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Executable File

# direwatch
Craig Lamparter KM6LYW, 2022, MIT Licnese
Code derived from Adafruit PIL python example
This will tail a direwolf log file and display callsigns on an
adafruit st7789 tft display (https://www.adafruit.com/product/4484).
Follow the instructions here to get the driver/library loaded:
Current configuration is for the 240x240 st7789 unit.
Do not install the kernel module/framebuffer.
GPIO pins 12 (PTT) and 16 (DCD) are monitored and light green/red icons respectively.
Configure these gpio pins in direwolf.
Installation on raspbian/bullseye for short-attentions span programmers like me:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip # python >= 3.6 required
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-rgb-display
sudo pip3 install pyinotify
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-rpi.gpio
vi /boot/config.txt # uncomment following line: "dtparam=spi=on"
sudo pip3 install --upgrade adafruit-python-shell
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adafruit/Raspberry-Pi-Installer-Scripts/master/raspi-blinka.py
sudo python3 raspi-blinka.py ## this gets the digitalio python module
sudo pip install aprslib ## so we can parse ax.25 packets
Much code taken from ladyada for her great work driving these devices,
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import argparse
import time
import subprocess
import digitalio
import board
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import re
import adafruit_rgb_display.st7789 as st7789
import pyinotify
#import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from gpiozero import LED
import threading
import signal
import os
import aprslib
# Configuration for CS and DC pins (these are PiTFT defaults):
#cs_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.CE0)
#dc_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D25)
dc_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D25)
cs_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D4)
# Config for display baudrate (default max is 24mhz):
BAUDRATE = 64000000
# Setup SPI bus using hardware SPI:
spi = board.SPI()
# Use one and only one of these screen definitions:
## half height adafruit screen 1.1" (240x135), two buttons
#disp = st7789.ST7789(
# board.SPI(),
# cs=cs_pin,
# dc=dc_pin,
# baudrate=BAUDRATE,
# width=135,
# height=240,
# x_offset=53,
# y_offset=40,
# rotation=270,
# full height adafruit screen 1.3" (240x240), two buttons
disp = st7789.ST7789(
# don't write to display concurrently with thread
display_lock = threading.Lock()
# Create image and drawing object
if disp.rotation % 180 == 90:
height = disp.width # we swap height/width to rotate it to landscape!
width = disp.height
width = disp.width # we swap height/width to rotate it to landscape!
height = disp.height
image = Image.new("RGBA", (width, height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# define some constants to help with graphics layout
padding = 4
title_bar_height = 34
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print("Got ", signal, " exiting.")
draw.rectangle((0, 0, width, height), outline=0, fill=(30,30,30))
with display_lock:
#sys.exit(0) # thread ignores this
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
def parse_arguments():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-l", "--log", required=True, help="Direwolf log file location")
ap.add_argument("-f", "--fontsize", required=False, help="Font size for callsigns")
ap.add_argument("-t", "--title_text", required=False, help="Text displayed in title bar")
ap.add_argument("-o", "--one", action='store_true', required=False, help="Show one station at a time full screen")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
return args
args = parse_arguments()
logfile = args["log"]
if args["fontsize"]:
# 30 puts 6 lines
# 33 puts 5 lines, max width
fontsize = int(args["fontsize"])
if fontsize > 33:
print("Look, this display isn't very wide, the maximum font size is 33pts, and you chose " + str(fontsize) + "?")
print("Setting to 33 instead.")
