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% Find all instances of the first ZC sequence in the provided file. Does not have to read the entire file in at once
% Uses a cross correlator to search for the first ZC sequence in DroneID.
% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% !!! There is currently a bug in this script! The correlation results are NOT normalized and might require the !!!
% !!! the user to greatly increase or decrease the correlation threshold past the expected range of 0.0 - 1.0 !!!
% !!! In the code below there is a plotting function that is disabled by default. Enabling it will plot the !!!
% !!! correlation results so that you can better set the correlation treshold. !!!
% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% Varags:
% - SampleType: MATLAB numeric type that the samples in the provided file are stored as (ex: 'single', 'int16', etc)
% Defaults to 'single'
% - CorrelationFigNum: Figure number to use when plotting the correlation results. Defaults to not showing the
% correlation results at all. Must be > 0 to show the plot, or -1 to disable
% @param file_path Path to the complex IQ file to be processed
% @param sample_rate Sample rate that the input file was recorded at
% @param frequency_offset Amount of offset (in Hz, positive or negative) that the recording needs to be shifted by
% before processing the samples. This is useful when the recording was taken at an offset to
% remove the DC spike
% @param correlation_threshold Minimum correlation magnitude required to classify a score as containing a valid ZC
% sequence. Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Frequency offset (not accounted for by the
% `frequency_offset` parameter) and low SNR can cause this value to need to be set lower
% than normal. A good starting value is 0.5
% @param chunk_size Number of complex IQ samples to read into memory at a time. Set this value as high as you can
% without running out of memory. The larger this buffer the faster the file will be processed
% @param varargin (see above)
% @return zc_indices A row vector containing the samples offsets where correlation scores were seen at or above the
% specified threshold
function [zc_indices] = find_zc_indices_by_file(file_path, sample_rate, frequency_offset, correlation_threshold, ...
chunk_size, varargin)
assert(isstring(file_path) || ischar(file_path), "Input file path must be a string or char array");
assert(isnumeric(sample_rate), "Sample rate must be numeric");
assert(sample_rate > 0, "Sample rate must be > 0")
assert(isnumeric(frequency_offset), "Frequency offset must be numeric");
assert(isnumeric(correlation_threshold), "Correlation threshold must be numeric");
assert(isnumeric(chunk_size), "Chunk size must be numeric");
assert(chunk_size > 0, "Chunk size must be > 0");
assert(mod(length(varargin), 2) == 0, "Varargs length must be a multiple of 2");
sample_type = 'single';
correlation_fig_num = -1;
for idx=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{idx};
val = varargin{idx+1};
switch (key)
case 'SampleType'
sample_type = val;
case 'CorrelationFigNum'
correlation_fig_num = val;
error('Invalid varargs key "%s"', key);
assert(ischar(sample_type) || isstring(sample_type), "SampleType must be a string or char array");
assert(isnumeric(correlation_fig_num), "CorrelationFigNum must be numeric");
assert(correlation_fig_num == -1 || correlation_fig_num > 0, "CorrelationFigNum must be -1, or > 0");
%% LTE parameters
fft_size = get_fft_size(sample_rate);
% Pre-calculate the frequency offset rotation
freq_offset_constant = 1j * pi * 2 * (frequency_offset / sample_rate);
% The output of the ZC sequence generator needs to be conjugated to be used in a filter. Also create a variable that
% can hold the filter state between chunks to prevent discontinuities
correlator_taps = conj(create_zc(fft_size, 4));
correlator_state = [];
% Figure out how many samples there are in the file
total_samples = get_sample_count_of_file(file_path, sample_type);
fprintf('There are %d samples in "%s"\n', total_samples, file_path);
% Open the IQ recording
file_handle = fopen(file_path, 'r');
% Really large array to store the cross correlation results from *all* samples
zc_scores = zeros(total_samples - length(correlator_taps), 1);
sample_offset = 0;
while (~ feof(file_handle))
%% Read in the next buffer
% The `fread` command will return interleaved real, imag values, so pack those into complex samples making sure
% that the resulting complex values are double precision (this is to prevent functions from complaining later)
real_values = fread(file_handle, chunk_size * 2, sample_type);
samples = double(real_values(1:2:end) + 1j * real_values(2:2:end));
%% Frequency shift the input
% This is somewhat optional, but the correlation scores will go down fast if the offset is > 1 MHz
rotation_vector = exp(freq_offset_constant * (sample_offset:(sample_offset+length(samples)-1)));
samples = samples .* reshape(rotation_vector, [], 1);
%% Correlate for the ZC sequence
% Use a FIR filter to search for the ZC sequence. THIS WILL NOT NORMALIZE!!!
% TODO(9April2022): Would be nice to use the fftfilt function, but I don't know if it has issues with keeping state
% as it doesn't have a state input like the filter command. In testing the FFT filter is twice
% as fast
[correlation_values, correlator_state] = filter(correlator_taps, 1, samples, correlator_state);
zc_scores(sample_offset+1:sample_offset+length(correlation_values)) = correlation_values;
sample_offset = sample_offset + length(samples);
% Get the floating normalized correlation results
abs_scores = abs(zc_scores).^2;
if (correlation_fig_num > 0)
title('Correlation Scores (normalized)')
% Find all places where the correlation result meets the specified threshold
% This is going to find duplicates because there are very likely going to be two points right next to each other that
% meet the required threshold. This will be dealt with later
passing_scores = find(abs_scores > correlation_threshold);
% Look through each element of the `passing_scores` vector (which is just indicies where the correlation threshold was
% met) and pick just the highest value `search_window` elements around (`search_window/2` to the left and right) of each
% value. The goal here is to only end up with the best score for the starting point of each burst instead of having
% multiple starting points for each burst.
true_peaks = [];
search_window = 100;
for idx = 1:length(passing_scores)
% Calculate how far to the left and right to look for the highest peak
left_idx = passing_scores(idx) - (search_window / 2);
right_idx = left_idx + search_window - 1;
2022-04-25 06:44:47 +00:00
if (left_idx < 1 || right_idx > length(abs_scores))
warning("Had to abandon searching for burst '%d' as it was too close to the end/beginning of the window", idx);
% Get the correlation scores for the samples around the current point
window = abs_scores(left_idx:right_idx);
% Find the peak in the window and use that value as the actual peak
[value, index] = max(window);
true_peaks = [true_peaks, left_idx + index];
% There are going to be duplicates in the vector, so just take the unique elements. What's left should just be the
% actual starting indices for each ZC sequence.
zc_indices = unique(true_peaks);