// To build this you must have installed turbofec [1] and downloaded the CRC.h file from CRCpp [2] // [1] https://github.com/ttsou/turbofec // [2] https://github.com/d-bahr/CRCpp/blob/master/inc/CRC.h // Assuming that CRC.h is in the current directory and you installed libturbofec with defaults, // build with the following: // g++ -Wall remove_turbo.cc -o remove_turbo -I. -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lturbofec // This line is required before the include of CRC.h so that it actually loads the CRC_24_LTEA definition #define CRCPP_INCLUDE_ESOTERIC_CRC_DEFINITIONS #include // std::vector<> #include // *int*_t #include // fprintf, fopen, feof, fseek, ftell #include // exit // The turbofec includes must be imported as extern C otherwise the linker will fail #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // From https://github.com/d-bahr/CRCpp/blob/master/inc/CRC.h #include void usage(const char * program) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", program); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " => Path to file containing 7200 ASCII '1' and '0' values\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " This program will remove the Turbo coding and rate matching found in DJI DroneID signals\n"); fprintf(stderr, " and output the decoded frame in hex to the terminal\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " It has only been tested against the DJI Mini 2\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, const char ** argv) { const size_t input_file_bit_count = 7200; if (argc != 2) { usage(argv[0]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Open and validate input file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FILE * input_handle = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (! input_handle) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Failed to open input file '%s'\n", argv[1]); usage(argv[0]); } // Get the number of bytes present in the file fseek(input_handle, 0, SEEK_END); const size_t byte_count = ftell(input_handle); fseek(input_handle, 0, SEEK_SET); // Make sure that the number of bytes in the file is correct if (byte_count != input_file_bit_count) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Invalid number of bytes in input file '%s'. Expected %ld, got %ld\n", argv[1], input_file_bit_count, byte_count); usage(argv[0]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read bits from input file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::vector input_file_bits(input_file_bit_count); size_t bytes_read = fread(&input_file_bits[0], sizeof(char), input_file_bit_count, input_handle); if (bytes_read != input_file_bit_count) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Expected to read %ld bytes, but got %ld\n", input_file_bit_count, bytes_read); usage(argv[0]); } fclose(input_handle); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Validate and convert bits from input file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load bearing constants. Do not change!! Just playing with the values, most will work up to, and including, 63 // Going past 63 seems to result in a failure to decode. int8_t bit_value_lut[2] = {-63, 63}; std::vector turbo_decoder_input(input_file_bit_count); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < input_file_bit_count; idx++) { const int8_t value = (int8_t)input_file_bits[idx]; // Don't let values other than 0 or 1 past as these will walk past the edge of the LUT if (value != 1 && value != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid bit value '%02x' at offset %ld. Must be 0x1 or 0x0\n", value, idx); usage(argv[0]); } // Map the 1/0 value to the correct magic number from the lookup table turbo_decoder_input[idx] = bit_value_lut[value]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup and run the Turbo decoder //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const int turbo_iterations = 4; const int turbo_decoder_bit_count = 1412; // Number of bits that the Turbo decoder will take in const int expected_payload_bytes = 176; // Number of bytes that the Turbo decoder will output const int expected_payload_bits = expected_payload_bytes * 8; // Allocate buffers for the Turbo decoder std::vector d1(turbo_decoder_bit_count); std::vector d2(turbo_decoder_bit_count); std::vector d3(turbo_decoder_bit_count); std::vector decoded_bytes(expected_payload_bytes); // Create the required structures to run the Turbo decoder struct lte_rate_matcher * rate_matcher = lte_rate_matcher_alloc(); struct tdecoder * turbo_decoder = alloc_tdec(); struct lte_rate_matcher_io rate_matcher_io = { .D = turbo_decoder_bit_count, .E = input_file_bit_count, .d = {&d1[0], &d2[0], &d3[0]}, .e = &turbo_decoder_input[0] }; // Setup the rate matching logic lte_rate_match_rv(rate_matcher, &rate_matcher_io, 0); // Run the turbo decoder (will do rate matching as well) const int decode_status = lte_turbo_decode(turbo_decoder, expected_payload_bits, turbo_iterations, &decoded_bytes[0], &d1[0], &d2[0], &d3[0]); if (decode_status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Failed to remove Turbo coder. Exit code %d\n", decode_status); usage(argv[0]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Validate the CRC24 at the end of the Turbo decoded data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const uint32_t calculated_crc = CRC::Calculate(&decoded_bytes[0], decoded_bytes.size(), CRC::CRC_24_LTEA()); // Since the received CRC bytes were included in the calculation above, the output should be all zeros if (calculated_crc != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] CRC did not zero out. Got %06x after calculation\n", calculated_crc); return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Print the decoded frame in hex //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const uint32_t payload_crc_byte_len = 2; // There is a 16-bit CRC at the end of the payload const uint32_t additional_payload_bytes = 1; // There is a single byte of 0x00 just before the 16-bit CRC that // doesn't appear to be a part of the length field (first byte) const uint32_t payload_length = decoded_bytes[0] + payload_crc_byte_len + additional_payload_bytes; // Print out the frame in hex for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < payload_length; idx++) { fprintf(stdout, "%02x", decoded_bytes[idx]); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); return 0; }