fontsize = 33
fontsize = 30 # default 30
if args["title_text"]:
title_text = args["title_text"]
title_text = "Direwatch"
# LED threads, bluetooth, RED, GREE"N
def bluetooth_connection_poll_thread():
bt_status = 0
#GPIO.setup(5, GPIO.OUT)
blue_led = LED(5)
time.sleep(2) # so screen initialization doesn't overdraw bluetooth as off
while True:
cmd = "hcitool con | wc -l"
connection_count = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
if int(connection_count) > 1:
if bt_status == 0:
bt_status = 1
bticon = Image.open('bt.small.on.png')
#GPIO.output(5, GPIO.HIGH)
image.paste(bticon, (width - title_bar_height * 3 + 12 , padding + 2 ), bticon)
with display_lock:
if bt_status == 1:
bt_status = 0
bticon = Image.open('bt.small.off.png')
#GPIO.output(5, GPIO.LOW)
image.paste(bticon, (width - title_bar_height * 3 + 12 , padding + 2 ), bticon)
with display_lock:
bluetooth_thread = threading.Thread(target=bluetooth_connection_poll_thread, name="btwatch")
def red_led_from_logfile_thread(): ## RED logfile
#print("red led changing via logfile")
#f = subprocess.Popen(['tail','-F',logfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
f = subprocess.Popen(['tail','-F',logfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
line = f.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
search = re.search("^\[\d[A-Z]\]", line)
if search is not None:
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height * 2 , padding, width - title_bar_height - padding * 2 , title_bar_height - padding), fill=(200,0,0,0))
with display_lock:
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height * 2 , padding, width - title_bar_height - padding * 2 , title_bar_height - padding), fill=(80,0,0,0))
with display_lock:
def handle_changeG(cb):
with open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio16/value', 'r') as f: ## GREEN
status = f.read(1)
if status == '0':
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height , padding, width - padding * 2, title_bar_height - padding), fill=(0,80,0,0))
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height , padding, width - padding * 2, title_bar_height - padding), fill=(0,200,0,0))
with display_lock:
def handle_changeR(cb):
#print("red led changing via gpio")
with open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio12/value', 'r') as f: ## RED GPIO
status = f.read(1)
if status == '0':
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height * 2 , padding, width - title_bar_height - padding * 2 , title_bar_height - padding), fill=(80,0,0,0))
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height * 2 , padding, width - title_bar_height - padding * 2 , title_bar_height - padding), fill=(200,0,0,0))
with display_lock:
def null_function(junk): # default callback prints tons of debugging info
# Instanciate a new WatchManager (will be used to store watches).
wmG = pyinotify.WatchManager()
wmR = pyinotify.WatchManager()
# Associate this WatchManager with a Notifier
notifierG = pyinotify.Notifier(wmG, default_proc_fun=null_function)
notifierR = pyinotify.Notifier(wmR, default_proc_fun=null_function)
# Watch both gpio pins for change if they exist
wmG.add_watch('/sys/class/gpio/gpio16/value', pyinotify.IN_MODIFY)
if os.path.exists("/sys/class/gpio/gpio12/value"):
wmR.add_watch('/sys/class/gpio/gpio12/value', pyinotify.IN_MODIFY)
watch_threadG = threading.Thread(target=notifierG.loop, name="led-watcherG", kwargs=dict(callback=handle_changeG))
# Use gpio pin for red led if it exists, otherwise watch log file for transmit activity
if os.path.exists("/sys/class/gpio/gpio12/value"):
watch_threadR = threading.Thread(target=notifierR.loop, name="led-watcherR", kwargs=dict(callback=handle_changeR))
watch_threadR = threading.Thread(target=red_led_from_logfile_thread, name="redledthreadlog")
# Load a TTF font. Make sure the .ttf font file is in the
# same directory as the python script!
# Some other nice fonts to try: http://www.dafont.com/bitmap.php
fontname = "DejaVuSans.ttf"
fontname_bold = "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"
if os.path.exists("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/" + fontname):
fontpath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/" + fontname
elif os.path.exists("./" + fontname):
fontpath = "./" + fontname
print("Couldn't find font " + fontname + " in working dir or /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/")
if os.path.exists("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/" + fontname_bold):
fontpath_bold = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/" + fontname_bold
elif os.path.exists("./" + fontname_bold):
fontpath_bold = "./" + fontname_bold
print("Couldn't find font " + fontname_bold + " in working dir or /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/")
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, fontsize)
font_small = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath_bold, 18)
font_big = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath_bold, 24)
font_huge = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath_bold, 34)
font_epic = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, 40)
#font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dafont/BebasNeue-Regular.ttf", fontsize)
#font_big = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dafont/BebasNeue-Regular.ttf", 24)
#font_huge = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dafont/BebasNeue-Regular.ttf", 34)
#line_height = font.getsize("ABCJQ")[1] - 1 # tallest callsign, with dangling J/Q tails
line_height = font.getbbox("ABCJQ")[3] - 1 # tallest callsign, with dangling J/Q tails
# load and scale symbol chart based on font height
symbol_chart0x64 = Image.open("aprs-symbols-64-0.png")
symbol_chart1x64 = Image.open("aprs-symbols-64-1.png")
#fontvertical = font.getsize("XXX")[1]
fontvertical = font.getbbox("ABCJQ")[3] # tallest callsign, with dangling J/Q tails
symbol_chart0x64.thumbnail(((fontvertical + fontvertical // 8) * 16, (fontvertical + fontvertical // 8) * 6)) # nudge larger than font, into space between lines
symbol_chart1x64.thumbnail(((fontvertical + fontvertical // 8) * 16, (fontvertical + fontvertical // 8) * 6)) # nudge larger than font, into space between lines
symbol_dimension = symbol_chart0x64.width//16
#max_line_width = font.getsize("KN6MUC-15")[0] + symbol_dimension + (symbol_dimension // 8) # longest callsign i can think of in pixels, plus symbo width + space
max_line_width = font.getbbox("KN6MUC-15")[2] + symbol_dimension + (symbol_dimension // 8) # longest callsign i can think of in pixels, plus symbo width + space
