]); % This determines which OFDM symbol's cyclic prefix is used to determine the coarse frequency offset. Some drones use 9 % OFDM symbols, and some use 8. It seems that those drones that use 8 OFDM symbols have a short cyclic prefix in the % first symbol. Skipping the first symbol for those drones that have 9 OFDM symbols results in the new "first" symbol % having a short cyclic prefix as well. So, since the burst extractor always assumes that there are 9 symbols, the % first symbol is skipped for the purposes of coarse CFO. The second symbol is assumed to have a short cyclic prefix coarse_cfo_symbol_sample_offset = fft_size + long_cp_len + 1; coarse_cfo_symbol_cyclic_prefix = short_cp_len; %% Burst Processing for burst_idx=1:size(bursts, 1) % Get the next burst burst = bursts(burst_idx,:); if (enable_plots) figure(43); plot(10 * log10(abs(burst).^2)); end %% Apply low pass filter burst = filter(filter_taps, 1, burst); % Remove the extra samples at the front. % TODO(15April2022) Honestly not sure why this needs to be 1.5, but it does... offset = filter_tap_count * 1.5; burst = burst(offset-1:end); %% Coarse frequency offset adjustment using one of the OFDM symbols (see coarse_cfo_symbol_sample_offset definition) % Get the cyclic prefix, and then the copy of the cyclic prefix that exists at the end of the OFDM symbol cp = burst(... coarse_cfo_symbol_sample_offset:... coarse_cfo_symbol_sample_offset + coarse_cfo_symbol_cyclic_prefix - 1); copy = burst(... coarse_cfo_symbol_sample_offset + fft_size:... coarse_cfo_symbol_sample_offset + fft_size + coarse_cfo_symbol_cyclic_prefix - 1); % Calculate the frequency offset by taking the dot product of the two copies of the cyclic prefix and dividing out % the number of samples in between each cyclic prefix sample (the FFT size) offset_radians = angle(dot(cp, copy)) / fft_size; if (enable_plots) figure(999); plot(abs(cp).^2); hold on; plot(abs(copy).^2); hold off; end % Apply the inverse of the estimated frequency offset back to the signal burst = burst .* exp(1j * -offset_radians * [1:length(burst)]); %% OFDM Symbol Processing % Extract the individual OFDM symbols without the cyclic prefix for both time and frequency domains [time_domain_symbols, freq_domain_symbols] = extract_ofdm_symbol_samples(burst, file_sample_rate); % Calculate the channel for both of the ZC sequnces channel1 = calculate_channel(freq_domain_symbols(4,:), file_sample_rate, 4); channel2 = calculate_channel(freq_domain_symbols(6,:), file_sample_rate, 6); % Only select the data carriers from each channel estimate channel1 = channel1(data_carrier_indices); channel2 = channel2(data_carrier_indices); % Calculate the average phase offset of each channel estimate channel1_phase = sum(angle(channel1)) / length(data_carrier_indices); channel2_phase = sum(angle(channel2)) / length(data_carrier_indices); % This doesn't seem right, but taking the difference of the two channels and dividing by two yields the average % walking phase offset between the two. That value can be used to correct for the phase offsets caused by not being % exactly spot on with the true first sample channel_phase_adj = (channel1_phase - channel2_phase) / 2; if (enable_plots) figure(441); subplot(2, 1, 1); plot(abs(channel1).^2, '-'); subplot(2, 1, 2); plot(abs(channel2).^2, '-'); end % Only use the fisrt ZC sequence to do the initial equaliztion. Trying to use the average of both ends up with % strange outliers in the constellation plot channel = channel1; % Place to store the demodulated bits bits = zeros(9, 1200); % Walk through each OFDM symbol and extract the data carriers and demodulate the QPSK inside % This is done for symbols 4 and 6 even though they contain ZC sequences. It's just to keep the logic clean for idx=1:size(bits, 1) % Equalize just the data carriers data_carriers = freq_domain_symbols(idx,data_carrier_indices) .* channel; % Adjust for the walking phase offset that will be present if the first time domain sample wasn't sampled at % just the right moment (fractional time offset). If there is any fractional time offset then in the freq % domain there will be a phase offset that accumulates at each FFT bin. This causes a smearing that can be % fixed by the channel estimation, but because there are no pilots the absolute phase is only correct for the % OFDM symbols next to the symbol used for equalization. So, the absolute phase offset caused by the fractional % time offset is adjusted by multiplying the phase offset by how far each OFDM symbol is from the one that was % used to do equalization. Using symbol 5 because it's in the middle of the two ZC sequences, and so whatever % phase offset was calculated between the two ZC's applies directly to OFDM symbol 5. data_carriers = data_carriers .* exp(1j * (-channel_phase_adj * (idx - 5))); % Demodulate/quantize the QPSK to bits bits(idx,:) = quantize_qpsk(data_carriers); if (enable_plots) figure(1); subplot(3, 3, idx); plot(data_carriers, 'o'); ylim([-1, 1]); xlim([-1, 1]); figure(111); subplot(3, 3, idx); plot(10 * log10(abs(time_domain_symbols(idx,:)).^2), '-'); end end % Save the constellation plots to disk for debugging % THIS CAN BE COMMENTED OUT IF NEEDED saveas(gcf, sprintf('%s/images/ofdm_symbol_%d.png', this_script_path, burst_idx)); % The remaining bits are descrambled using the same initial value, but more bits second_scrambler = generate_scrambler_seq(7200, scrambler_x2_init); % Only descramble the remaining data symbols (ignoring the ZC sequences in 4 and 6, and the first data symbol) bits = bits([2,3,5,7,8,9],:); % Just converting the bits matrix into a vector to make XOR'ing easier bits = reshape(bits.', 1, []); % Run the actual XOR bits = bitxor(bits, second_scrambler); % Write the descrambled bits to disk as 8-bit integers handle = fopen("/tmp/bits", "wb"); fwrite(handle, bits, 'int8'); fclose(handle); % Run the Turbo decoder and rate matcher [retcode, out] = system(sprintf("%s %s", turbo_decoder_path, "/tmp/bits")); if (retcode ~= 0) warning("Failed to run the final processing step"); end % Save off the hex values for the frame frames{burst_idx} = out; end % Print out all frames in hex for idx=1:size(bursts, 1) frame = frames{idx}; fprintf('FRAME: %s', frame); end