max_cols = width // max_line_width
# Draw a black filled box to clear the image.
draw.rectangle((0, 0, width, height), outline=0, fill="#000000")
# Draw our logo
#w,h = font.getsize(title_text)
h = font.getbbox(title_text)[3]
draw.text( (padding * 3 , height // 2 - h) , title_text, font=font_huge, fill="#99AA99")
with display_lock:
# erase the screen
draw.rectangle((0, 0, width, height), outline=0, fill="#000000")
# draw the header bar
draw.rectangle((0, 0, width, title_bar_height), fill=(30, 30, 30))
draw.text((padding, padding), title_text, font=font_big, fill="#99AA99")
# draw the bluetooth icon
bticon = Image.open('bt.small.off.png')
image.paste(bticon, (width - title_bar_height * 3 + 12 , padding + 2 ), bticon)
# draw Green LED
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height , padding, width - padding * 2, title_bar_height - padding), fill=(0,80,0,0))
# draw Red LED
draw.ellipse(( width - title_bar_height * 2 , padding, width - title_bar_height - padding * 2 , title_bar_height - padding), fill=(80,0,0,0))
with display_lock:
# fire up green/red led threads
# setup screen geometries
call = "null"
x = padding
max_lines = ( height - title_bar_height - padding ) // line_height
max_cols = ( width // max_line_width )
line_count = 0
col_count = 0
# tail and block on the log file
f = subprocess.Popen(['tail','-F','-n','10',logfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Display loops. list of stations, or a single station on the screen at a time
def single_loop():
symbol_chart0x64 = Image.open("aprs-symbols-64-0.png")
symbol_chart1x64 = Image.open("aprs-symbols-64-1.png")
# we try to get callsign, symbol and four relevant info lines from every packet
while True:
info1 = info2 = info3 = info4 = '' # sane defaults
line = f.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
search = re.search("^\[\d\.*\d*\] (.*)", line)
if search is not None:
packetstring = search.group(1)
packetstring = packetstring.replace('<0x0d>','\x0d').replace('<0x1c>','\x1c').replace('<0x1e>','\x1e').replace('<0x1f>','\0x1f').replace('<0x0a>','\0x0a')
packet = aprslib.parse(packetstring) # parse packet
call = packet['from']
supported_packet = True
except Exception as e: # aprslib doesn't support all packet types
#print("Exception: aprslib: ", str(e), ": ", packetstring)
supported_packet = False
packet = {}
search = re.search("^\[\d\.*\d*\] ([a-zA-Z0-9-]*)", line) # snag callsign from unsupported packet
if search is not None:
call = search.group(1)
symbol = '/' # unsupported packet symbol set to red ball
symbol_table = '/'
if supported_packet:
if 'symbol' in packet: # get symbol from valid packet or use red ball
symbol = packet['symbol']
symbol_table = packet['symbol_table']
symbol = '/'
symbol_table = '/'
# extract relevant info lines
if not supported_packet:
info1 = info2 = info3 = info4 = '' # no info in unsupported packet
elif 'weather' in packet: # weather (often contained in compressed/uncompressed type packets)
info1 = round(packet['weather']['temperature'])
info1 = str(int(info1) * 1.8 + 32) + 'F'
info2 = str(packet['weather']['rain_since_midnight']) + '\" rain'
info3 = str(round(packet['weather']['wind_speed'])) + ' m/h'
info3 = info3 + ' ' + str(packet['weather']['wind_direction']) + '\''
info4 = str(packet['comment'])
#print(info4) # position packet
elif packet['format'] == 'mic-e' or packet['format'] == 'compressed' or packet['format'] == 'uncompressed' or packet['format'] == 'object':
info4 = packet['comment'] # fixme: comment is jibberish in all compressed packets
elif 'status' in packet: # status packet
info4 = packet['status']
except Exception as e:
print("Malformed/missing data: ", str(e), ": ", packetstring)
symbol_dimension = 64
offset = ord(symbol) - 33
row = offset // 16
col = offset % 16
y = height // 3
x = width // 3
draw.rectangle((0, title_bar_height, width, height), outline=0, fill="#000000") # erase most of screen
crop_area = (col*symbol_dimension, row*symbol_dimension, col*symbol_dimension+symbol_dimension, row*symbol_dimension+symbol_dimension)
if symbol_table == '/':
symbolimage = symbol_chart0x64.crop(crop_area)
symbolimage = symbol_chart1x64.crop(crop_area)
symbolimage = symbolimage.resize((height // 2, height // 2), Image.NEAREST)
#image.paste(symbolimage, (0, 36), symbolimage)
image.paste(symbolimage, (0, title_bar_height), symbolimage)
draw.text((120, 50), str(info1), font=font_small, fill="#AAAAAA")
draw.text((120, 70), str(info2), font=font_small, fill="#AAAAAA")
draw.text((120, 90), str(info3), font=font_small, fill="#AAAAAA")
draw.text((5, 144), str(info4), font=font_small, fill="#AAAAAA")
#draw.text((5, height - font_epic.getsize("X")[1] - 3), call, font=font_epic, fill="#AAAAAA") # text up from bottom edge
draw.text((5, height - font_epic.getbbox("X")[3] - 3), call, font=font_epic, fill="#AAAAAA") # text up from bottom edge
with display_lock:
# Display loops. list of stations, or a single station on the screen at a time
def list_loop():
call = "null"
# position cursor in -1 slot, as the first thing the loop does is increment slot
#y = padding + title_bar_height - font.getsize("ABCJQ")[1]
y = padding + title_bar_height - font.getbbox("ABCJQ")[3]
x = padding
max_lines = ( height - title_bar_height - padding ) // line_height
max_cols = ( width // max_line_width )
line_count = 0
col_count = 0
while True:
line = f.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
# watch for regular packet
#search = re.search("^\[\d\.\d\] (.*)", line)
#Direwolf lines start with [#.#], or just [#], observed on HF
search = re.search("^\[\d\.*\d*\] (.*)", line)
if search is not None:
packetstring = search.group(1)
packetstring = packetstring.replace('<0x0d>','\x0d').replace('<0x1c>','\x1c').replace('<0x1e>','\x1e').replace('<0x1f>','\0x1f').replace('<0x0a>','\0x0a')
lastcall = call
try: # aprslib has trouble parsing all packets
packet = aprslib.parse(packetstring)
call = packet['from']
if 'symbol' in packet:
symbol = packet['symbol']
symbol_table = packet['symbol_table']
symbol = '/'
symbol_table = '/'
except: # if it fails, let's just snag the callsign
#print("aprslib failed to parse.")
#search = re.search("^\[\d\.\d\] ([a-zA-Z0-9-]*)", line)
search = re.search("^\[\d\.*\d*\] ([a-zA-Z0-9-]*)", line)
if search is not None:
call = search.group(1)
symbol = '/'
symbol_table = '/'
offset = ord(symbol) - 33
row = offset // 16
col = offset % 16
if call == lastcall: # blink duplicates
draw.text((x + symbol_dimension + (symbol_dimension // 8) , y), call, font=font, fill="#000000") # start text after symbol, relative padding
with display_lock:
draw.text((x + symbol_dimension + (symbol_dimension // 8) , y), call, font=font, fill="#AAAAAA") # start text after symbol, relative padding
with display_lock:
y += line_height
if line_count == max_lines: # about to write off bottom edge of screen
col_count += 1
x = col_count * max_line_width
y = padding + title_bar_height
line_count = 0
if col_count == max_cols: # about to write off right edge of screen
x = padding
y = padding + title_bar_height
draw.rectangle((0, title_bar_height + 1, width, height), outline=0, fill="#000000") # erase lines
line_count = 0
col_count = 0
crop_area = (col*symbol_dimension, row*symbol_dimension, col*symbol_dimension+symbol_dimension, row*symbol_dimension+symbol_dimension)
if symbol_table == '/':
symbolimage = symbol_chart0x64.crop(crop_area)
symbolimage = symbol_chart1x64.crop(crop_area)
image.paste(symbolimage, (x, y), symbolimage)
draw.text((x + symbol_dimension + (symbol_dimension // 8) , y), call, font=font, fill="#AAAAAA") # start text after symbol, relative padding
line_count += 1
with display_lock:
if args["one"]: